The Office of the Supreme Leader

SCIRIB Members Meet the Leader

In an address to the audience, the Leader stated that the council should make every effort to improve IRIB programs based on an appropriate interaction with the IRIB and within the framework of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution.

Ayatollah Khamenei further noted that the council should exercise greater supervision over the process of program production. He also stressed that IRIB programs, especially films and serials, should be both attractive and beneficial to the viewers and contain morals.

Elsewhere in his statements, the Leader of the Islamic Republic called on the IRIB to embark on the production of worthy and influential programs. He told SCIRIB members that drama and music productions should conform to public culture and Islamic principles.

Speaking at the meeting, SCIRIB chairman Hossein Mozaffar presented a report on the council's activities. He said that members of the council hold the view that there is a need for major improvements with regard to IRIB policy-making, program production, supervision and evaluation.

Some other members of the SCIRIB also expressed their viewpoints on various issues at the meeting.`
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