The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with People of Qom

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with thousands of the religious and revolutionary people from the holy city of Qom. Speaking at the meeting, His Eminence described the uprising of the people of Qom on the 19th of Dey as a manifestation of the fulfillment of God's promises. Stressing resistance and complete vigilance against the plots, machinations and moves of the enemy especially regarding the upcoming presidential elections in the month of Khordad, he raised important points about the responsibilities of government officials, outstanding personalities, the people, the media and those who intend to run for the elections.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the cooperation of global powers in imposing sanctions on Iran and attempting to make the Iranian nation desperate, further adding: "Unlike the past, the arrogant powers openly announce that the purpose of sanctions is to exhaust the Iranian nation, provoke the people to confront the Islamic Republic, increase pressures on the officials of Iran, thereby forcing them to revise their calculations."

His Eminence added: "But the national dignity and the orientation of the people of our great country towards the principles of Islam and the Revolution are developing on a daily basis and this is exactly the opposite of what the enemies want."

Discussing the determining factors which play a crucial role in the confrontation between the arrogant powers and the Iranian nation, he described the vigilance and shrewdness of the Iranian nation as necessary, further reiterating: "By observing communal piety and exercising national vigilance, we should pay attention to the plots of the enemy and we should not let any issue divert our attention away from the enemy."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that the officials, the press and websites should avoid diverting the people's attention towards trivial matters and added: "The purpose of all these recommendations is to help us focus our attention on the enemy and to find out what plots he is developing and what goals he is pursuing."

His Eminence stressed the need for national vigilance in order to understand the goals and the plots of the enemy and added: "An analysis of the behavior and speech of the global powers shows that the enemy has focused his attention on the important elections which will be held in five months, in Khordad of 1392."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution discussed the goals, techniques and plots of the enemies regarding the eleventh presidential elections, further adding: "Their primary goal is to prevent the elections from being held. But they know that they cannot do this. Therefore, they are hopeless in this regard."

He reiterated: "Once certain people tried to delay an election for 2 weeks, but we stressed that the election should not be delayed even for one single day. For this reason, the path of delaying or calling off elections is completely blocked."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that creating obstacles in the way of the massive and enthusiastic presence of the people is the clear goal of the enemies, further adding: "Everybody - even those who may offer general pieces of advice about the elections out of care and compassion - should take care not to further the goal of the enemy."

Criticizing those who constantly say that there should be free elections, His Eminence reiterated: "It is obvious that there should be free elections. Have more than 30 elections in the last 3 decades not been free? In which country are the elections freer than in Iran? You should take care not to disappoint the people with these words."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the efforts made to further the goals of the enemy and reiterated: "Which country in the world has no vetting? Why do you try to create the idea in the minds of the people that participating in elections is pointless?"

Addressing the people who - intentionally or unintentionally - further the goals of the enemy, he stated: "You should take care not to complete the enemy's puzzle out of lack of vigilance."

Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated: "Of course, I also stress that the elections should be held in a healthy environment. Executive and non-executive officials of the country should hold healthy elections with strict observance of the law, piety and honesty, and they will definitely do this."

His Eminence referred to the legal guidelines that ensure the health of elections, further adding: "Everybody's commitment to these guidelines and laws will ensure the health of the elections. Our elections will be healthy unless certain people commit illegal actions, as some people took this course of action in 1388. They created trouble for the people, harmed our country and brought disgrace and humiliation on themselves on earth and in the next world."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated that the main goal of the enemy is to decrease voter turnout in the upcoming elections, further reiterating: "It is possible that some people will try to create uproar regarding particular economic, political or security issues and keep the people busy with them. This is one of their plots. Of course, I am sure that the Iranian people are wise and clever enough not to be deceived by such hostile plots hatched by the enemies or their agents."

He said that participating in elections is the right and the duty of everybody and added: "Each and every individual who believes in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution wants to exercise their right and carry out their duty. There are also a number of individuals who want to demonstrate their qualifications to the people so that they can win their votes."
Ayatollah Khamenei described managing the country as a heavy task, further adding: "Managing the country is not a small task. Rather it is a heavy task which is entrusted to highly qualified executives. Therefore, only those who are good at executive work and feel this capability in themselves, should run in the presidential elections."

His Eminence added: "It is possible that those who work in other areas do not realize how heavy the task of managing the country is. Therefore, only those who feel they have the capability to carry out this responsibility should run for the elections."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution stated: "Besides understanding the difficulty of this work, those who want to run for the elections should have the necessary qualifications - the decision of the Guardian Council is based on these qualifications."

He added: "Presidential candidates should be deeply attached to the Islamic Republic and the Constitution and they should sincerely act according to the Constitution because the President swears an oath in this regard and it is clear that his oath cannot be a lie."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed: "By Allah's favor, there will be good and exciting elections in Khordad, 1392."

Elsewhere in his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the events which took place during the Revolution and over the last three decades and said that it is necessary to learn lessons from the uprising which took place on the 19th of Dey, further reiterating: "Some people thought that it was impossible for the Iranian nation to achieve a victory over the pretentious and arrogant Pahlavi regime and to free itself from the humiliating domination of America. But, with Allah's assistance, the taghuti regime was thrown into the garbage bin of history. By preserving their independence, the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people turned into a government and a people whose names cause excitement among other nations."
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