The Office of the Supreme Leader

Int'l consensus is against US arrogance

Tehran, March 26 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei refered Sunday to high ethics and persistance as the two main lessons of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
Addressing thousands of Basij members from all across the country , Supreme Leader said :" Thank to the passionate spirit of the Iranian nation and courage and wisdom of the Iranian officials we will ascend the Islamci Iran to the point which make disappointed enemeis from further confrontation".
The real message behind naming the new Iranian year as the Year of Exalted Prophet is calling for individual and joint efforts by the Iranian nation and officials to realize the high goals of the holy prophet, the Leader said, adding that in the new year everybody should do his or her best to be a real follower for the divine messenger.
Ayatollah Khamenei said any society which is in the grips of envy, malevilence, slyness, greed and other ugly charactristics do not enjoy the real peace and welfare even it has reached to superficial science and civilizaion.

The Supreme Leader said efforts by all people along with ethical teachings in education centers is a must for reaching an ethical-based society but the main factor is love for God , the prophet and his holy household.

Refering the emphesis the Holy Qoran has made on the prophet's and his followers' persistance , Ayatollah Khamenei noted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) led the first generation of Muslims to resist against both inside asperations and outside enemies.
"Today we need such resistance", the Leader added.
Ayatollah Khamenei called standing against the enemies' bullying, threats and promises as the way for reaching progress and dignity, saying the Iranian nation from the start of the Islamic Revolution have demonstrated its resistance and vigilance against the enemies and now has enjoy a respected place in the eyes of both freinds and foes.
The Supreme Leader said enemies may act to some of their threats but the only way for a nation to preserve its identity, intrests and dignity is resistance.
Ayatollah Khamenei described the US and the Zionists as Iran's chief enemies and also refered to concpiracies hatched by Britain and said": They have been lining up aganist the Iranian nation's intersts and are calling it global consensus against Iran but all people know the global consensus is against the US arrogance and its interferences and war-mongeraing".
Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the important role the leaders can play in their nation's resistance and efforts by officials and said:" In the past 27 years the enemies have used any pretexts to confront with Iran. Today they through massive propaganda and dissimination of gossips on Iran's nuclear program are after the same goal".
Before the Supreme Leader's comments the commander of Basij forces, brigadier-general Hejazi briefed the audience of the various aspects of the volutray forces.
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