The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with Basijis

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met Wednesday morning with members of the Basij forces. Speaking at the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the Zionists' savage attack on the people of Gaza shows the extreme brutality of the leaders of the Zionist regime. He reiterated that America, England and France shamelessly support the massacre of the people of Gaza, further adding: "Islamic countries, especially Arab governments, should reform their behavior in this issue and they should try to make the enemies lift the siege of this region by helping the innocent and brave people of Gaza. The Islamic Ummah should follow the example of the victorious resistance of the people of Gaza and it should realize that resistance is the only way to defeat the enemies of Islam."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said that the brutality of the Zionist attack on the innocent civilians of Gaza should awaken the world of Islam and it should give fresh impetus to the movement of Muslim peoples, further adding: "The shocking brutality of the leaders of the Zionist regime showed that these completely savage creatures have no human qualities.

Ayatollah Khamenei stated: "The crimes of the Zionists in Gaza revealed the true nature of the enemies of the Islamic world and those who challenge the Islamic Republic at international meetings."

His Eminence strongly condemned the efforts by the leaders of global arrogance to support the crimes of the Zionists and reiterated: "America, England and France did not even frown at the brutal Zionist regime. By supporting and encouraging these criminals, they showed how inhumane and immoral the violent enemies of the Islamic Ummah are."

He added: "The leaders of global arrogance, such as the American government which supports the crimes of the brutal Zionists, shamelessly claim that they defend human rights and they put themselves in the position of prosecutors of other peoples and countries."

Ayatollah Khamenei added: "The behavior of Arab and Islamic governments regarding the events of Gaza was not acceptable because some of them only condemned the Zionists in words and some others did not even condemn the Zionists in words."

He stressed: "Those who call Muslim nations to unity and claim to be the leaders of the Islamic Ummah are very outspoken on issues which suit their political agenda, but in this case - because they have to get involved with America and England - they refuse to condemn the Zionists in an outspoken and genuine way or they merely offer verbal support, which is of little value."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the glorious resistance of the people and youth of Gaza, adding: "By Allah's favor, they proved once more that by relying on faith, resistance and diligence it is possible to defeat large and heavily armed groups that are supported by the arrogant powers."

His Eminence said that the Zionist regime is nervously looking for a ceasefire. He reiterated: "Those who started those brutal actions received were harmed more and they are looking for a ceasefire more desperately than the small number of people who live in the Gaza Strip."

Ayatollah Khamenei added that Islamic countries should strengthen their faith and determination and that they should make scientific and technological progress in order to advance in the area of building weapons as well as in other areas.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution also referred to the efforts by the Majlis to summon the President for questioning and described the efforts as praiseworthy. "One reason is that it shows their sense of responsibility towards the issues of the country and another reason is that the executive branch courageously announced its preparedness for answering the questions posed by the MPs."

His Eminence added: "The legislative branch proved that it has a strong sense of responsibility and the executive branch proved that it has enormous confidence in its decisions and actions. This was a good test for both braches, but I believe it is enough and the efforts should not be continued."

He added: "The people are also wise and they know that the continuation of this issue is exactly what the enemy wants."

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed the need for tranquility in the country and reiterated: "Using newspapers and the Internet, certain people may create uproar while all officials need tranquility to do their duties and the people also want peace and tranquility. Ending this issue will prove that the legislative and executive branches respect unity and tranquility more than anything else."

Elsewhere in his statements, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to Basij Week and said that Basij should avoid all kinds of superficial outlooks in different areas. His Eminence reiterated that avoiding arrogance and hypocrisy is a necessity for remaining a basiji. He added that it is necessary to make Basij a living and dynamic role model in the world of Islam.
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