The Office of the Supreme Leader

Nuclear issue, an excuse at US hand

Tehran, March 9 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei Thursday morning downplayed US continuous hue and cry over the country's nuclear issue and said the Iranian nation will not draw back from its path.

"The Islamic Republic's nation and statesmen, during the last 27 year period and in different junctures, have been tackling problems of the kind. This time as well they will stand up to any pressure and conspiracy whatsoever in as firm a manner as that of tempered steel and keep on their drive toward modern technologies, including nuclear energy, by relying on God, adopting a wise and farsighted approach and maintaining unity and unanimity," the leader told members of the Expert Assembly.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the United States voices opposition to the Iranian nation's use of peaceful nuclear energy mainly for two reasons as seeking an excuse to continue psychological war against the Islamic System and also forestalling Iran's advances in science and technology.

"Americans are well aware that, owing to a strategic spiritual clout Imam Khomeini and the appealing Islamic Republic system hold in the Islamic world, people of every Islamic country will vote to Islamist groups, like what happened in Iraq and Egypt, if elections are held there," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that the realities have made it impossible for them to bear the Islamic system.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution said the Islamic system is sovereign mostly due to some factors including its devout, aware and seasoned nation, its ever-increasing advances, its stable internal system and finally its deep spiritual influence in the Islamic world. He noted that American officials' challenge with the Islamic Republic of Iran is practically manifested in their continued physiological warfare against Iran's system and nation whose excuse to keep on the war for the moment is the nuclear energy issue.

Referring to different excuses Americans have to date found since 27 years ago to continue their psychological warfare against Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that as soon as an excuse died down in different junctures, US dominance seekers sought an alternative one, because they consider continued psychological warfare against the Iranian nation as their most effective way at hand to challenge the Islamic system. The leader arrived at the conclusion that if Iran's nation and government give up their right to use peaceful nuclear energy, the story will come to an end and Americans will churn out other excuses.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched on Iran's continuous cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other world communities regarding nuclear issue, adding, "During the last two and half a year, Iran's government tested every solution to the problem. Finally the Europeans demanded us to suspend any activity in order to enjoy their trust."

Concerning the latter motivation of US officials to make hue and cry (forestalling Iran's advances in science and technology), Ayatollah Khamenei said "in today's world, scientific strength is key to economic and political strength," adding that American by realizing the point, are trying to head off Iran from turning into a scientific power.

Pointing to world countries' drive to produce nuclear energy, the leader of the revolution warned that if the country fails to possess a nuclear energy-generated power system, it will face with many problems. He emphasized on a real need to produce nuclear energy and made officials obliged to give in to no pressure and pursue otherwise Iran's drive toward state of the art technologies, including nuclear energy.

Ayatollah Khamenei asserted on the necessity to follow attentively the enemy's foot path in order to realize its real intentions, saying that the Iranian nation through its repeated experiences of reflection on American's general goals has found that if it compromise on the nuclear issue, they will table academic researches the following day.
"The issue is not nuclear energy alone; but the fussy enemy's stern attempt to prevent Iran's advance, sovereignty and prosperity," Ayatollah Khamenei said, adding that concerning the determining phase of the country and Iran's future, the realities have made it (nuclear energy) a fateful issue which must be seriously followed up even if through facing possible problems until the victory is achieved like what done in other important phases after the Islamic revolution.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that according to NPT protocol, all nations have right to use nuclear energy. He referred to comments by certain Western countries in recognition of Iran's right to utilize nuclear energy and said that recognition of this undeniable and legal right is a superficial, numb and meaningless concession, because the right has been recognized by international conventions, thereby to use it, Iran does not need to Europeans' recognition.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered promotion of unity as the key way to fend off enemies' conspiracies. He touched on US application of every possibility and planning to destroy the Islamic system during the last 27 years and said "in the face of such an enemy, we must close domestic ranks which first of all is tied to maintaining unity, unanimity and intimacy under tenets drawn up by Imam and the Constitution, which is the Islamic nature of the system, the principles of the Constitution, and the structure of the Islamic Republic system with its overall pillars."

Praising the intimacy and unanimity existing in country, Ayatollah Khamenei vowed "more powerful tan ever before and by relying on God, counting on the great nation, adopting wisdom, farsightedness and consultation, and maintaining and promoting the present unity, we will continue the path of resistance, progress and pride no doubt that God's help and contribution like past will await the Islamic system and the great Iranian nation."

In some parts of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei considered the Assembly of Experts as a comprehensive manifest of religious democracy and a selection of knowledgable and elite scholars of the nation. He stated that negative propaganda by Western media about the Experts Assembly shows the body's high significance.
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