The Office of the Supreme Leader

Islamic Revolution Leader Spoke at the 35th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini's Passing:


This morning, at a massive gathering marking the 35th Anniversary of Imam Khomeini's Passing, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution explained the importance and prominence of the Palestinian issue according to the late Imam's views and approaches. He said, "50 years ago, the esteemed Imam made a prediction about Palestine that is gradually becoming true. By nullifying the enemies' extensive plans for domination over the region and the Islamic world, the miraculous Operation Al-Aqsa Flood has put the Zionist regime on the path to dissolution. Under the impressive and faith-based resistance of the people of Gaza, the occupying regime is visibly dissolving away right before the eyes of the world."

Ayatollah Khamenei also praised the special qualities and services of the martyred President and expressed gratitude for the nation's significant and massive turnout in the Martyrs of Service funeral procession. He said, "The epic of the upcoming elections complements the nation's epic procession for the Martyrs of Service. With vibrant participation, high voter turnout, and ethical governance in the electoral competition, God willing, a President who is productive, active, informed, and committed to the principles of the revolution will be elected. This will fill economic and cultural gaps and preserve and secure the interests of the nation in the region and the world."

In a spirited ceremony held at the holy shrine of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the Leader of the Revolution reiterated the purpose of this grand annual gathering. He emphasised its role in renewing the memory of the Imam and drawing lessons from his teachings for the administration and advancement of the country, and the realisation of the Revolution's goals.

In the first part of his speech, Ayatollah Khamenei elaborated on the significance of the Palestinian issue in the thoughts and views of the late Imam. He said, "From the very beginning of the Islamic movement, the Imam laid emphasis on the Palestinian issue; he predicted the future path of the Palestinian people with precision and foresight, which is gradually coming to fruition."

He mentioned two examples of Imam Khomeini's unique foresight: At the very beginning of the Islamic movement, he predicted the downfall of despotic regimes and tyrants. He also predicted the collapse of the communist regime at the height of the Soviet Union's power and repute.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution highlighted the Imam's perspectives on the Palestinian people's victory. He mentioned the Imam's disdain for compromise negotiations, his support for the presence of the Palestinian nation in the arena of action, and the realisation of their rights with the support of all nations, especially Muslims. The Leader added that these significant events are currently unfolding.

He mentioned that Operation Al-Aqsa Flood had trapped the Zionist regime in a corner on the battlefield. He said, "Although the US and many Western governments continue to support this regime, they also know that it cannot be saved."

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted meeting the region's important needs and delivering a decisive blow to the criminal regime as two significant features of Operation Al Aqsa Flood. He said, "America, elements of global Zionism, and some governments in the region had designed a comprehensive and detailed plan to alter the dynamics and interrelationships of the region. Their aim was to create the kind of connections they desired between the Zionist regime and regional governments, paving the way for the regime's dominance over the politics and economy of West Asia and the entire Islamic world."

He continued, “They were on the verge of implementing this evil plan when the miraculous Al-Aqsa Flood began, sweeping away all the systems of America, Zionism, and their accomplices. This has happened in such a way that, with the recent events of the past eight months, there is no hope of reviving that design."

The Leader of the Revolution said that this brutish regime lashes out by committing unprecedented crimes and unbridled cruelty with the support of the US government for these atrocities, at the failure of the massive international conspiracy for Zionist domination over the entire region.

The second feature of the miracle of the Al Aqsa Flood, he said, was that it was dealing an irreparable blow to the Zionist regime. He cited admissions by American and European analysts and experts and even sources affiliated with the despicable regime. He said, "They too acknowledge that despite all their pompous claims, the occupying regime has suffered a severe defeat at the hands of a resistance group and after 8 months has not succeeded in achieving any of its minimum objectives."

Referring to a Western analyst's remark about the power of the Al Aqsa Flood to change the Twenty-First Century, Ayatollah Khamenei said, "Other analysts and historians have also pointed to the turmoil within the regime, massive reverse migration, the inability to protect the residents of the Occupied Territories, and the Zionist project gasping at its last breaths; it is at the beginning of its end."

Referring to the transformation of the Palestine issue into the world's foremost concern and the anti-Zionist demonstrations in London, Paris, and American universities, he said, "For years, American/Zionist propaganda centres and the (legacy) media have tried to erase the Palestinian issue from memory, but because of the Al-Aqsa Flood and the resilience of the people of Gaza, Palestine is now the world's most central issue. America, in the face of the international global consensus confronting it, has become merely reactive and sooner or later will be forced to withdraw its support from the Zionist regime."

The Leader of the Revolution called the tragedies of the people of Gaza, including the martyrdom of about 40,000 people and the massacre of around 15,000 children, infants, and toddlers, a heavy cost borne by the Palestinian nation on the path to salvation from the Zionists. He said, "Through the blessings of the Islamic faith and belief in the verses of the Quran, the people of Gaza continue to endure hardship and defend themselves with remarkable resilience, following the leadership of the architects of heroism and the resistance fighters."

He talked about how the Zionist regime had miscalculated the capabilities of the great Resistance Front, which has led it to a dead end. This has led them to face defeat after defeat, and we pray to Almighty God that they will have no way out of this impasse."

A summary of the Leader's remarks on Palestine was as follows: Despite Western propaganda, the Zionist regime is in dissolution in the eyes of the world and politicians. This includes many Zionists themselves who understand this reality.

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