The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Officials and Personnel of Military Intelligence Services

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday afternoon with officials and personnel of the Military Intelligence Services. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence emphasized that divine promises about helping those who are patient, who rely on God and help Allah's cause, will definitely be fulfilled.

He said: "The Islamic Republic is the visible manifestation of the fulfillment of divine promises. Despite all the pressures and plots of the enemy, today, after 34 years, the Islamic Republic is a respected, strong and influential nation in regional and global developments. It has great and understanding people who are aware of the requirements of the time, know their enemy and benefit from great scientific achievements."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that we should rely on Allah the Exalted and we should be hopeful about God's assistance. He added: "The camp of arrogance has done its best to make the Iranian nation surrender through sanctions and pressures, but our people tolerate all these hardships because they have found out what the plot, the tactic and the strategic goal of the enemy is and they act with wisdom."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "As the unbelievable victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1357 was the manifestation of the fulfillment of divine promises, the Islamic Republic's continuing success, strength and increasing progress - despite the deep hostility of global arrogance and all kinds of enormous pressures that it exerts on us - are also the manifestation of the fulfillment of divine promises."

His Eminence described the Iranian nation's wisdom, awareness of the requirements of the time and the ability to know its enemy as miraculous. He said: "In the events of the year 1388, the enemy thought that his ten-year plan against the Islamic Republic had achieved the desired result. But the Iranian people entered the arena with strength and slapped their international opponents - let alone the mercenaries inside the country who are not considered important compared to the greatness of the Iranian nation - across the face."

He stated: "On the 22nd of Bahman, the Iranian people will, once more, show their strength, dynamism and understanding to people throughout the world."

Elsewhere in his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the Intelligence Services ensure the security of the Armed Forces. He described the responsibility of Intelligence Services as heavy, honorable and noble, further stressing: "From the viewpoint of Islam, the Armed Forces are not a mechanical organization and a machine. Rather they are an organization with human qualities, rationality, determination, faith and feelings."
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