The Office of the Supreme Leader

In his Norouz message

Ayatollah Khamenei: Economy of Resistance Can Help Fight Joblessness, Stagnation 

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a message on the occasion of the start of the year 1395 on the solar calendar, offered congratulations on the advent of New Year and Norouz fete to all Iranians and compatriots, particularly the esteemed families of martyrs and war veterans. Also commemorating the martyrs and the founder of the Islamic Republic the late Imam Khomeini, Ayatollah Khamenei named the New Year the Year of “Economy of Resistance; Practical Steps and Action”. 
Pointing to the fact that the auspicious birthday of Fatima Zahra (SA) is marked twice, both at the beginning and the end of the year 1395, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed hope that this year would be a blessed year for the Iranian nation so that everyone, by benefiting from the spiritual character of that great lady, would learn a lesson from her guidance and lifestyle.
In his assessment of the past year, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the year 1394, like other years, as a year filled with both “sweet and bitter memories”, “ups and downs” and also “opportunities and threats”, saying: “From the bitter ‘Mina mishap’ (the deadly stampede in the holy city of Mecca in September) to the sweet ‘Bahman 22 (February 11) rally (marking the 1979 victory of the Islamic Revolution) and Esfand 7 (February 26) elections (for the Islamic Consultative Assembly and the Assembly of Experts)’ and also the ‘experience of JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which is the official title for Iran’s nuclear agreement with six world powers) and the hopes it inspired and concomitant anxieties’ were all among the events of the year 1394.”
Highlighting hopes, opportunities and threats lying ahead in the New Year, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The great job will have been done if we benefit from these opportunities in the proper sense of the world and turn threats into opportunities, such that by the end of the year, tangible differences will be seen in the country. Of course, for the realization of wishes, we have to make ‘efforts’, ‘round-the-clock work’ and ‘ceaseless endeavors’.”
Elucidating the main point in the general drive of the Iranian nation, Ayatollah Khamenei said: “The Iranian nation must take measures to no longer be vulnerable to the enemies’ threats and vulnerability to the enemy would be reduced to nil.” 
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the top and urgent priority in this important drive would be the issue of “economy”, adding: “If the nation, the administration and all officials could take correct, to-the-point and solid-based measures, there would be hope that other sectors like ‘social issues and traumas’ and ‘ethical and cultural issues’ would be influenced too.” 
Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted “domestic production”, “creation of jobs and eradication of unemployment”, “economic motivation and boost and tackling stagnation” as the main issues in the economy, saying: “These are among issues which people are suffering from and people are feeling them and demanding [remedies to] them, and [official] statistic and officials’ remarks also indicate that these demands of people are to-the-point and justified.” 
Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the “Economy of Resistance” as the remedy to prevailing economic problems and people’s demands, saying: “[Armed] with the Economy of Resistance, one can combat unemployment and stagnation, curb inflation, resist against the enemies’ threats and create myriads opportunities for the country and benefit from them.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the precondition to reaching these successes was making efforts based on the Economy of Resistance, adding: “The administration’s reports show that good job has been done in this regard, but that has been just preparatory and limited to directives and instructions to different organs.” 

Ayatollah Khamenei said the Iranian officials are obligated to take “practical action” on the issue of the Economy of Resistance, and stressed: “It is necessary that implementation of the plans of the Economy of Resistance and [relevant] actions would continue and the product ‘on the ground’ would be shown to the people.”
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the “Economy of Resistance; Practical Steps and Action” as a direct and illuminate path towards meeting the country’s needs and offering gratitude to all contributors to this sector. Ayatollah Khamenei added: “Of course, actions and deeds are not expected to resolve all the problems in just one year, but if action and deed are accompanied by correct planning, the results and effects will definitely be tangible by the end of the year.” 

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