The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader met foreign ministry officials

Tehran, March 13 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Tuesday that a sense of Islamic dignity and identity which has emerged in the Islamic world thanks to the triumph of the Islamic revolution is a key element of power for the Iranian nation which must indeed be considered in international relations.

Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei made the remarks during a meeting with Foreign Minister Manoochehr Mottaki and the ministry's ambassadors, deputies, aides, charges d'affaires as well as heads of Iran's consulates abroad.

"The version of Islam practiced by Iran, unlike the Taliban model or the American- or Western culture-inspired model of Islam, enjoys enlightening, adherence to Islamic tenets, innovation and dynamism," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that upon that model a system and people-based government has been established (in Iran) which despite all pressures during the last 27 years has stayed the course and thereby represents an appealing model for the world Muslims to the dislike of the world big powers, the United States in particular.

"Besides, the Islamic faith and spiritual attitude of the Iranian nation and their faith-based presence in the country's different and sensitive situations during past years is a cultural element of the country's power," he said, adding that the nation's spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom-seeking stems from the very Islamic faith with which global powers are filled with fear. He urged for maintaining the attitude.

Pointing to the country's nuclear issue as being part of foreign policy agenda, Ayatollah Khamenei underscored that the Islamic republic of Iran considers going back in the nuclear issue, the great national demand and the Iranian nation's natural right, as but a drawback in the country's independence which may inflict a hefty cost on the Iranian nation.

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized on the necessity to utilize peaceful nuclear technology and described it as the inevitable need of the country's future. The leader also called the technology a superior scientific strength being resulted in progress in different fields. He added that any retreat at the current juncture will be followed by a never-ending chain of pressures and further going back. He arrived at the conclusion that the path is irreversible and so the foreign policy apparatus must courageously defend the right.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the key motivation of America and its certain European minions for hindering Iran from exercising its natural and scientific right is that they are anxious at the nation having achieved higher points of scientific capabilities. He pointed to current rulers of America, saying: "they think they can push through their measures via administering the world by arms or money, but no doubt they will fail to make headway as they conceded loss in the Middle East, especially in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria and Palestine."

Ayatollah Khamenei tied this reactionary outfit's constant defeats to their erroneous accounts of the nations' zeal, resolve and identity, adding "they (the outfit) make many false statements about Iran via their propaganda media which having probably fed their accounts, will lead to their failure.

Referring to the US president's recent remarks about Iran's lack of democracy, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "If there is a place where democracy does not exist, that is America, since all clues of electioneering there is tucked in the hands of a small minority of capitalists, mainly Zionist, and people's vote is useless and many of them decline to vote. This Mr. Geroge W. Bush too has come to power by fraud." Ayatollah Khamenei then mentioned some other issues which mars America's democracy, including US President's unlawful conduct mainly his eavesdropping on public phone calls, his low popularity rate among American people as well as practicing news censorship.

"If American rulers allow their propaganda media to broadcast these realities in full, the size of Americans who voice solidarity with them will cause White House rulers to be intimidated," the Leader underscored.

Concerning the Iraqi developments, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the demands of the Iraqi people and seeks a popular government while occupiers refuse to bow to the Iraqi people's demands and unrightfully put hurdles to their national will as it harms their interests."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that as soon as the occupiers leave Iraq, security will be restored, adding that as per analytical evidence as well as some intelligence, America's and the Zionist regime's intelligence bodies are behind assassinations and bombings in Iraq.

Ayatollah Khamenei called the Palestinian issue as being top on foreign policy agenda, saying: "The Palestinian issue means the victory of a nation in their difficult struggle for restoring their rights and thereby must be dealt with by considering its leads-up and through a long term consideration of the Palestinian developments."

Ayatollah Khamenei deplored the Zionist regime's threats to assassinate Palestinian people's prime minister-designate and denounced the silence kept by Western countries who at the same time cry for democracy as shameful.

"The position of the Islamic Republic is to give spiritual and political support to the Islamic struggle of the Palestinian people and pursue their rights."
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