The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader's Message to Union of Islamic Student Associations in Europe:


In his message to the Fifty-Eighth Session of the Union of Islamic Student Associations in Europe, Ayatollah Khamenei emphasised the role and impact of these students on significant global matters and that they rely on motivation, faith, and self-confidence in addressing current complex international issues.


The text of the message from the Leader of the Islamic Revolution is as follows:


In the Name of God, The Beneficent, the Merciful


Dear students! Your well-established and esteemed union, along with its continued activism, is a promising occurrence. Your collective presence can, within its capacity, play a significant role in today's complex global issues. Impacting important matters relies more on motivation, faith, and the self-confidence of activists than on any other factor, and this valuable asset, thanks to God, is evident in you, the believing and revolutionary Iranian youth.

You are aware of the important issues and the fresh and old wounds of the world. The latest of these is the unprecedented tragedy in Gaza. Among the most prominent are the moral, political, and social failures of the West, Western politicians, and Western civilisation. The most instructive is the incapacity of the proponents of liberal democracy to establish freedom of speech and their deadly neglect of economic and social justice issues. The faint but hopeful spark of popular protests, especially among students in America and Europe, is also an important current issue. The West Asia region and our dear country are also facing numerous small and large issues. All of these provide grounds for thought, work, and initiative for auspicious organisations like your union.


I pray for your success from God, the Almighty and All-Wise.


Seyyid Ali Khamenei

July 6, 2024

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