The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader’s Message on Epic Presence of People in 11th Presidential Elections

The following is the full text of the message issued on June 15, 2013 by Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the occasion of epic presence of the people in the 11th presidential elections.

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Dear People of Iran,

The epic and enthusiastic elections on Friday, 24th of Khordad, was another astounding test which exhibited the determined and hopeful face of Islamic Iran to friends and enemies. Increasing political development and insistence on sincere religious democracy is a brilliant truth that was proven once again through your massive presence at the polling stations and it shattered the fabrications and nonsensical comments by the enemies and by envious and greedy people.

Your epic presence exhibited the firm bond between Iran and Iranians and the Islamic system to all the ill-wishers who are after breaking and undermining this trust and this holy bond by resorting to hundreds of political, economic and security machinations.

In yesterday's elections, pious and proud Iranians painted a picture of their massive capacities with utmost beauty and skill in their dignified and wise confrontation with the psychological warfare of the players of domination and arrogance, and they insured their country and national interests and their promising future.

The true winner of yesterday's elections is the great Iranian nation, which through Allah's might and power managed to take a firm step and put on display an impenetrable essence, a dynamic and determined face and a hopeful and pious heart.

Bowing humbly to the mercy of All-Knowing and Wise Allah, I put my forehead to the ground and I call on myself and you to remember and be thankful for this great blessing. Offering my sincere respect and greetings to the Imam of the Age (may my soul be sacrificed for his sake) and congratulating our dear nation and the elected president, Hojjatoleslam Hajj Sheikh Hassan Rouhani, I would like to address a few points to him and the Iranian people:

1-Now that political valor and its peak on the 24th of Khordad has come to a close with the victory of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic, the excitement and fervor of the days and weeks of competition should give their place to cooperation and friendship, and supporters of the rival candidates should strive for the position they deserve in the test of patience, dignity and wisdom. No feeling, be it a feeling of happiness or otherwise, should make anybody act or speak in a way that is removed from wisdom and prudence. Do not let the ill-wishers use feelings of the people as a means to achieve their evil wishes. National unity, benevolence and clemency support national security and foil the enemies' plots.

2-The elected president is the president of all Iranians. In order to achieve the great values that the president and his colleagues in the executive branch are committed to and responsible for actualizing, everybody should help them and cooperate with them sincerely.

3-After weeks of speaking and listening, it is time now for work and action. The elected president has a valuable opportunity before the day he officially accepts the responsibility and it is appropriate to make the best of this opportunity and to immediately start doing the things that are required for taking on the great responsibility as president.

4-Epic elections would not have been possible in the absence of the participation, competition and efforts of the other presidential candidates. I deem it necessary to express my sincere gratitude to all the honorable personalities who stepped into this arena and gave rise to an exciting competition with their tireless efforts, and I call on them to continue playing a role in different arenas relating to the Revolution and the Islamic system.

5-I also deem it necessary to express my sincere gratitude to all our people who once again gave rise to a permanent event, particularly to the honorable marja taqlids, religious scholars and outstanding academic, political and cultural personalities who played a valuable role in encouraging the people to participate in the elections, to the officials in charge of holding the presidential and city and village councils elections, particularly to the Ministry of Interior and the esteemed members of the Guardian Council who patiently performed the arduous task during those hectic weeks and carried this heavy burden to its destination in a completely honest way, to the hard-working officials who ensured the security of this sensitive phenomenon in different parts of such a vast country, and to organizations that cooperated with them, and I pray to God to bestow abundant rewards on them.

6-I deem it necessary to extend special and well-deserved thanks to our national television and its esteemed officials who coupled the electoral enthusiasm with their artistic and innovative efforts and became the honest and outspoken reporter of the tendencies, ideas and goals of the presidential candidates and who clearly showed people of the world how power shifts in the Islamic Republic, and I pray to God to bestow rewards and success on them.

Finally, I humbly express my gratitude for the great divine blessings, and paying homage to the memory of our magnanimous Imam (r.a.) and our noble martyrs and war veterans, I wish and pray for an ever better future for this country and this nation.

Greetings be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings
Sayyid Ali Khamenei
Khordad 25, 1392
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