The Office of the Supreme Leader

Ayat. Khamenei in meeting with Sweden’s prime minister:

US, many European powers played role in Syria, Iraq crises

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei met with visiting prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, in Tehran on Saturday. During the meeting, the Leader pointed to numerous potentialities for the promotion of cooperation between the two nations, adding, “We welcome expansion of relations between the two countries in all fields and hope that [the result of] negotiations and agreements achieved [by the two sides] would be realized in practice as well.”
Describing the current level of relations between Iran and Sweden as being much lower than what should be in view of their existing potentialities, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “Due to its longtime relations with Iran, Sweden is a reputable country in the eyes of our people, and this optimism that the two nations have toward each other will serve as a good ground for further development of cooperation.”

Referring to various visits and negotiations held by some European governments in Tehran over the past one and a half years and the fact that many agreements reached during those visits have not been realized in practice yet, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution told the Swedish prime minister, “You are known as a man of action and practical steps and it is expected that you act in such a way that agreements will not merely remain on paper.”

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted that “educated, vibrant and ready-to-work youths as well as an energetic nation with high resolve and determination” was Iran's most important potentiality. Ayatollah Khamenei then referred to glorious nationwide demonstrations held on February 10 to mark the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and noted, “Elsewhere in the world, anniversaries of revolutions are just held ceremonially through military parades in presence of a group of elites and politicians. But in Iran, the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution is a real festive occasion, marked by people themselves and is attended by all walks of life.”

The Leader stated that the enthusiastic and exemplary presence in nationwide demonstrations was an amazing and unique sign of vibrancy and preparedness of the Iranian nation and pointed out, “Those analysts, who pass a judgment on Iran from afar, are unable to understand this grandeur.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also pointed to the Islamic Republic of Iran's positive vote for Sweden’s membership at the United Nations Security Council and said, “The Security Council is an important potentiality, which is unfortunately held hostage by some big powers. At the same time, however, efforts can be made through a constructive role [of its members] to prevent this institution from enforcing double standards.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the root cause of the current problems in the region was interventions by some big powers and added, “The US and many European powers have played a role in creating bitter events in Syria and Iraq, and being aware of these interventions, regional people are correctly suspicious of them.”

The Leader emphasized that the solution to regional problems existed inside the region and after referring to the improving situation in Iraq as an example, he noted, “It is possible to solve the problem of Syria in a similar way, but a requisite for doing this is to cut support for terrorism and warmongering.”

Ayatollah Khamenei said the presence of ambassadors from some Western countries among groups opposing the Syrian government and the generous supply of arms to them at the beginning of opposition moves in Syria were examples of problematic foreign intervention in the Arab country and said, “In order to solve a problem, its root cause must be identified first and then a remedy be thought of.”

During the meeting, which was also attended by Iran's President Hassan Rouhani, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, described his trip to Tehran as an important and historic trip. Assessing his bilateral negotiations in Tehran as positive, he added, “We discussed economic relations and important regional issues and we will try to put agreements in action.”

Löfven then pointed to Sweden’s membership at the United Nations Security Council, noting, “We accepted membership of the Security Council in order to do something effective and different and for this reason, we have supported positions taken by nonaligned countries in this capacity.”
The Swedish prime minister then emphasized the important role played by nations, especially educated and active youths, and said, “Iran's young population is a very valuable capital and asset.” 

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