The Office of the Supreme Leader

In a meeting with Kyrgyzstan’s President

Ayatollah Khamenei Calls on Muslims to Close Ranks Against Bullying Powers

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in a meeting on Saturday with Kyrgyzstan’s President Almazbek Atambayev, underlined the necessity to further strengthen bilateral relations between brotherly and Muslim nations, noting: “The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is based on increasing communications and [establishment of] all-out and strong ties between brotherly Muslim states.”  
During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei described opposition to the imposition policy of bullying powers as a divine and Islamic principle.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution also highlighted the shutdown of a US airbase in Kyrgyzstan and the necessity of countering the bullying policies of global powers, saying: “Hegemonic and aggressive powers constantly conspire against all nations in the world; but, Islam seeks the dignity of Muslims nations, and the sole way to oppose and ward off the evil [influence] of [global] powers is steadfastness and strengthening of relations among Muslim countries.”
Ayatollah Khamenei also stated that it is possible for the two countries of Iran and Kyrgyzstan to boost their cooperation in different sectors, including in the field of road construction, adding that this issue depends on existence of determination for the establishment of strong ties.
During the meeting, which was also attended by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, President Atambayev expressed satisfaction with his visit to Tehran, saying: “Iran and Kyrgyzstan are two brotherly nations with religious, historical and cultural commonalities, and the spirit of freedom and independence-seeking exists in both nations.”
He called for the expansion of the two countries’ relations in the fields of transportation, construction of roads and railways, and establishment of air corridors between the two countries, saying: “The level of relations between the two countries must be much higher than what it is now.”
Referring to the shutdown of the US military base in the Manas region of Kyrgyzstan and the abrogation of a cooperation agreement with that country, the Kyrgyz president said: “No country in the world is entitled to consider itself above others and impose unjust sanctions against other countries.”
“With [only] some 200 years of history, the country of America wants to impose its own will on a country like Iran with a civilizational and historical background of 5,000 years, which is not possible,” added Atambayev.
He also heaped praise on the Iranian government and nation for resistance against the US, saying: “Not only was Iran not destabilized under the sanctions, but it also become stronger, and we consider the Islamic Republic as a model for us.”

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