The Office of the Supreme Leader

Leader stressed this in a session with service martyrs' families:


This morning (Sunday), Ayatollah Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with the families of the Martyrs of Service. He highlighted working for the people, serving the people, and being of the people as the most prominent characteristics of these martyrs, stating, "Night or day didn't make a difference to the late martyr Mr Reisi; he was truly tireless."

Offering condolences to the families of these martyrs, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution also described the late martyr Mr Amir Abdullahian as tireless and said, "The story of the services and efforts of Mr Reisi and Mr Amir Abdullahian on the domestic front and international fronts is a long and detailed."

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted one of the prominent aspects of the late martyr Ale-Hashem, noting his transformation of the Friday prayer. He recollected, "From the time he was appointed as the Friday prayer leader of Tabriz, the late Ale-Hashem transformed the prayer from a purely religious act into a comprehensive act incorporating worship, spirituality, service, and public engagement."

He recalled that one of the most outstanding characteristics of Martyr Mousavi, Martyr Rahmati, and the martyrs of the flight crew was that they were all working and striving for the people. He said that because of this God made them sources of pride for the Iranian nation.

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, pointed to the marches and uprising of the people at the funerals of these martyrs in Tabriz, Qom, Tehran, Shahr-e Rey, Birjand, Mashhad, Maragheh, Zanjan, and Najafabad, and declared, "This magnificent funeral demonstrated that the Iranian nation is alive!"

Ayatollah Khamenei refuted the propaganda and claims of the enemies about there being a separation between the people and the Islamic Republic saying, "This incident, before the eyes of the world, has proven in practice how much the Iranian nation is attached and loyal to the President and those who epitomised the slogans of the Revolution."

He described the late Mr Reisi as the epitome of the slogans of the Revolution saying, "From the very beginning of his election campaign, Mr. Reisi focused on the slogans of the Revolution and the words of the Imam, and the whole world recognised him as the President of the Revolution."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, "When people support and honour this man in such a magnificent way, it signifies their support for the slogans of the Revolution."

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