The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader's Message after Warm, Enthusiastic Participation in the 14th Presidential Election:


In a message on the occasion of the 14th presidential election, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution congratulated the Iranian nation, the elected president, and all those who participated in this critical affair. He urged everyone to cooperate and act with goodwill for the progress and dignity of the country, saying, "It would be admirable if competitive election behaviours could transform into friendly norms, and that everyone should strive for the material and spiritual prosperity of the country."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also advised Mr Dr Pizishkiyan, the President-elect, to trust in Allah, to look forward to lofty horizons, and to continue Martyr Raisi's path in utilising the country's abundant capacities, especially the revolutionary and faithful youth.


The text of the Leader's message is as follows:


In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

(He makes a prayer for the Prophet, his Family and the Imam Mahdi)

Praise be to God the Almighty and the Merciful, who, with His will and grace, enabled the great Iranian nation to organise the presidential election scene swiftly after the great tragedy of losing its martyred president within a short legislative term and holding two consecutive free and transparent elections, selecting the country's president with the majority of votes among several candidates.

The esteemed election administration officials fulfilled their duties promptly and with complete integrity, while the beloved people, with a sense of responsibility, stepped up and created a warm and enthusiastic atmosphere, accumulating more than 55 million votes in two stages of voting.

This great movement, in the face of the contrived turmoil of election sanctions that the enemies of the Iranian nation had launched to sow despair and deadlock, is a brilliant and unforgettable achievement. All esteemed candidates and everyone who worked tirelessly day and night for their victory share in its honour and reward.

Now, the Iranian nation has elected its president. I congratulate the nation, the elected president, and all activists involved in this critical event, especially the enthusiastic youth and the campaign teams of the candidates. I urge everyone to cooperate and act with goodwill for the progress and dignity of the country. It is fitting that competitive behaviours during elections be transformed into friendly norms and that everyone strives within their capacities for the material and spiritual prosperity of the country.

I also recommend that Dr Pizishkiyan, the elected president, trust in the Merciful God, set his sights on lofty and clear horizons, and continue on Martyr Raisi's path in utilizing the country's abundant capacities, especially the young, revolutionary, and faithful human resources, for the welfare of the people and the progress of the country.

Once again, I place the political front at the threshold of the Almighty and send greetings and peace to His Excellency Baqiyatullah. May my soul be sacrificed for him, and may we honour the memory of the esteemed martyrs and the great Imam of Martyrs. I extend my respect to all the esteemed candidates and activists who played a role in this sensitive period of elections, as well as to the national media, the guardians of national security, and the electoral and executive supervisory bodies.


Seyyid Ali Khamenei

6th July, 2024

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