The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with MPs

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday morning with the Majlis Speaker, members of the Majlis Presiding Board and MPs. At the meeting, His Eminence stressed that the Majlis is in charge of national affairs and that the executive branch is responsible for heavy executive work. He said that it is necessary for the executive branch and the Majlis to observe the law, interact with each other and pay attention to justice in their cooperation with each other.

Referring to the upcoming presidential elections, Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Everybody should make efforts to have an enthusiastic election with a large voter turnout because from the victory of the Islamic Revolution to the present time, the power and strength of the Islamic Republic has been based on the presence and support of the people."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that an enthusiastic election will prepare the ground for immunity, power and security of the country and that such an election will also counter the threats by the enemies of Iran. He added: "The Islamic Republic of Iran is a deep-rooted government whose roots are the people and their unmitigated support."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the people's support for the Islamic Republic is a source of dignity and blessings for the country, for the government and for the people themselves. He further stressed: "On the basis of this principle, our elections - which are the manifestation of the presence of the people - should be enthusiastic."

His Eminence referred to the existence of good and reasonable regulations for all stages of elections in the country and added that there is no possibility of reaching a dead end at any stage. He reiterated: "So far, all the stages have been completed on the basis of the law. The candidates announced in their interviews that they would observe the law and they did so after it was announced who had been approved. Therefore, it is necessary to thank all of them, particularly those who were disqualified."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that this behavior is indicative of the importance of the law for the candidates, further adding: "We might be dissatisfied with a law, but if we surrender to the law, this shows that the law is the final authority."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the people should exercise insight and vigilance in identifying the most qualified presidential candidate. "Considering the fact that the awareness and insight the people of Iran in the case of political issues is higher than the global average, and considering the fact that IRIB programs have prepared the ground for the people to make the right choice, the likelihood of identifying the most qualified candidate is high."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "It is possible to reach the right or the wrong conclusion in this regard, but nothing is wrong with this. The most important point is that we should act with awareness and insight on the basis of our evaluation, which will definitely be rewarded by Allah the Exalted."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution offered a piece of advice to the presidential candidates, stating: "The candidates, who can campaign through the IRIB, should be careful not to say things that run against the truth in order to attract the attention of the people."

His Eminence stressed: "The statements of the candidates should be truthful, sincere and honest and they should be based on accurate information."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "The presidential candidates should tell the people only what is true, both about the conditions of the country and about themselves."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "If they act in an honest way, God will definitely help. Sometimes this divine assistance comes in the form of an opportunity to render services to the people and some other times it comes in the form of being relieved of the opportunity to serve the people."

He stressed: "The candidates must not carry out smear campaigns against each other or distort realities that exist in our society with the purpose of winning votes."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to certain claims about his support for particular candidates and stated: "Such claims have always existed and they are not true because nobody knows who the Leader will vote for."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "The Leader has only one vote, just like the rest of the people in the country."

His Eminence referred to the propaganda campaigns by foreign media regarding his view and vote in the upcoming presidential elections and stressed: "The enemies have launched these propaganda campaigns with the purpose of achieving their well-known goals, but the Islamic Republic will continue its work on the basis of specific goals and measures without paying attention to these campaigns."

Elsewhere in his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the opportunity to serve as a member of the Majlis is a valuable opportunity to render services in the Islamic Republic. He added that the period of time a person spends as an MP is a sensitive stage of one's life and a great divine test. "It is necessary to be careful at this sensitive stage because if a person who has been entrusted with this responsibility manages to clear this dangerous juncture safely, then he will be proud before Allah the Exalted."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the presence of MPs with different kinds of expertise in the 10th Majlis shows that the Majlis has great capacities for accurate and technical evaluation of the bills and plans that are proposed in the Majlis. He reiterated: "Over the past year, the Majlis has adopted correct and appropriate political positions."

His Eminence said that the behavior of MPs in the Majlis has a very important effect on society and added: "If wisdom, thinking, dignified behavior, tranquility and affection are the dominant forces in the Majlis, these characteristics will manifest themselves in society and if the behavior of MPs shows the opposite of these characteristics, this will have a negative effect on the behavior of the people."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "If the Majlis exhibits piety, trustworthiness, morality, sense of responsibility and dynamism, this will make the people optimistic about MPs and they will feel closer to their representatives in the Majlis."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the behavior of members of the Majlis will definitely have an effect the people's tendency towards certain values and anti-values.

His Eminence said that it is necessary for MPs to carry out accurate and technical evaluations about the bills that are proposed in the Majlis, adding: "This is the right of the people. Therefore, abstaining is not acceptable when plans and bills are put to the vote in the Majlis because if the MPs have expert knowledge about the issue in hand, they should act on the basis of their personal evaluation and if they lack this knowledge, they should consult with experts."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his dissatisfaction about the large number of absentees in certain parliamentary sessions and stressed: "Members of the Majlis should be present in the Majlis, both physically and mentally. And they should also show that they are seriously engaged in the bills and plans that are proposed in the Majlis."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that being just is another necessity for members of the Majlis, further stating: "Members of the Majlis should be just towards their colleagues, the executive branch and the judiciary because failing to observe this principle will have a negative effect on society."

His Eminence referred to the necessity of interaction between the legislative and executive branches of government and added: "The legislative and executive branches of government operate within particular legal limits and it is necessary for them to observe these limits and to have the necessary interaction."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed: "Interaction between the executive branch and the Majlis is a two-way street and both of them should pay attention to this interaction."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the existence of certain differences of opinion between the Majlis and the executive branch and described these differences as natural. He added: "These natural differences of opinion should not be intensified or turned into estrangement."

His Eminence called on the Majlis and the executive branch to cooperate with each other and added: "The Majlis should know that the executive branch has to shoulder heavy executive responsibilities and deal with many hardships. For this reason, it is necessary for the Majlis to understand the conditions of the executive branch."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "The executive branch, for its turn, should pay attention to the legislative rights of the Majlis."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the law is the basis of all affairs in the country and that the Majlis should prepare the ground for the executive branch to move forward, further stating: "The executive branch should move forward along the tracks that are laid by the Majlis. However, the Majlis should also lay the tracks in a way that the executive branch can move forward along them and not go off the tracks at dangerous points."

His Eminence added: "The Majlis is definitely in charge, but this does not mean that each MP should consider himself in charge of all affairs."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "Today the important responsibility that lies on our shoulders is to work with pure intentions, make serous and selfless efforts and have a sense of responsibility."
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