The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader Meets with Officials, Islamic Ambassadors, and Unity Conference Participants:


Celebrating the anniversary of the nativity of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Sadiq (as), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with a group of government officials, ambassadors of Islamic countries, participants in the Conference on Islamic Unity, and various segments of the public. He highlighted nation-building as the great lesson of the Prophet and emphasised the elites' role in forming the Islamic nation and the unity of the Islamic world. He said, "With the formation of the Islamic nation, Muslims can use their internal strength to remove the malignant and cancerous tumour of the Zionist regime from Palestine and also eliminate America's domineering influence, control, and intervention in the region."

At the meeting, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei congratulated the attendees on the nativity of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as). He described the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the culmination of prophecy, meaning the final and complete version of human happiness. He said, "The divine prophets are the guides of human progress throughout history. They show the path but awaken human nature and the power of thought and reason, allowing individuals to discern the right way." And added, "Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has brought a complete, comprehensive, and all-encompassing lesson for life, and one of the greatest prophetic lessons for us is nation-building and the formation of the Islamic nation."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the 13-year struggle of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Mecca, including the hardships, difficulties, hunger, and sacrifices of that period and the following migration, were the foundations for establishing the Islamic nation. He noted that today, there are numerous Islamic countries and approximately two billion Muslims worldwide. Still, this group cannot be called a nation because a nation is a collective in harmonious motion and motivated toward a common goal, whereas we Muslims today are divided."

Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the division among Muslims to the domination of the enemies of Islam and because some Islamic countries depend on American aid. He said, 'If Muslims were not divided, they could have formed a united force with the support and resources of each other; this would have made them more powerful than all the major powers, and there would have been no need to rely on America."

He outlined the influential factors in forming the Islamic nation. He said, "Islamic governments can have an impact in this regard, but their motivation is weak. It is the responsibility of the elites of the Islamic world—such as politicians, scholars, scientists, academics, influential and insightful individuals, poets, writers, and political and social analysts—to produce this motivation among the rulers."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, "If, for ten years, the press in the Islamic world had written articles on Islamic unity, if poets composed poems, university professors provided analyses, and religious scholars issued rulings, there would be no doubt that the situation would have changed completely. When nations awake, governments would also be compelled to behave in accordance with their wishes."

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that there are staunch enemies against the creation of unity and the formation of the Islamic nation by exploiting internal divisions within the Islamic community. This is particularly true for religious and sectarian differences, which is one of the most important hostile tactics used to prevent the formation of the Islamic nation. He added, "Our esteemed Imam emphasised unity between Shia and Sunni even before the victory of the Revolution because the power of the Islamic world comes from unity."

He referred to an important point regarding Iran's message of unity to the Islamic world: "If we want our message of unity to be perceived as sincere worldwide, we must act in a united way among ourselves and move towards real goals. Differences in opinion and taste should not affect the cooperation and solidarity of the nation."

Referring to the blatant and shameless crimes of the Zionists in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and Syria, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, "Their targets are not the warriors but ordinary people. When they cannot inflict damage on the fighters in Palestine, they unleash their ignorant and malevolent fury on infants, children, and patients in hospitals."

Ayatollah Khamenei attributed the disastrous situation to the Islamic world's inability to harness its internal power and reiterated the necessity for Islamic countries to sever economic ties with the Zionist regime completely. He said, "Islamic countries should also completely weaken their political ties with the Zionist regime, increase their political and media offensives, and demonstrate their support for the Palestinian people."

At the beginning of the meeting, the President, Dr Pezeshkian, referred to the Prophet’s practice of fostering unity and brotherhood among Muslims. He stated that preventing the aggression and crimes of the Zionist regime requires the brotherhood and unity of Muslims. He said, "If Muslims were united and worked as one, the Zionist regime would not dare to commit the current crimes and the killing of women and children."

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