Purity of Blood Remaining in the Slaughtered Animal
Question 1: Is the blood that remains after slaughtering a sheep and comes out gradually najis?
Answer: If after slaughtering the animal, the blood comes out naturally and completely, then the blood is removed by washing the place of slaughter, the blood remaining in the animal's body which comes out afterwards is pure.
To Pray behind an Imam Who Is Saying Qaḍā’ Prayer
Question 2: Is it possible to say one's prayer behind someone who is saying qaḍā’ prayer? If not, what is the duty regarding past prayers that we did not know about this ruling?
Answer: If the imam of congregation says prayer that is definitely qaḍā’, you may pray behind him. But if he is saying qaḍā’ prayer as caution (that is, he is not certain that he owes this prayer), then you cannot say your prayer behind him. Of course, the previous prayers are correct in furādā provided that no fundamental part (rukn) is increased or decreased.
Doubt about Prostration
Question 3: If a praying person, before getting up for the second and fourth rak‘ah, while getting up (before standing completely), or before starting tashahhud in the second rak‘ah or the last rak‘ah, doubts whether he has performed one prostration or two prostrations, what is the duty?
Answer: One more prostration should be performed.
Doubts in the Actions or Rak‘ahs of Recommended Prayers
Question 4: What is the duty of a duty-bound person in case of doubt about the actions or rak‘ahs of nafilah prayer?
Answer: If he doubts about the actions of a mustaḥabb prayer and its place has not passed, he should perform it. But if its place has passed, he should not pay attention to his doubt.
However, if he doubts the number of rak‘ahs of the recommended prayer, he may choose less or more option unless it invalidates the prayer. For example, if he doubts that he has said two rak‘ahs or three rak‘ahs, he consider it as two, and if one doubts between one and two, he may consider either one or two and the prayer is valid.
Naming a Child
Question 5: What is the best name for my son who is going to be born?
Answer: The best names are those that convey worshiping God Almighty, such as Abdullah, Abdul Rahman, Abdul Rahim and the like, as well as the names of the Prophets and Imams (peace be upon them), the best of which is the name "Muhammad"; rather, for someone who has four children, neglecting the name "Mohammad" is makrūh.
Religious Education for Children
Question 6: Are religious education and teaching Islamic rules and morals to children a shar‘ī obligation?
Answer: It is the duty of the guardian of a child to take care of the child's educational affairs and protect him/her from ideological and moral corruption and from actions which pushes them towards corrupt or causes significant harm to him or others. The mother has the same duty if she takes custody of the child. If parents fail to fulfill their shar‘ī duties regarding the education of their child, they are guilty.