The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Officials in Charge of Developing Islamic-Iranian Paradigm of Progress

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Monday morning with officials in charge of developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress. Speaking at the meeting - which included a group of intellectuals, elites, professors and seminary scholars - His Eminence discussed different theories about developing a paradigm of Islamic-Iranian progress.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described developing such a paradigm as a great, glorious, long-term and detailed plan, further stressing: "A prerequisite for developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress and propagating it among the elites is creating a discourse of such a paradigm in society."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "Developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress is an effort to present the product of the Islamic Revolution and to create a new and advanced civilization - in all areas - which is based on Islamic thoughts. Therefore, there should be a long-term and deep outlook on such a paradigm."


His Eminence referred to the influence of the western paradigm of progress on today's world and the domination of western civilization in all areas of life, further reiterating: "In such conditions, developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress requires courage and strong motivation."

He described thoughts and ideas as the main essence of this movement and he said that it is possible to correct every mistake and remove every shortcoming in this long process, further adding: "In this movement, besides avoiding hasty actions, we should benefit from talented people and people with new experiences so that the engine of this movement will never choke."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the presence of young, motivated and energetic scientists in highly scientific centers such as centers for developing nanotechnology and defense industries and centers for producing nuclear energy. He stressed: "The youth should be trusted because the youth and their motivation and enthusiasm are infinite."

. Ayatollah Khamenei described Islamic principles as the basis of this Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress. He reiterated: "in all the stages of developing such a paradigm, we should pay attention to Islamic principles in a comprehensive and careful manner. And we should not stand on ceremony with anyone in this regard."

His Eminence stated that utilizing the capacities of Islamic seminaries on this issue is necessary, further adding: "The issue of developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm of progress should be based on four factors, namely thought, knowledge, spirituality and life. Among these, thought is the most fundamental."

He said that the formation, the growth and the decline of western civilization in the present time provides us with a clear example of problems and shortcomings that a civilization can have. He reiterated: "Western civilization is based on humanism, political power and capitalism and after it reached its peak, it is showing signs of decline now. The most important sign of this decline is the prevalence of perverted behavior and moral and sexual corruption."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that another serious problem with western civilization is the fact that it waged numerous wars in Europe in recent centuries. He stressed: "the existence of problems and corruption in western civilization is due to a lack of spirituality."

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that spirituality is the main condition for building an advanced civilization in which there are less problems. He said that this spirituality should be based on Islam, further adding: "Spirituality prepares the ground for discovering and utilizing talents and making satisfactory progress in all areas with the least harm possible."

His Eminence stressed that carrying out this long-term and extremely important plan requires jihad-like spirit and purity, further reiterating: "Creating a discourse is the main condition for developing an Islamic-Iranian paradigm."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "A glorious, strong and valuable paradigm should be developed by creating a discourse, drawing on the opinions of outstanding personalities and experts and showing patience."
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