The Office of the Supreme Leader

IR Leader receives statesmen

Tehran, April 15 - Islamic Revolution Leader, His Eminence Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Sunday morning received statesmen from home and abroad in a meeting held to mark the auspicious birth anniversary of the Noblest Messenger of Allah (S.A.) and his revered descendant Imam Jaafar al-Sadegh (A.S.)

Heads of Three Powers and officials of the Islamic System as well as ambassadors of the Islamic Countries were attending the meeting.

Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated on the birth anniversary of the Revered Messenger (S.A.) and Imam Jaafari al-Sadegh (A.S.) and honored the Week of Unity.

The IR Leader asserted on how significant an issue the fate of the Islamic Ummah is for the immaculate soul of the Noblest Messenger (S.A.). He also touched on the tribulations befallen on the Islamic Ummah in the course of history, noting that the Islamic world has come to its fateful and historically determining point.

"At this juncture, Muslims will come by their happiness, advance and dignity provided that political, scientific and cultural elites of the Islamic world fulfill their responsibilities and help the Islamic Ummah choose the right path of unity and stand-up to bullying powers. Unless this happens, the Islamic Ummah will remain far away from the path of happiness for decades," the IR Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged for Muslim to cherish their invaluable history and legacy as well as their dignity by distancing themselves from chasms and obsession. The Leader also urged for elite figures of the world Muslim to avoid selfishness and carnal desires and feel responsible towards Muslim unity and solidarity, "since enemies of Islam have made large investments to tear apart even the very feeble unity of the current time, for whose attempts, the ongoing situation in Iraq and other parts of the Islamic world is immediate evidence."

Islamic Revolution Leader pointed out that if the Islamic world was united, the Palestinian nation and their ballot-chosen government would have not left alone today under pressure and intimidation and the principal perpetrators of the calamities facing the Palestinian people would have not speak as if the nation owes them.

"On the other hand, the European states who profess to cherish human rights would have not idly looked on the ongoing atrocities against the Palestinian nation in cold blood," IR Leader added.

Ayatollah Khamenei called on the Islamic world to voice their unanimous support for the Palestinian nation and officials as well as their persistence with their platform.

The Leader hailed the Noblest Messenger of Allah (A.S.) as the headspring of love and affection as well as the point of unity of Muslims.

"For the same reason, Zionist-affiliated stooge penmen insulted this bedrock point of the Islamic world," Ayatollah Khamenei said, calling on political, cultural and scientific elites to align themselves with that focal point and make efforts in the path of Muslim unity and unanimity more than ever before.
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