The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader stressed at the National Congress of Martyrs of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad:


In a meeting with the organisers of the National Congress of Martyrs of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province at noon 14th of August 2024, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution commented on the tactics the enemy uses in psychological warfare to try to instil fear into the Iranian people and force them into a state of retreat on various fronts.

He said that one way to neutralise this tactic is to understand one's capabilities and avoid exaggerating the enemy's strength. He said, "The martyrs stood firm against this psychological warfare with their sacrifice and struggle, and they neutralised it. In honouring them, we must also highlight and keep alive this truth."

Ayatollah Imam Khamenei identified one of the main tactics of the psychological warfare against Islamic Iran as the exaggeration of the enemies' capabilities. He said, "Since the victory of the Revolution, they have been trying through various methods to instil fear of America, Britain, and the Zionists in our nation."

He recollected that the incredible talent the Imam (may he rest in peace) had was to remove fear from the hearts of the people and instil self-reliance and self-confidence in them. He said, "Our nation believed this, that by relying on its internal strength and capabilities, it has been able to achieve great things, and the capacity of the enemy's hand is not as inexhaustible as they feign it to be."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the enemy's goal in psychological warfare on the military front as creating fear and causing retreat. He said, "According to the interpretation of the Holy Quran, non-tactical retreat in any field, whether military or in the arenas of politics, propaganda, and economic arenas, invites the wrath of God."

He linked the feelings of weakness, isolation, and surrender in the face of the enemy's demands as consequential to exaggerating their power in the political arena. He added, "If governments today that have submitted to the demands of oppressors, whether they are large or small nations, just relied on their own people and capabilities, and recognise the enemy's true power without exaggeration, they can firmly say 'no' to their demands."

The Leader of the Revolution described martyrs and fighters as the elements standing firm against the enemy's psychological warfare. He added: "We must appreciate the youth who, without feeling fear or being influenced by the words of others, stood firm against psychological warfare. This truth should be embodied and kept alive in artistic works and commemorations." He emphasised that cultural and artistic works about the martyrs and the Sacred Defence should be produced, including books and films, in a way that creates a lasting impact, particularly on the lifestyle of audiences and young people. He praised those involved in organising this congress. He said, "The martyrdom and sacrifices of a nation's youth are a great reserve and support for the country's progress, which must be preserved and protected from distortion or forgetfulness."

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