The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader meets governor generals

Tehran, Feb 27 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution called governor generals nationwide as 'head of the administration' in their related provinces.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks Monday during a meeting with Minister of the Interior as well as the country's governor generals.

Ayatollah Khamenei touched upon a public preparedness and people's high spirit of joy, optimism and hope inspired by the slogans and agenda of the new administration as well as the interactive disposition of the president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad toward people.

'Governor-generals are the men of service,' Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized, adding, they must call on their ultimate capabilities and efforts to serve people and meet their consent. 'They must never be tired of working for people,' Ayatollah Khamenei said.

The leader held governor generals accountable for the executive affairs as well as progress in work or otherwise, urging them to exhaust all possibilities to push forward relevant affairs. 'Governor-generals must utilize the existing public hope and trust as well as people's readiness and provide maximum service to them via a populous and modest attitude.'

The leader of Islamic Revolution praised President Ahmadinejad and his cabinet for their provincial tours in which they go among people and listen directly to their voice. He described the measure as highly effective, urging the administration for creating a balance between people immediate affairs and long-term projects. He advised the cabinet not to sideline people immediate and real time problems for infrastructural projects as what did during some tenures.

Touching on basic goals of the system, Ayatollah Khamenei called on officials to have spiritual self-guard, recruit zealous and competent workforce, and follow the 20 Year Vision Plan as well as the Five Year Program.

'One must not be intimidated in the path of serving people, because if we stand by the right path of causes and aspirations of the Islamic System, enemies may make no headway.'

Ayatollah Khamenei said that during the last 27 years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been predictable to confront some sort of challenge, because of features which never meet the desires of dominance-seeking powers.

'The Islamic System has come to power featured by leanings toward spirituality and divine religion, international justice, honoring human being and refusing the greed and thirst of power of the world dominance seekers,' the leader said, adding that the Islamic System continues to challenge global bullies until they give up.

Describing the nature of the challenge, Ayatollah Khamenei said 'the dominance seekers, America in particular, are seeking to create discord and insecurity, halt the national scientific movement as well as the wave of providing service to people, draw the government to play around with useless political and factional rows, frustrate people and make them cheerless and draw a wedge in the trust and belief of people in slogans and path of the Islamic System.'

Ayatollah Khamenei urged officials to move unlike the desires and calls of world dominance-seekers in the planning and prioritization of provincial affairs.

Emphasizing that the secret of progress and political, military and attitudinal sovereignty of any country rest on scientific might, Ayatollah Khamenei said 'the good scientific movement which has been kicked off in the country and bore notable and splendid results must be kept on at double speed.'

Concerning the situation in Iraq, the leader said that the United States minds to create discord and insecurity in the country and fake an incompetent image of its democratically chosen government. 'Americans are trying to wage a sectarian and denominational war and the Samarra tragedy is an example of such efforts,' the leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei made a parallel between the Samarra incident and the act of certain Western journals in profaning the revered prophet of Islam (S.A.), adding 'they were willing to forge their goals under the shadow of incitation, but failed otherwise. Because, the blasphemous pictures issue turned into a cause of hatred among the Islamic world toward arrogance and, at the same time, the Samarra incident led to the Shiite-Sunni unity in Iraq and in many parts of the world Muslim.'

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the status of awakening in the Islamic world and urged for maintaining that status. He urged for further enlightening of Muslim public opinion about enemies' plots.

'The Iraqi government, at present, demonstrates the failure of American policies in the Middle East,' he asserted, arguing, 'America minded to bring to power a pro-US government while now an Islamist government which follows up the instructions of the Marjayiah has been established.' The leader said that Americans are trying to disrupt the activities of the new government, vowing that their plots will end up in failure by the vigilance of Iraqi people and officials.

Prior to the remarks of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, the Interior Minister Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, delivered a report on the activities and planning of his ministry.
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