The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Emir of Kuwait

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Monday morning with Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah, the Emir of Kuwait, and his accompanying delegation. President Rouhani was also present in the meeting. Speaking at the meeting, the Supreme Leader described the Persian Gulf and its security as very important, reiterating: "The security of this area depends on healthy and good relations among regional countries."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: "Friendship and healthy relations among regional countries is beneficial for the entire region. But if this principle is not observed, then the differences among regional countries will be a source of happiness for common enemies."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the increasing brazenness of the Zionist regime is because of a lack of healthy relations among regional countries, adding: "The Islamic Republic of Iran has always received regional countries with open arms."

His Eminence stressed that strengthening relations between Kuwait and Iraq is to the advantage of the region, saying: "On the issue of the developments in Syria, the Islamic Republic of Iran will accept whatever decision the people of Syria make."

Referring to the danger that takfiri groups have caused, he stated: "Unfortunately, a number of regional countries are not aware of the danger that takfiri groups will cause for them in the future and they are still supporting these groups."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "In the present time, a number of regional countries are supporting the crimes of takfiri groups in Syria with their assistance. But in the not too distant future, these groups will be the ruin of the countries which are supporting them and in the end, they will have to destroy them by paying a high price."

Elsewhere in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the economic and financial relations between Iran and Kuwait and reiterated: "The ground is prepared to develop the economic relations between the two countries. A new page in the economic relations of Iran and Kuwait should be opened."

Sheikh Sabah described the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution as a mentor and guide for the entire region, stressing: "Kuwait is completely prepared to open a new page in the relations between the two countries. In the Tehran negotiations, we reached an agreement to increase the level of economic and financial relations."

Highlighting the necessity of strengthening unity and solidarity among regional countries and confronting extremism, the Emir of Kuwait described the relations between Kuwait and Iraq as very good and he referred to Iraqi officials as the friends of Kuwait. He expressed hope that the issues and problems of Syria will be solved by peaceful means and according to the wishes and requests of the people of Syria.
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