The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Members of Health Care Charity Association

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the determining role of the people in all important arenas including the arena of politics, economy, health, culture and education, further reiterating: "The Islamic Revolution was dependent on the presence of the people and if the people had not entered the arena to play their role, politicians and political movements would not have been able to do anything."
His Eminence stressed that the issue of health care should have priority over many other issues in the country, further adding: "Officials and caring individuals should make plans and follow up these matters in a way that the people feel relieved about the issue of health care."
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described preserving the popular nature of such charity associations as important and necessary, adding: "We should not take away dynamism and vibrancy from popular associations by imposing rigid bureaucratic structures."
At the end of his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei said that achieving positive results from charitable actions is the biggest incentive for those who make donations. He reiterated: "These charitable acts will satisfy God Almighty. Each charitable act will be recorded by God Almighty and it will not be ignored."
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