The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Meets with Turkmenistan's National Leader and Delegation:


In a meeting with Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the National Leader of Turkmenistan and his accompanying delegation this Wednesday afternoon, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution cited the high priority of expanding relations between the two countries. He said, "Relations between Iran and Turkmenistan have significantly improved in recent years, but there are still many untapped potentials for further cooperation that should be utilised." He mentioned that expanding relations based on mutual interest benefits both countries and added, "We hope that with the fresh energy of Dr Pezishkiyan’s government, the efforts to strengthen relations between the two countries will continue with greater intensity and strength."

Referring to the Iranian president's strong motivation to expand relations with Turkmenistan, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that Ms Sadegh, the Minister of Roads and Urban Development, as the head of the joint commission, will also follow up on the agreements between the two countries to ensure they reach favourable outcomes.

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the remarks of the National Leader of Turkmenistan regarding joint projects between the two countries, including the South-to-North Highway project and the Turkmenistan gas pipeline expansion project considering these projects as necessary. He stated that implementing these major projects with the participation of Iranian experts and specialists will bring the already close relations between the two countries even closer.

In the meeting, which President Pezishkiyan also attended, the National Leader of Turkmenistan referred to the two countries as relatives and said, "I had good and constructive discussions with the President in Tehran, and I hope the signed agreements will lead to positive outcomes." The National Leader of Turkmenistan also paid tribute to the memory of the late President Mr. Raisi, highlighting his valuable efforts to expand relations between the two countries. He added, "Turkmenistan's long-shared border with Iran has always been and will continue to be, a border of peace and friendship, and we are ready to expand relations in all areas."

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