The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader lauds Hajj organizers

Tehran, Jan 28 - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Saturday lauded the efforts made by the country's Hajj ceremony organizers.

Addressing a group of Hajj ceremony officials, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei called 'spiritual and intellectual changeover' as the main aim of the religious pilgrimage and urged for further cherishing of the precious opportunity.

"Due preparations must be made in order to provide the pilgrims the utmost of the spiritual and cultural benefits during the rituals time," he said.

He underlined that Muslims' ever-increasing interest in the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) arises from its identity as well as the thinking and name of Imam Khomeini (R.A.), noting that the depth of IRI's political popularity among Muslim nations is a reality which must not be ignored in political considerations.

Ayatollah Khamenei described President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's open position toward the significant issues of the Islamic world and the United States as instrumental to Muslims' growing interest in the Islamic system.

"The popularity of the Islamic system will be further revealed whenever affiliated officials go among Islamic countries' people," he emphasized.

In the meeting, Hojjatol-Eslam Mohammadi Rey-Shahri who represents the Supreme Leader in Hajj ceremony affairs briefed the leader on this year's large pilgrimage to Mecca. He touched upon a ceremony of 'disavowal of pagans' as well as seven international gatherings which convened Muslim scholars, noting that growing interest toward the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as widespread hatred of the United States was tangible among Muslim pilgrims during the event.

Mr. Zarhani, head of the Hajj Organization, was another speaker of the meeting who presented a report on the executive affairs of this year's pilgrimage to Mecca.
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