The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Teachers

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday morning with thousands of teachers from different parts of the country. Speaking at the meeting, which was held on the occasion of Teachers' Week, His Eminence described the educational system as a very important organization and the main infrastructure for building an advanced society which enjoys noble human characteristics and an Islamic lifestyle, further adding: "Making a quantum leap and achieving political and economic valor are necessary for the rapid movement of the country towards progress in different areas. The educational system plays a significant role in this arena."

Reviving the memory of Shahid Motahhari and the teachers and students who were martyred, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that teaching enjoys a much higher position than other occupations in an Islamic society, further reiterating: "Teachers are, in fact, makers of precious jewels. These jewels are children and teenagers and therefore, teaching cannot be put on an equal footing with other occupations."

Ayatollah Khamenei said: "Any society depends on proper education of children and teenagers for achieving welfare, glory, prosperity, scientific progress, courage, wisdom, liberation and rationality and a great part of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of teachers."

His Eminence added: "The reason why there is a great emphasis on the necessity of bringing about fundamental reform in the education system is that any reform in society is based on a firm infrastructure, namely the educational system."

His Eminence stressed that the plan for fundamental reform of the educational system should be put into practice, stating: "Of course, in the process of implementing the plan for fundamental reform of the educational system we should avoid any hasty action and we should move forward with acumen while considering all factors."

He described bringing about reform in the educational system as a deep process, saying: "The plans which enjoy depth do not produce results immediately. Based on this, implementing the plan for fundamental reform of the educational system requires extensive research in different areas so that the educational system is directed into the right channel."

Referring to the issue of teacher training universities, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that it is necessary to provide the educational system with financial support, further adding: "Such universities are different from other universities because teachers' personalities are built in these universities. Therefore, the educational system should support teacher training universities."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the issue of textbooks is a very important issue in the educational system, further stressing: "We have included certain issues in our textbooks for years. A number of people omit certain subjects and some other people re-incorporate them into our textbooks. We should see what kind of religious, Islamic and civil knowledge is necessary and what kind of subject matter is required for building a civilization and for building human beings."

His Eminence expressed his gratitude to teachers for the efforts that they have made to educate students. He referred to the vigilance of teachers and their commitment to the interests of the Islamic Republic over the past 34 years, further adding: "This year has been named 'The Year of Political and Economic Valor' and definitely, the educational system can play a significant role in achieving valor."

He mentioned that achieving valor requires enthusiasm and cooperation from all the people - including teachers and students - further reiterating: "Although students who study at schools cannot vote according to the law, they can influence their families. And this large number of teachers throughout the country can play their part, both in elections - which are the essential instance of political valor - and in economic valor which is a long term process."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "Because of the goals and ideals that the country and the great people of Iran have, they need to achieve valor and make a quantum leap in different areas."

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the astonishing achievements - particularly scientific achievements - of the Iranian nation in the past three decades, stressing: "The rate of scientific growth in Iran is so fast that it has left international communities with no choice but to acknowledge our progress."

His Eminence reiterated: "The Iranian nation also enjoys a fast rate of progress in social and political areas. Moreover, it enjoys a fast rate of progress in terms of development, knowledge and understanding, communal wisdom, national power and international dignity. But the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation do not reflect these issues in their propaganda."

He said: "Despite all these achievements, the Iranian nation still needs more and greater achievements in order to reach its goals and ideals and achieve the position it deserves. And valor is a prerequisite for making these achievements and leaps."

Pointing to the successful experience of the Iranian nation in giving rise to valor during the Sacred Defense Era, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: "By Allah's favor, the people of Iran will be successful in achieving political and economic valor."
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