The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with President of Pakistan

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday afternoon with the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence said that many of the problems of the Islamic Ummah are artificial problems and they have been injected by the enemies of Islam, further stressing: "Reviving the capabilities and mobilizing the human, natural and geographical resources of the world of Islam will play a major role in solving these problems."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated that the development of relations between Islamic countries is the second important factor in solving the problems of Islamic nations. He reiterated: "Creating discord among Islamic countries is one of the major plans of the Zionists and the rest of global powers for which they have developed certain plans."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the emotional and brotherly relations between Iran and Pakistan, further adding: "We seriously believe that the economic, infrastructural, political, social and security relations between the two countries should be strengthened."

His Eminence described the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline as an important example of cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad. He pointed to the hostility and the conflicts that exist over the issue of relations between Iran and Pakistan, further adding: "We should resolve these conflicts decisively."

He said that accessibility of a reliable energy source is of prime importance for all countries including Pakistan. He reiterated: "In the region, the Islamic Republic is the only country which enjoys a reliable energy source and we are prepared to meet this need of Pakistan."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the efforts to create sectarian discord in Pakistan as a foreign microbe, further adding: "The slaughter of the people in Pakistan because of a denominational bias is really regrettable. This issue should not be allowed to shatter the national unity of Pakistan. It should be resolved in a decisive way."

Ayatollah Khamenei assured the Pakistani president that Pakistan can solve this problem: "We hope that your administration will be successful in strengthening denominational and tribal unity and in making Pakistan progress."

President Zardari also expressed his happiness on the occasion of this meeting and said that he believes deeply in strengthening bilateral relations.

He emphasized that the effort by certain international and regional actors to prevent a closer relation between Iran and Pakistan, is a failed effort and that nations have learned what to do in response to the enemies of Islam.

President Zardari suggested that creating a civil war is the goal of the enemies of Pakistan and said, addressing the Supreme Leader, that with the help of your prayers, we will not let this happen.
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