The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader's Edict Approving Presidency

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution formally approved the presidency of Hojjatoleslam Hassan Rouhani. The following is the full text of this edict issued on August 3, 2013.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Giving thanks to All-Knowing and Mighty Allah and offering my greetings to the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.) and his blessed household, I would like to congratulate the great people of Iran on a new beginning of the heavy responsibility of services and executive work in the country. Bowing humbly to the blessings of Allah the Exalted - whose assistance and guidance bestowed on this nation the ability and determination to create another epic - I place my forehead on the ground in gratitude.

The Iranian nation feels proud because for many consecutive years, it has walked the path of Islamic democracy with motivation and enthusiasm and in each era, it has made the evergreen and fruitful tree of Islamic democracy develop roots and stand higher. In these elections too, the Iranian nation adorned the arena with its auspicious presence and it gave a decisive and meaningful response to the enemies who made all kinds of political and propaganda efforts to discourage the people.

The widespread participation of the people and their electing a competent person - who has a record of rendering valuable services to the Islamic Republic and who has displayed fierce resistance as a cleric, against the enemies of the Revolution since the time of revolutionary activities until decades after the victory of the Revolution - conveyed very clear messages to everybody.

It conveyed the message of unswerving loyalty to the Revolution, the message of trust and confidence in the Islamic Republic, the message of trust in the brave and leading clergy and those who render services with determination and innovation and who want to increase achievements and decrease problems.

What the Iranian nation has always gained from an enthusiastic and peaceful participation in any election is not only playing a role in the management of the country and electing fresh officials for a new administration. It is something beyond this. What the Iranian nation has gained is political maturity. Such maturity has combined national power with rationality and reasoning and it has made public opinion in the world place the Iranian nation in a high position of dignity and magnificence. Those who have wished to undermine such praiseworthy courage with their insinuations and question the legitimacy of ballot boxes and its legal procedures have - each time in a different way - faced the firm determination of the Iranian nation.

Now that the people of Iran have elected, through their vote, a knowledgeable personality - who is experienced in different arenas, who has a diverse background in jihadi arenas and who is proud of his religious and political responsibilities - to the executive management of the country, I follow the lead of the people and approve their vote.

I appoint Hojjatoleslam Dr. Hassan Rouhani as the president of Islamic Iran and I ask Allah the Exalted to help him make great achievements in carrying out this valuable and heavy responsibility. It is evident that this approval remains valid as long as he is steadfast in treading the right path which he has trodden so far - that is to say, the path of following the ideals of the Islamic Republic, defending the rights of the Iranian nation and showing resistance against arrogant oppressors. By Allah's favor, he will continue to follow the same path.

I advise the honorable president to ask God Almighty for help, show piety, bow humbly before Allah the Mighty and the Exalted and rely on Him and benefit from the considerable experience and the great capacities and achievements which exist in our country and I hope that he will benefit from divine guidance and public support.

Greetings be upon all the righteous servants of God

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
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