The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader of the Revolution Speaks at Qur'an Gathering of Distinguished Reciters and Scholars


On the first day of the blessed Month of Ramadan, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution was in a Gathering of Intimacy With the Qur'an with distinguished international reciters and scholars. He spoke about the individual, social, and national need for the Qur'an's healing teachings. He also urged the Qur’anic community to act so that the spiritual springs of the Book of Allah flow into hearts, minds, and ultimately into the behaviour and actions of all people.

Ayatollah Imam Khamenei listened for over two and a half hours to the recitations of distinguished Qur'an reciters and group performances by domestic and international ensembles. He congratulated believers on the blessed month of Ramadan, calling it a truly great festival of the faithful. He praised God for the continuous increase in the number of Qur'anic reciters in the country and observed that society's need for the inexhaustible sources in the Qur'an to address various challenges is both serious and real.

He elaborated on the individual need for the Divine Book, stating that the Qur'an is the cure for all spiritual and moral ailments of humankind—such as envy, miserliness, distrust, laziness, selfishness, worldly desires, and prioritising personal interests over collective well-being.

The Leader of the Revolution also addressed internal societal relations, stating that we must turn to the Qur'an to resolve social issues, including social justice, which is the most crucial matter in Islam after monotheism. Ayatollah Khamenei further described the Qur'an as a clear and precise guide in the international relations arena. He said, "The Iranian nation has no issues with other nations, but today it faces a vast front of disbelieving or hypocritical power-holders. The Holy Qur'an has outlined the approach to dealing with them at different stages—when to engage in dialogue, when to cooperate, when to strike back forcefully, and when to take up arms."

He stated that proper recitation and attentive listening to the Qur'an remove all the aforementioned spiritual ailments, adding, "When the Qur'an is recited and heard correctly, it also instils in individuals the motivation for righteousness and salvation."

Citing verses from the Holy Qur'an, the Leader of the Revolution highlighted that the Prophet's purposes in reciting the divine verses were; tazkiyah (purification), meaning the healing of all ailments of the soul and spirit; teaching the Book, which refers to informing on a comprehensive framework for individual and social life; and teaching wisdom, which means imparting knowledge and insight into the realities of existence. He said, "Recitation is a prophetic act, and in truth, reciters carry out the work of the Prophet."

He observed that one of the key functions of proper recitation is the transformation of Qur'anic concepts into widely accepted principles of thought among the people. He said, "Reciters should recite in such a way that thousands of important Qur'anic themes and topics could become ingrained in the minds and thoughts of the people and serve as the basis for their actions."

Ayatollah Khamenei also described good recitation as a means to increase the Qur'anic literacy of the people and stated, "Recitation, when performed with the observance of its proper etiquette, works miracles in all dimensions."

The Leader of the Revolution pointed out that the most important etiquette of Qur'anic recitation is the genuine feeling of being in the presence of the Almighty. He said, "The Qur'an should be recited with attention to its meaning and in a measured manner (tartīl) so that it can be impactful."

Elaborating on the correct meaning of tartīl, he added, "Tartīl is a spiritual matter; it means reciting with understanding, contemplation, and pauses." He remarked, "Of course, what is practiced as tartīl in the country is good, valuable, and should be promoted further."

In another recommendation, the Leader of the Revolution emphasised that the primary goal of a reciter should be to benefit from and be influenced by the luminous words of Revelation, and only then to impact the audience. He stated, "If this goal is kept in mind, using beautiful vocal embellishments and melodies is not objectionable."

He also remarked, "Today, our reciters, by employing good melodies many of which are not mere imitations bring about humility, remembrance, and glorification in the hearts of listeners."

Another issue Ayatollah Khamenei addressed was the "appearance and outward conduct of reciters." He said, "Along with having good inner character, a reciter's outward appearance should also be good and reflect the demeanour of the people of righteousness and spirituality."

Referring to the travel of Iranian reciters to foreign countries and the warm reception they receive, he regarded wearing Iranian attire in international Qur'anic gatherings as an advantage. He also said, "Another important matter is to refrain from using unlawful melodies in recitation."

The Leader of the Revolution spoke about the various institutions involved, including the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; the Organization of Islamic Propagation; the Endowments and Charity Affairs Organization; the national broadcasting service (IRIB), as well as grassroots groups involved in Qur'anic efforts. He said, "These entities must work in synergy, and the prerequisite for such synergy is adherence to the policies set by the Supreme Qur'an Council."

He talked about high-quality Qur'anic productions and pointed out that the national broadcasting service (IRIB) is responsible for supporting outstanding Qur'anic productions. He added, "Fortunately, the country has made rapid progress in the field of the Qur'an. Compared to the pre-Revolution era, when the Qur'an was neglected and its recitation was limited to a small number of reciters, today, there are skilled and outstanding reciters throughout the country, even in small towns and some villages."

Concluding, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed the hope that by observing these subtle points, the spiritual fountain of the Qur'an would flow into the hearts, thoughts, and actions of the people.

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