The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Sultan of Oman

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Monday morning with the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said, and his accompanying delegation. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence referred to the friendly and warm relations between Iran and Oman, stressing: "There are many areas - particularly areas related to gas - in which the two countries can develop their relations even more than before."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described Oman as a good and true neighbor for the Islamic Republic and added: "The Middle East region is in a sensitive and dangerous situation. This requires more harmony between the two countries."

Ayatollah Khamenei described the conditions of the region as critical, saying: "The reason for the current situation in the region is the different kinds of interferences caused by countries outside the region."

His Eminence stated that one of the dangerous issues in the region is the effort to entangle religious and denominational issues in the political conflicts of Muslim countries. He reiterated: "Unfortunately, with the support of a number of regional countries, a certain group which engages in takfirism has been formed. This group is confronting all Muslims however the supporters of this movement should know that this fire will burn them too."

He stressed that the Zionist regime is a constant threat in the region and it is fully supported by America, further reiterating: "With its large stores for collecting extremely dangerous weapons of mass destruction, the corrupt Zionist regime is a serious threat for the region."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said: "The region needs public security and this goal will be achieved only if there is a genuine effort to prevent weapons of mass destruction from being built in the region."

In this meeting in which President Rouhani was also present, Sultan Qaboos expressed joy at meeting the Supreme Leader and stated that considering the historical and cultural connections between Iran and Oman, these two countries have good relations. He added: "During negotiations with the President of Iran, we discussed the ways to develop our relations in different areas such as economic areas, areas related to transit and particularly areas related to gas."

Confirming the statements of the Supreme Leader about the existence of a sensitive and dangerous situation in the region and the threat of the Zionist regime, he stressed: "The way to handle this situation is to take the interests of the people of the region into consideration and this requires cooperation between regional countries."
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