The Office of the Supreme Leader

Thousands of Basijis Meet the Leader

November 28, 2005

Thousands of Basijis, or members of the Basij Volunteer Force (BVF), from different cities and provinces across the country met the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on Monday, November 28.

The meeting was held on the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ja'far-ibn-Muhammad As-Sadiq (greetings be upon him), the founder of the Ja'fari school of thought.

Speaking to the audience, the Leader referred to the similarity and relationship between the profound intellectual, cultural and spiritual movement pioneered by Imam Ja'far-ibn-Muhammad As-Sadiq (greetings be upon him) and the great movement launched by the Iranian people to establish a sublime social edifice based on religious teachings and principles.

"The movement of the Iranian nation is mainly represented by the Basij, and the promotion and deepening of Basiji culture will ensure the country's progress and development," the Leader told the gathering.

Ayatollah Khamenei further hinted at the bitter historical fact that some years after the departure of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his infallible household), the Islamic government deviated from its right path, turning into a monarchy and disregarding noble religious principles and values in society.

"Under those circumstances, the immaculate Imams (greetings be upon them) opposed that extreme deviation in various ways. At the time of Imam Hassan-ibn-Ali (greetings be upon him) and Imam Hussein-ibn-Ali (greetings be upon him), this opposition was in the form of political defiance and direct confrontation," Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

He further stated, "However, at the time of the next infallible Imams (greetings be upon them), owing to the prevalent circumstances, a profound, comprehensive and strenuous movement was launched to deepen religious values and Islamic thought in society and replace the monarchical government with a genuine Islamic government. This movement reached its peak at the time of Imam Ja'far-ibn-Muhammad As-Sadiq (greetings be upon him)."

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Republic touched on the present status of the Islamic world and the material and spiritual backwardness besetting Muslims, despite the fact that Muslim nations possess abundant natural and human resources. He also referred to the suffering of mankind due to the lack of predominance of morality, spirituality and human values in Western societies, although these societies are characterized by considerable scientific advances and worldly progress.

"After the lapse of several centuries, it was the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian people that for the first time presented a government based on Islamic teachings to the world, an Islamic government which is also trying to promote the worldly progress and welfare of the Iranian nation. Indeed, some of the great achievements of the Iranian nation accomplished over the past 27 years are fabulous and extraordinary," the Leader pointed out.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to Basiji culture as the main motive force of the Iranian people's movement on the path to progress and development.

"What is meant by the Basij is the association of dedicated individuals who are offering all their capabilities and potentials in order to contribute to the accomplishment of the noble objectives of the Iranian people, including their major goal of reaching the summit of progress and development, and who are maintaining an active, responsible and ardent presence on all arenas," Ayatollah Khamenei observed.

He further told the gathering, "The Basij represents a lofty culture and a noble mentality and way of thinking in our society. To a greater extent you promote this culture in society and motivate individuals to enter various spheres of activity with increased vigor and enthusiasm, the more successful you will be in ensuring a bright future for our country and nation.”

The Leader noted that Basiji spirit is the kind of spirit that is capable of raising vitality, morale and enthusiasm in all social strata if it is properly fostered and cultivated in society.

Further in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei made it clear that the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation and those who are influenced by the enemies are irritated by the presence of Basijis on various scenes.

“Basiji culture can ensure sustainable progress and development for the country, and it is capable of removing any barrier and impediment that exists in this area. Today, the president of the Islamic Republic and his Cabinet members, Majlis deputies and other government officials all take pride in being Basijis,” Ayatollah Khamenei told the audience.

The Leader described the main constituents of Basiji culture as trust in Almighty Allah and reliance on divine assistance, strong faith, hopefulness, motivation and vigilance.

“The Iranian people through their revolution and their adherence to this culture managed to do away with all the humiliation, hopelessness and despair that had been infused in them over many years under the former regime. Today, the Iranian people, aware of and relying on their numerous talents and capabilities, are making considerable progress in various scientific areas,” the Leader remarked.

He also stated that the great achievements of the Iranian nation in some scientific fields have ranked the Islamic Republic of Iran among the world's 10 leading countries in those scientific areas.

Ayatollah Khamenei further told the Basiji youngsters, “If your generation performs its role at the present juncture well, the country’s future will be ensured for the next 100 years or even a longer period.”

In conclusion, the Leader of the Islamic Republic called on the young Basijis to try to preserve the main characteristics of Basiji culture, which he described as commitment and dedication, awareness and vigilance, motivation, belief, hopefulness and reliance on divine guidance and assistance. The Leader emphasized that anyone who keeps to the right path will surely benefit from divine assistance.

Before the Leader’s statements, the BVF Commander Brigadier General Sayyid Mohammad Hejazi presented a report on the special programs marking the Week of Basij Volunteer Force, especially the glorious display of solidarity by some 9,000,000 Basijis across the country.

At the beginning of the meeting, a mourning ceremony was held on occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ja’far-ibn-Muhammad As-Sadiq (greetings be upon him).
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