The Office of the Supreme Leader

Iran owe to the sacrifices of martyrs

Dehlavieh, Khuzestan Province, March 25 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Seyed Ali Khamenei here Saturday said the today, future and dignity of the Iranian nation owe to the devoution and sacrifices of the martyres who defended against Baath regime and foiled their plots.

The Supreme Leader arrived here Saturday, the first official working day in the country after the New Year holidays.

The Supreme Leader was speaking before a huge gathering of people from all walks of life in this southwestern district of a province immortalized by its heroic resistance during the Iraqi-imposed war (1980-1988).

Addressing countries of global arrogance, the Supreme Leader said: "Countries of global arrogance should know that the Iranian nation is as hard as steel and it insists on defending hoisted flag of Islam as a historical duty which the depth of Iranian nation in the Islamic world."

"Women and men of this country, the young and old in this Islamic homeland, and successive generations of this great nation have been hardened by experience," he said.

Today, one-and-a-half billion Muslims all over the world pin their hopes on Islam and Islamic Iran, he said.

The Supreme Leader said the Iranian nation and the Islamic Revolution give great importance to Islamic countries of the region, including Palestine, and those in North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

Ayatollah Khamenei further praised the bravery, enthusiasm and steadfastness of Muslim Iranian youth and referred to Khuzestan as a region where "all calculations of the enemies of Islam failed to materialize."

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the US and supporters of Saddam Hussein during the eight-year Iraqi-imposed war made careful calculations on the path of war but that the bravery and enthusiasm of the Muslim youth and the faith of men and women of this Islamic land caused their calculations to fail.

The Leader praised the memory of the brave defenders of the Sacred Defence, Dr Mostafa Chamran in particular.

Addressing officials of the country, the Leader urged them to serve the great Iranian nation to the best of their ability and added: "Thanks God that today the Iranian government works hard to serve the people across the country."

The Supreme Leader concluded his speech in Arabic, the language spoken by many people in the region.

Dehlavieh, a district in Dasht-e Azadegan region, has seen acts of supreme courage by war heroes like Dr Chamran, Alam ul-Hoda, Khoshnevisan, Abdollah Saki and lesser known soldiers.

Dehlavieh, Talaieh, Chazzabeh, Hoveizeh and Susangerd enjoy special status in the region and over a million of people visit the region annually.
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