The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader receives members of Social Health Commission (WHO)

Tehran, Jan 17 - The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a visit with the members of Social Health Commission affiliated to World Health Organization (WTO) referred to health as the principles needs of human being.

Ayatollah Khamenei said social elements have the most influential effect on the human health and noted that "despite scientific developments, world community's health situation is concerning and the elements threatening the human being has multiplied".

The Supreme Leader blamed discrimination, injustice and selfishness of world powers as the main cause for the ongoing problems, and troubles faced by world society.

"Hunger, sexual corruption, addiction and alcoholic drinks along with war of nerves launched by propagation apparatus all over the world are the most social elements which threatens health of world today", the Supreme Leader said.

Ayatollah Khamenei praised World Health Organization for setting up working groups responsible for studying the elements which affect the health, and exchanging experiences in different countries and said "while studying the elements, the role of religious belief and moralities should not be neglected because religious faith brings about tranquility of human being".

Touching upon the organized efforts aimed at confronting religious beliefs of nations, the Supreme Leader said various cults, including Islam has precious advices for healthcare and the elements influencing the health which should be employed.

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the health and sanitation index charts in the country and the considerable improvements made after the Islamic Revolution victory and said: Despite all advancements, there is a long way ahead, but because of the importance of justice, we hope for taking good measures for the augmentation of health and sanitation in the country.

Iran's Minister of Health, Treatment and Medical Education Baqeri Lankarani touched upon the medical achievements of the Islamic System and said: Life expectancy in Iran over the past 27 years has risen to 70 from 57 years among men while the score soared to 71 among women. Lankarani said children death rate has dramatically declined from 170 to twenty two children from among 1,000 children.

Also, Social Health Commission chief Sir Michael Marmoth, touched upon Iran's achievements over the past 27 years in health arenas and said the concerning status quo is sparked by social injustice and disequilibrium and said the only solution for the problem is improving social and living conditions in different communities, and therefore, social justice should be seriously taken into consideration.

During the meeting, three members of the Social Health Commission declared their views over global health condition and stressed that "Iran's health development, and specially the key role played by women after the Islamic Revolution victory can be used as an example all over the world.
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