The Office of the Supreme Leader

Female Conquerors of Mount Everest Have Cordial Meeting with the Leader

November 21, 2005

A group of female mountain-climbers who had climbed to the summit of Mount Everest and other members of the Iranian mountain-climbing team had a cordial meeting with the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei on Monday, November 21.

In an address to the audience, the Leader described the great achievement of the young female mountain-climbers as impressive and spectacular.

"This glorious accomplishment displays a true picture of existing realities in present Iran, realities such as vitality and progress of the Iranian people, especially youngsters, in various scientific, technological, experimental and political areas which are due to their trust in Almighty Allah and their reliance on their native potentials and capabilities," the Leader noted.

Ayatollah Khamenei further stated, "One really feels proud to see that our faithful young women are capable of giving rise to such a great and splendid event and bringing honor to the Iranian nation. When I was informed that our young female mountain-climbers had ascended to a height of more than 8,800 meters, I felt proud and honored.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Republic pointed out that the presence of brave Muslim Iranian women in the solitude of mountains and their conquering of rough and ice-covered peaks at a height of over 8,800 meters were indicative of strong will and firm determination.

“Indeed, this magnificent achievement reveals the numerous capabilities of our nation and puts them on display before the eyes of the world. The Iranian mass media, especially national radio and television, are expected to publicize this great event in an appropriate manner,” the Leader stated.

Further in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei noted that the brave and striking deed performed by female mountain-climbers would inspire the public, especially youngsters, with firm intention, self-confidence, inclination toward group work and trust in Almighty Allah, and that it would also encourage the public to engage in sporting activities.

In conclusion, the Leader advised the Iranian people to protect their health by participating in various sports and go mountain-climbing to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery in the mountains. He also called on relevant government organs to provide the necessary facilities in order to motivate the public to engage in sporting activities such as mountain-climbing.

Iranian vice president and director of the Physical Training Organization, Mohammad Aliabadi, speaking at the meeting, expressed his gratitude to the Leader of the Islamic Republic for his patronage of athletes and national champions.

Chairman of the Iranian Mountain-Climbing Federation, Sadeq Aqajani, also speaking at the meeting, presented a report on ascending and reaching the top of Mount Everest by female mountain-climbers and other members of the Iranian mountain-climbing team on May 30, 2005 and the adverse weather conditions that existed at the time of their ascent.
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