The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Government Officials

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Saturday evening with President Ahmadinejad and cabinet members. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described the government's effort to give prominence to the slogans of the Revolution in domestic and international arenas as one of the praiseworthy characteristics of the current administration. He expressed his gratitude for the efforts of President Ahmadinejad and his colleagues.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the reports delivered in the meeting as the manifestation of the services rendered by the administration, reiterating: "It is necessary that the people hear about these reports."

Referring to the efforts of some opponents, foreign networks and some people inside the country to play down the significance of the services which were rendered by the current administration, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Some people even deny a number of tangible services that the administration rendered, but what is important is to record and mention the efforts of the government in the general atmosphere of the country."

His Eminence pointed to the great efforts that the current administration has made, adding: "You worked hard for eight years. Many great things were done. You showed that you have the capability to endure hard work. This was seen and felt. Everybody found out that, compared to other administrations, the honorable President and his colleagues worked - and are still working - more and faster. This is an outstanding point which should not be ignored."

He mentioned that the current administration always tried to avoid granting itself the privileges that officials in other countries enjoy, further stating: "Ignoring privileges, making ceaseless efforts and refusing to rest and relax are the great advantages of this administration and everybody who wants to make a judgment should pay attention to these valuable points."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that it is necessary to express and give strength to the slogans of the Revolution. He added: "The anti-revolutionary camp has made many efforts to undermine and eliminate these slogans and to gradually turn them into anti-values, but it has been unsuccessful. The main reason for its failure is the vigilance that our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) showed in expressing and preserving these slogans."

Ayatollah Khamenei described Imam's (r.a.) testament as a comprehensive summary of values which he was trying to establish. His Eminence called on officials to constantly refer to this testament, adding: "The statements and writings of Imam (r.a.) are the basis of the Revolution, not some falsehoods which can be distorted or changed."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his gratitude for the administration's effort to give prominence to the slogans of the Revolution in domestic and international arenas. He added: "This administration expressed these slogans, gave prominence to them, held them up and felt proud of them. In international arenas, it did not feel ashamed of its revolutionary motives, goals and methods. This was a very great task."
He called on government officials to adopt revolutionary positions in all their future activities, saying: "It is necessary for people like you, who are competent managers, to preserve their revolutionary outlook in their activities."

President Ahmadinejad also expressed his gratitude to Ayatollah Khamenei for the support that he provided and the kindness that he showed towards the ninth and tenth administrations. Addressing the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, he said: "In all conditions, all of us are at the service of the Revolution, the country and Your Eminence."

He described being committed to the principles and values of the Revolution, rendering sincere services to the people and showing diligence as the outstanding characteristics of the ninth and tenth administrations. He stressed: "During the past eight years, a new generation of committed and competent managers were introduced to our society."

President Ahmadinejad added: "In the current administration, we tried to provide the country with a group of revolutionary and Islamic managers whose most outstanding characteristic is respecting and supporting the people and rendering services to them."

He reiterated: "The ninth and tenth administrations entered the arena of rendering services to the people with all their power. These administrations implemented many plans which had remained unfulfilled."
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