The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Officials in Charge of Resistance and Revolution Literature Office

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met Monday morning with officials in charge of Resistance and Revolution Literature Office. His Eminence stated that creating a great, inspiring and motivating movement in areas related to resistance and revolution literature and preventing some hostile movements from distorting concepts and facts about the Islamic Revolution are two important and outstanding characteristics of institutes in charge of artistic activities. He stressed: "This pioneering and influential movement eliminated the need of the country for imported literature."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the efforts of a number of so-called intellectual movements to destroy and hide facts about the great and impressive valor which was created by the Islamic Revolution, further adding: "The efforts of committed artists to highlight the great spiritual capabilities of the country - which are the products of the Revolution - changed the wrong approach and tradition of these so-called intellectuals. These efforts reduced our dependence on translated works. This has led to a wealth of valuable and glorious works in different literary and artistic areas."

Ayatollah Khamenei highlighted the necessity of improving research on resistance and revolution literature, reiterating: "Of course, this does not mean that we should confine ourselves to western methods of research. Rather, it means that we should develop innovate and intelligent ideas as well as using these methods."

His Eminence stressed the need for carrying out a comparative study of literature related to the Sacred Defense Era and literature related to other contemporary wars and also a comparative study of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and other revolutions in the world. He reiterated: "Compared to other revolutions in the world, the Islamic Revolution enjoys more depth, strength and competence. Nevertheless, it has not received enough attention unlike other revolutions. It is necessary to work more on producing historical books and novels and other such books."
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