The Office of the Supreme Leader


Association of a Person with COVID 19 with Others
Question1: If a person is afflicted with COVID 19 or has some suspicious symptoms, is it permissible for him to associate with those who do not know about his disease?
Answer: If there is a rational possibility that it will be transmitted to others, it should be avoided.
Change of Nadhr due to Coronavirus
Question2: Considering pandemic of coronavirus disease and the prohibition of gatherings, if someone has made a nadhr to give food during the month of Muharram in processions and mourning ceremonies, is it possible to change this vow?
Answer: If he has not pronounced the vow formula correctly, there is no problem in changing it.
Not fulfilling One's Nadhr due to Coronavirus
Question3: A person has made a nadhr to give food during Muharram month and has also recited the vow deed. But given the current situation of pandemic coronavirus, he does not want to give food, what is his duty?
Answer: If it is possible to perform the nadhr in accordance with the relevant laws and health recommendations, he cannot abandon the vow or change it.
Wearing black
Question4: Some people wear black clothes from the beginning of Muḥarram month to the end of Ṣafar month as a sign mourning for Imam Hussein (as.). Is this still a good thing without being makrūh, even though it takes two months?
Answer: Wearing black clothes during the mourning days of the family of infallibility and purity (as) in order to revere the divine rites and express sorrow and grief, is rewarded by Allah.
Working on the Days of Mourning
Question5: Is it wrong to work on the ninth and tenth of Muḥarram, as well as the days of the martyrdom of the Ahl al-Bayt (as)? What is the ruling if someone needs to work?
Answer: Working on these two days is not forbidden, but it is proper that one mourns Imam Hussein (as) on these days, especially on the day of ‘Āshūrāʾ, and not to deprive themselves of its great reward.
Changing the Method of Fulfilling a Nadhr
Question6: In the current situation of Corona, instead of giving nadhr food like previous years during Muḥarram, can one calculate its price and donate it to charities?
Answer: If the nadhr formula has not pronounced correctly, there is no problem in changing it.
Infant Urine
Question7: Is the urine of an infant impure?
Answer: The urine of an infant is impure and there is no difference between a girl and a boy as far as this ruling is concerned.
Yawning in Prayer
Question8: Is it wrong to yawn or sigh in prayer?
Answer: Sounds produced due to coughing, sneezing and clearing the throat do not invalidate the prayer whether or not it makes some letters.
Defect in Commodities Sold Online
Question9: In an online sale of handmade goods, the buyer only sees the photo of the goods and orders. Is the trade valid if there are minor defects in the goods? Is the income ḥalāl?
Answer: If it is not considered defective as judged by the people and there is no instance of ghash * in the transaction, there is no problem.

* Ghash means deceiving others, by pretending the goods to be more or better.
Wuḍū’ with a Ring
Question10: Is it correct to perform wuḍū’ while wearing a ring?
Answer: If the water reaches all the parts under the ring (although by turning it), wuḍū’ is correct.
Not to Act in accordance with an Istikhārah or to Repeat It
Question11: I made an istikhārah but the answer was not in accordance with what I wanted. Is it permissible to make a new one or to act against its result?
Answer: For making a decision on a matter, it is preferable to ponder about it and to consult experienced trustworthy people. If these steps fail to remove his/her indecision, one can resort to istikhārah.
In any case, acting upon istikhārah is not binding as per shar‘. However, it is preferable not to act against its outcome and as long as the subject and conditions have not changed, there is no reason for re-istikhārah.
Mixing Hand Moisture with Face Moisture
Question12: If while wiping the head, our hands comes in contact with forehead or the hair on the front of the head, is it problematic for our wuḍū’?
Answer: There is no problem, but you should not wipe the feet with the moisture obtained from the hair or forehead.
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