The Office of the Supreme Leader

In meeting with people from Qazvin, Zanjan and Semnan provinces:

Leader: The establishment and nation winners of elections

In important remarks on Wednesday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei described the Friday elections as a national festivity and a grand popular epic and a manifestation of the modern and attractive ideology of Islamic democracy before the eyes of the world and stressed the necessity of an enormous presence at the ballot boxes, saying, “The main winners of the election are the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic establishment regardless of who wins the vote on Friday.”

In important remarks in a meeting with thousands of people from Qazvin, Zanjan and Semnan provinces, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei this morning (Wednesday) described the Friday elections as a national festivity and a grand popular epic and a manifestation of the modern and attractive ideology of Islamic democracy before the eyes of the world and stressed the necessity of an enormous presence at the ballot boxes, saying, “The main winners of the election are the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic establishment regardless of who gains the votes on Friday.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed satisfaction with the atmosphere of election passion and enthusiasm taking hold of the country, reiterating, “Any round of the elections is, in fact, the scene of the shining of the Iranian nation and a great popular epic, which will increase the nation’s dignity and national might.”

From another perspective, Ayatollah Khamenei described elections as showing off the modern and attractive ideology of Islamic democracy before the eyes of the politicians in the world, adding, “Religious democracy was a new experience offered to humanity by the Islamic Republic establishment and the dear [founder of the Islamic Republic late] Imam [Khomeini] and the Iranian nation will on Friday once again expose to the world eyes the crystallization of this modern ideology.”

The Leader stressed that the elections will on Friday be the focus of two groups in the world, saying, “On the one hand, officials and various institutions in the US, Europe and regional governments following the US and the officials of the Zionist regime will monitor the elections to see how and with what spirit and on what scale the Iranian people would enter the election arena and on the other hand, the regional nations will pin their eyes with admiration and envy on the presence of the people on Friday to once again observe the glory of the Iranian nation and the freedom offered by the Islamic establishment and religious democracy.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed, “Therefore, if the presence of the people is weak in the elections, there will be one sort of judgment and decision, but if the presence of the people in elections is wise, strong and marked by huge turnout, the judgment would certainly be of a different kind.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described elections in various rounds as facilitators of rejuvenation and the display of another greatness of the Islamic establishment and stressed, “Election Day for the Islamic Republic establishment is the ‘day of national celebration, jubilation and passion’.”

The Leader pointed to the widespread insecurity present in the West Asia and North Africa, saying, “In such an insecure environment, the Islamic Republic of Iran through the grace of God, is preparing for holding elections in complete peace and security and this issue is very important, the value of which must be appreciated.”

Stressing the fact that the atmosphere of freedom, the influential atmosphere of the public vote and the current calm and secure conditions are indebted to the Islamic Republic establishment, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, “Although some people take advantage of this free atmosphere but deny it with ungratefulness, the fact that the Iranian nation participate in the elections with complete freedom and their vote and decision are influential in the election of the most senior executive official in the country and urban managers is a very valuable issue which we have to appreciate.”

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated, “Holding free and competitive elections and people voting to elect a president is a dream for many of our regional nations whose governments are supported and dominated by the US.”

He cited the presence of the people on the scene and at the ballot boxes as the bearer of two important messages, saying, “The first message of participation in the elections is ‘the demonstration of the confidence and interest of the people in the Islamic Republic establishment,’ and the other message is ‘displaying the aliveness, involvement and resolution of the Iranian nation’.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed, “The more the presence of the people at the ballot boxes and the more the present discipline and commitment to law, the more the dignity and honor of the Iranian nation would be preserved before global observers.”

Ayatollah Khamenei described as very important the observation of discipline and commitment in the three stages of “pre-election, Election Day, and post-election,” adding, “The Iranian nation has experienced how beneficial to it the observation of this discipline is and how harmful indiscipline and violation of law are.”

He stressed that on Friday and with the vote of the people, one person would be chosen among the candidates, reiterating, “I don’t believe in [the idea of] winners and losers in elections, because the main winner of the election are the Islamic Republic establishment and the Iranian nation [regardless of] of who gains the votes.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to the seriousness of the executive and supervisory bodies in the elections and institutions safeguarding security in carrying out their duties, saying, “All of these bodies are reliable and are in coordination with each other, but I advise them once more that the vote of the people is entrusted with them and must be safeguarded.”

Ayatollah Khamenei added, “There may be some people who would want to commit violations and the monitoring, executive and security providing bodies, although they are trustworthy and approved, must be fully vigilant.”

The Leader pointed to the fact that the enemies of the Iranian nation are closely monitoring the elections, reiterating, “The countenance of the Iranian nation against ill-wishers should be a resolute countenance with firm resolve for decision-making and, at the same time, a countenance of confidence, might and calm.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to some inappropriate remarks made during the election campaigning, saying, “Although these remarks did not befit the Iranian nation, the presence of the people will settle these issues and these comments will leave no impact.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, “God willing, the Iranian people, both men and women, will participate in the elections on Friday across the country and bestow dignity upon the Islamic establishment with this presence and through displaying their firm resolve.”
Continuing, Ayatollah Khamenei made an important recommendation to the supporters and campaign headquarters of election candidates, saying, “The candidates’ fans and their headquarters should remain composed and disciplined, because these few days of life and worldly affairs will end and what will remain is our actions and divine judgment. Therefore, everyone should engage in election campaigns and rivalry by bearing in mind the divine approval and the purification of their motives.”

Stressing the fact that if the election campaigns are conducted with the aim of divine satisfaction, God would bestow blessing upon them and what is in the interest of the Iranian nation will occur, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution added, “Everyone is duty-bound to abide by the law and observe the legal discipline and implement it.”

Ayatollah Khamenei added, “Despite various periods and conditions in the world and some probably improper or incomprehensive performance by the officials, the Islamic establishment has moved ahead in nearly four decades and the great movement of the Islamic Republic and the presence of the people has done its job.”

He stressed, “This progress will continue day by day and the Islamic Republic will see the day when the enemies lose hope and give up their nonsense and irrelevant remarks.”

At the conclusion of the discussion of the election, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed hope that God Almighty would give Friday’s big test special regard and bestow blessing upon it and bring about whatever is in the favor and interest of the nation and country.

At the beginning of his speech, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the month of Sha’ban as the month of prayer, supplication and preparation for the divine feast in the auspicious month of Ramadan, adding, “The remaining opportunity of the month of Sha’ban must be used and one must enter the realm of spirituality and divine blessing and the beloved youths with their innocent and pure hearts are more prepared to take advantage of this divine opportunity and blessing.”

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