The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets Officials and Ambassadors of Islamic Countries on the Occasion of Mab’ath

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with government officials of the Islamic Republic, representatives and ambassadors of Islamic countries and families of martyrs. Speaking at the meeting, which was held on the occasion of Mab'ath, Ayatollah Khamenei said that in the present conditions, the most important responsibility of the Islamic Ummah is to remain vigilant and to beware of the enemy's plots.

He stressed: "The main plot of the enemy is to create discord and conflict among Muslims. For this reason, the most urgent need of the world of Islam is unity, solidarity, cooperation and empathy."

His Eminence said that divine prophets and their missions were always confronted with opposition and hostility, further adding: "This opposition and hostility to the divine call of the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) was more serious and more comprehensive and it continued in different forms until the end of his holy life."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed that the call of Islam is still faced with opposition and hostility in the contemporary world. He reiterated: "Following the failure of non-divine calls - including the call of Marxism and liberalism - to bring about happiness for humanity, hearts and eyes have now turned to Islam. Therefore, there is more serious hostility towards Islam, which is the center of justice-based thought and human dignity."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the insults to the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) are an example of such hostilities and added: "It is hard to believe that the insults to Islam and Islamophobia in the world are not promoted by the plots of intelligence agencies of the global powers and their financial support."

His Eminence stressed that certain behaviors and actions by Muslims provide the domineering powers with the pretext to oppose Islam, further stating: "Muslims should promote Islam in an open, courageous, sincere and just way so that they can attract hearts."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "Muslims should stand up against the hostilities to the message of Islam, just like the Holy Prophet of Islam (s.w.a.) and all those who believed in Islam."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed the necessity of insight among members of the Islamic Ummah and their awareness of the Muslim roadmap and the enemy's plots, further adding: "The main plot of the enemy is to foment discord among Muslims with the aim of diverting the attention of the Islamic Ummah away from the main center of enmity, namely corrupt capitalism as well as usurping and brutal Zionism."

His Eminence stressed: "Members of the Islamic Ummah - including ordinary citizens, politicians and intellectuals - should be familiar with the enemy's roadmap so that they can adopt wise measures to counter them and guard against mistakes."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "Through fomenting discord among Muslims, the domineering powers want Muslims to lose sight of their main issues and the advances they need."

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: "In the past, Westerners used to pursue this goal through colonialism and today they are pursuing it through fomenting discord among Muslims."

His Eminence stressed: "Of course, Westerners will not be able to clear the disgrace of colonialism by shouting slogans in support of human rights and democracy."

At the end of his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: "Keeping the enemy's roadmap in mind, Muslims should have insight and be familiar with the enemy and his plots and they should develop appropriate understanding of their own roadmap - namely unity, solidarity, cooperation and empathy."
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