The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader of the Revolution meets Intl Congress of Shrine Defender Martyrs' Organisers:


In the meeting, Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, described the shrine defenders as an astonishing and significant phenomenon and a manifestation of the global perspective of the Islamic Republic. He said, "The presence of young people of various nationalities as shrine defenders demonstrates that, more than four decades after its inception, the Islamic Revolution still has the power to recreate the same passion and fervour as it did at the beginning."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, honouring the memory of all martyrs who defended the shrine and the resistance front, especially the martyred General Soleimani, considered the defence of the shrine to be a symbolic aspect of defending the ideology and ideals of the one interred there and the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them). He said, "The lofty ideals of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them), such as justice, freedom, fighting against oppressive powers, and sacrifice and selflessness in the path of truth, have always been sought after by those with a pure conscience. Ayatollah Imam Khamenei cited the student movement at American universities in defence of the people of Gaza as an example of the existence of pure consciences in the world and added, "What is important is that this message of defending the shrine, which is essentially defending the ideals of humanity, should reach the ears of pure consciences around the world."

He considered another aspect of the defence of the shrine as that of the global perspective of the Islamic Revolution, noting, "Any movement, uprising, or revolution that ignores its international and regional environment will undoubtedly suffer. This is evident in how the Iranian nation's movements during the Constitutional Revolution and the nationalisation of the oil industry were harmed and ultimately unsuccessful due to their preoccupation with internal issues and neglect of foreign interference."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, "From the early days of the Islamic movement and the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the esteemed Imam (peace be upon him) was always aware of foreign interference and global and regional perspectives, and he emphasised the necessary warnings and cautions in his statements regarding this matter."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, "From the early days of the Islamic movement and the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the esteemed Imam (peace be upon him) was always aware of foreign interference and global and regional perspectives, and in his statements, he emphasised the necessary warnings and cautions regarding this matter."

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the presence of shrine defenders a manifestation of the global perspective of the Islamic Revolution in countries where the enemy had devised very dangerous schemes. He stated, "The enemy intended to dismantle the Islamic system by occupying the region and simultaneously imposing economic, political, ideological, and religious pressures on Iran. However, a group of faithful youth centred around the Islamic Republic thwarted this extravagant scheme of arrogance."

He said, "It must be noted that with such a perspective, the movement of the defenders of the shrines saved the shrines in Iran and the region. Referring to the brutal, merciless, and inhumane nature of ISIS and groups aligned with it that were formed with the support of arms and propaganda by the United States and the West, he added, "The purpose for the formation of these groups was to destabilise the region, especially Iran, but the defenders of the shrines thwarted this major threat. Ayatollah Khamenei mentioned that another dimension of the movement of the defenders of the shrines was that the strength of the Islamic Revolution was evidenced in the revival of its original enthusiasm and heroism at the beginning of its victory. He said, "The presence of young people who had not seen the Imam and the era of the Sacred Defence but participated in defending the shrines demonstrates the remarkable power of the Islamic Revolution in reviving the same religious and revolutionary enthusiasms of four decades ago.

Referring to the expectations and analyses of some Western intellectual foundations, which were based on the assumption that the Islamic Revolution and its ideologies and ideals would weaken, he said, "The purity, courage, sacrifice, sincerity, and deep belief in religious principles among the youth of the shrine defenders are a remarkable and unparalleled phenomenon. They have underscored that this phenomenon disproves Western-oriented analyses predicting the weakening of the Islamic Revolution and its ideologies and ideals. Such attributes could only manifest through divine grace and the guidance of Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them)."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered events like the February 22nd rallies or extraordinary processions like the funeral of General Soleimani or that of the Martyrs of Service as other manifestations of the revitalised power of the Islamic Revolution. He said, "The martyrs of the Shrine Defenders and their families are a source of honour, pride, salvation, and success for Islamic Iran, and the Islamic Revolution is undoubtedly indebted to these martyrs and their families.

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