The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Laborers and Producers

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Saturday morning with thousands of laborers and people who are active in production sectors. Speaking at the meeting, which was held on the occasion of Labor Week, His Eminence referred to the need of the country for achieving valor and making a quantum leap in economic and political arenas.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described elections as important and the manifestation of national power. He stressed that candidates should carry out a proper evaluation of their capabilities and of executive duties, further reiterating: "The great country and people of Iran need a president who is courageous in international arenas and who has plans, who is wise, who believes in an economy of resistance, who is pious, who avoids causing turmoil and who chants slogans based on reality when he addresses domestic issues."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the main characteristic of laborers is that they devote their bodies to the progress and tranquility of the country, adding: "Laborers are the spinal cords of a society. If they do not exist, the country will be paralyzed."

His Eminence stressed the necessity of paying attention to the issue of labor and laborers in cultural, legislative and executive arenas: "If laborers have hopes, welfare and job security, the movement of the country towards progress will be faster and easier."

He referred to the special role of laborers during and after the victory of the Islamic Revolution such as during the Sacred Defense Era, further adding: "During the past 34 years, many efforts were made to pit laborers against the Revolution and the Islamic Republic. But the religious and revolutionary laborers of the country courageously stood up against this plot and this is a source of honor for laborers."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to naming last year as "The Year of National Production and Supporting Iranian Labor and Capital", reiterating: "Supporting national production is not peculiar to one year. Rather this issue should be pursued in a serious and fundamental way."

Ayatollah Khamenei described developing a culture of using domestically produced products among the people as very important, further adding: "The idea that the use of a product with a domestic or foreign brand can make an Iranian laborer prosperous or poor should be promoted among all the people."

Addressing the people of Iran, His Eminence said: "I request that all the people of Iran move towards using domestically produced products."

He stressed that executive organizations should not at all use foreign products for fulfilling their own needs, further stating: "Of course, domestic producers - including managers of agencies, laborers and investors - should provide the people with good and high-quality products."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to Islam's advice on developing labor as well as respecting the laborer, providing him with job security and ensuring the safety of capital, stressing: "Unlike liberal and socialist outlooks on economy, Islam has taken the middle course and it has adopted a humanitarian and justice-based outlook on labor, laborer and investor."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that today, the inefficiency of capitalism has been revealed in practice, further reiterating: "Reactions triggered in Europe and - of a different kind - in America is the strongest practical reason why the path of capitalism is wrong."

His Eminence said: "The current events in Europe and America are just the beginning. The situation will be much worse because capitalism is on the verge of destruction."

He added: "One reason for the decline of western civilization is the current economic problems in the west. Another reason is moral and cultural problems."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to naming this year as "The Year of Political and Economic Valor", reiterating: "Valor means a jihad-like and enthusiastic movement. The people and officials should pay attention to this issue. Based on this, identifying the weak points and shortcomings and developing proper plans for achieving this valor are necessary."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "In all plans, the lives of underprivileged classes should receive careful attention."

His Eminence said that making a quantum leap and achieving valor are prerequisites for the progress of the country, stressing: "Political and economic deeds of valor are closely intertwined and each of them preserves and strengthens the other."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution pointed to the efforts and plots of the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation to create obstacles in the way of political and economic valor, further adding: "They try to pit the people against the Islamic Republic and frustrate the people by exerting pressures. This is while they say with complete shamelessness that they are not the enemies of the people of Iran."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated: "If executive and legislative organizations pay careful attention to making a great economic leap, then the effect of all economic pressures will be countered."

"The people of Iran and Iranian officials will frustrate the enemy in economic arenas with their firm determination."

His Eminence described political valor as the vigilant presence of the people in political and managerial areas, adding: "A clear example of political valor is the upcoming elections which, by Allah's favor, will be held in due time and with the enthusiastic presence of the people."

He said that the plot of the ill-wishers of the Iranian nation is to reduce the people's incentive to participate in elections, further reiterating: "Even after the passage of many years of hostility, the arrogant plotters - who are acting behind the scenes - have still not understood and known the people of Iran and their spirit of faith and resistance."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "If officials put up a resistance on a certain issue in the past, this was because of the support of the people. The first well done is for the people. The greatest praise should be given to the people. It was they who encouraged and supported the officials so that they could stand up against the bullying, pressures and greed of the enemies and arrogant powers. Today, it is the same and, by Allah's favor, it will be the same in the future."

Ayatollah Khamenei described elections as important and the manifestation of national power, further stating: "A nation which is lively and dynamic, which relies on the will of God and which is confident about divine assistance will be victorious in all arenas including the arena of elections."

His Eminence said that all the people with different opinions who believe in the Islamic Republic can participate in elections, further adding: "But those who run for elections should not make a mistake in their calculations. They should know what executive management means in our country. They should neither make a mistake in the evaluation of the need of the country for a powerful executive official nor in the evaluation of their own capabilities. If they carry out a proper evaluation, they can enter the arena. And the people will look at them and they will choose. "

He described the structure of elections in the country as solid and firm. He reiterated: "The inclusion of the Guardian Council in the Constitution - which was constantly stressed by Imam (r.a.) - is really an auspicious inclusion. The decision of the Guardian Council on the issue of vetting is one which is made by a number of just, impartial and wise people. This is an auspicious thing for us and for all the people of Iran."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: "After the Guardian Council makes its decision, the people will take a look at the individuals who have been considered as righteous. They will inquire about these individuals, ask reliable people about them and look at their background, slogans and statements. Then they will make a decision."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the characteristics that the elected president should have: "First, the president should be an individual who has faith in God and believes in the people and the Constitution. Second, he should have the spirit of resistance."

His Eminence stressed: "Our nation has lofty goals. It has great things to do. It does not surrender. No one can speak to such a nation in a bullying tone. Those who occupy the highest positions in the executive branch should be the people who put up a resistance against the pressures of the enemies. They should not be intimidated easily. They should not quickly leave the arena. This is one of the necessary conditions."

He stated that having wisdom, acumen and definite plans are the other characteristics that a president should have, adding: "As we need dignity, wisdom and acumen in the arena of foreign policy, we need a comprehensive and long-term outlook and a proper calculation on domestic and economic issues."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described adopting a routine outlook on economic issues, constantly changing economic policies, relying on inexpert opinions and trusting the imposed economic theories of the west and the east as harmful, further stressing: "Economic policies should be based on economy of resistance."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "Economy of resistance is a kind of economy which enjoys a firm and solid infrastructure and which does not waver in the face of different changes in the world."

His Eminence said that the president should have moral purification and he should not involve himself in any kind of political turmoil: "I have always supported presidents and administrations during past years. However, I have simultaneously given them a number of recommendations and asked them to answer certain questions."

He stated: "I have always stressed that they should not impose unnecessary expenses on the people, they should not create problems for the people and they should not make them distressed and nervous."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "Those who enter the arena of elections should not make false and hollow promises. They should not make irrational claims. They should move forward by relying on Allah the Exalted and by adopting a rational, sensible and realistic outlook."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "The president who is going to be the head of the executive branch in our country and who wants to tread this glorious path with the help of the people should have these characteristics."

His Eminence reiterated: "What we learned from the long experiences that we have gained since the victory of the Revolution is that, with His kindness and guidance, Allah the Exalted will help our nation achieve a victory over all its enemies."

He stated: "Anyone who confronts this deeply religious nation will be definitely destroyed."
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