The Office of the Supreme Leader

MONTHLY AHKAM | November 2021

Khums on Capital
Question 1: Considering that the purchase price of the shop goods is different from the sale price, is the criterion for calculating the khums of the shop inventory the purchase price or the sale price?
Answer: Calculate the goods at the price that can be received at the end of the khums year.
To Compensate for Āyāt Prayers Missed during Menstruation/nifās
Question 2: What is the duty of a woman if during her menstruation something happens for which it is obligatory to say āyāt prayer?
Answer: As to āyāt prayers without a definite and limited time, such as an earthquake prayer, it is not obligatory for a menstruating woman to recite the āyāt prayer during/after its time. As to āyāt prayer with a definite and limited time such as eclipses, if she is menstruating during the solar/lunar eclipse from the beginning up to the end, it is not obligatory for her to recite the prayer during/after its time.
The same rule is applied to women during nifās bleeding, i.e. postpartum bleeding during the first several days (mostly 7-10 days) as defined in fiqh.
An Adopted Watan
Question 3: I plan to move to another city to live in after one or two months and choose it as my watan. Having not yet settled in that city, can I say complete prayers there on trips of less than 10 days?
Answer: As long as you are not settled there to live, the prayer is broken.
The Task of a Person Suffering from Obsession
Question 4: I have been suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder for several years, this issue bothers me a lot. This condition is intensifying in me day by day, to the point that I doubt about everything and my whole life is based on doubt. This has caused me to face many difficulties in life, what is my religious duty regarding the things about which I doubt?
Answer: It is your duty to ignore doubt, you have no duty until you are sure of something. A mukallaf should not allow their personal taste to interfere with the rules of Islamic Law. Rather, we must absolutely believe in the commands of the holy sharī‘ah and follow them thoroughly.
Khums on Goods Sold on Credit
Question 5: If I sell on credit something for which I have paid using the income I obtained during the same khums year while I receive the proceeds during the next khums year, are the proceeds subject to khums?
Answer: Its cash price at the time of the transaction is considered as income of the year of transaction and the profit due to its sale on credit is a part of the income of the year of receipt.
Prayer and Fasting in a Temporary Residence
Question 6: Due to heart surgery and special respiratory conditions after that, I temporarily moved to a city with good weather for a year, and if the situation improves, I intend to return home. Is my spouse obligated to say her four-rak‘ah prayers full or in two- rak‘ah prayers in the temporary residence?
Answer: Although it does not have the ruling of watan, but if you intend to stay there for at least one year, you will not be considered a traveler there, and even without the intention of staying for ten days, the prayer is full and the fast is valid.
Obedience to Parents
Question 7: To what extent is obedience to parents obligatory as per shar‘? Do they have to be obeyed in all matters, even in personal life, such as choosing a field of study, etc.?
Answer: Obedience to parents is not obligatory in itself, but opposition to parents should not cause them anguish and considerable distress, for example if it is accompanied by expressing one's disgust, or by rejecting and driving them away.
Khums on Inheritance Appreciation
Question 8: I sold a piece of inherited land after twenty years, am I obligated to pay khums on the appreciation?
Answer: It is not subject to khums. Of course, if you kept the land with the intention of profit and increase in its price, after the sale, according to obligatory precaution, the appreciation - after deducting the inflation - is considered as income of the current khums year. If it remains unspent at the end of the khums year, its khums must be paid.
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