question| What are we supposed to do if we do not have turbah⁎ when performing the prostration of Zīyārat ʻĀshūrā?⁑
answer| You may perform the prostration in any manner possible, and you do this act in hopes that you will receive the rewards or that it may be desired by Allah.
⁎ The clay tablet (referred to in Farsi as muhr) on which Shia believers typically place their forehead when performing the prostration of canonic prayers.
⁑ Zīyārat, which literally means pilgrimage or visit, can denote in its popular religious sense either a pilgrimage to the tomb of a holy personage or a specific canonically prescribed text—comprised of certain formulas, prayers, and salutations—that is recited by a pilgrim at a particular pilgrimage site or at any given pilgrimage site. Zīyārat ʻĀshūrā is the name of one of the most popular and frequently recited “pilgrimage-texts” whose primary occasion of recitation is at the Shrine of Imām Ḥusayn on the Day of Ashura.