The Office of the Supreme Leader

Supreme Leader Meets with People of Shirvan

Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution met this morning with the people of Shirvan. Speaking at the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the enemies' failures over the past three decades and stressed that government officials should adopt a scholarly attitude to the economy, plan with foresight and introduce stable policies. "By Allah's favor, our enemies will fail in this economic confrontation with our nation, just as they failed in other areas, if our government officials pay attention to these three factors in economic development."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution described the existing political stability and tranquility as a blessing for the country and reiterated: "One of the methods that is used by the domineering and aggressive powers is to create instability in other countries."

He added: "Thanks to the religious faith of you dear people and the insight that our nation enjoys, the Islamic Republic has managed to establish a stable country much to the disappointment of the enemies."

His Eminence said that the existing stability and tranquility in the country is an opportunity for utilizing talents and preparing the ground for the Iranian nation to compete with other countries in different areas. He added: "Our honorable people and youth have managed to show their greatness, talent and preparedness in different areas. All of these things have been achieved thanks to stability."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that the domineering powers have failed to create instability in Iran, further stating: "At the beginning of the Revolution, by creating ethnic conflicts in the east and west and in the north and south, they tried to prevent our country from achieving tranquility and recovering from the turbulence that existed after the Revolution, but they failed. Afterwards, they tried to undermine our security by provoking an insane neighbor to attack our country - Saddam was truly savage, insane and dangerous. They also supported different grouplets that were active inside the country."

He reiterated: "You saw that what happened was exactly the opposite of what they wanted. The imposed war not only failed to undermine stability in the country, but it also strengthened our unity."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution criticized those who try to undermine Iran's stability and added: "I strongly advise our government officials - in the executive branch, in the legislative branch and in the judiciary - to take care not to let the ill-wishers and enemies undermine this tranquility through their plots. This tranquility in the country is the greatest manifestation of the power of our nation."

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the upcoming presidential elections in Iran and stressed: "Before and during the election, all of our government officials should focus their efforts on preserving political peace in the country. They should not let the political atmosphere of the country become turbulent."

His Eminence praised the people of Iran for their vigilance against the enemies' divisive efforts and added: "Our government officials, politicians and managers should try to preserve this stability and tranquility. They should not allow turbulence to be created in the country. Sometimes one single comment or action which is careless and out of place can create turbulence in the political atmosphere of the country. They should be very careful."

Ayatollah Khamenei said that government officials should serve the people of Iran and stated: "Our government officials should focus all their time and efforts on the affairs of our people, which is what our people fully deserve... There are many things to be done and this is a responsibility that lies on the shoulders of our government officials."

His Eminence expressed his gratitude to the people of North Khorasan for their warm welcome and added: "The enemies should see how determined the people are to defend the Islamic Republic. These are lessons for them. They constantly speak about the people of Iran, but apparently those who speak about the people of Iran - including American and non-American leaders - do not believe that you are the people of Iran."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution added: "When they speak about the people of Iran, they speak about their illusions: they say that the people of Iran are opposed to Islam and the Islamic Republic."

His Eminence criticized those who repeat the enemies' statements and stressed: "Certain people are tired themselves, but they say that the people are tired. The people are not tired."

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution reiterated: "The people are present on the scene. They are prepared to work. It is necessary to prepare the ground for the people to step in. Then you will see with what motivation and determination the people will step in whenever they feel there is a responsibility to be fulfilled, just as they have stepped in to fulfill their responsibility today."

Elsewhere in his statements, Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the problems of the North Khorasan province and stated: "Unemployment is the essential problem in Shirvan, just like in other counties of North Khorasan province as well as other provinces throughout the country. It is necessary to make efforts to create employment opportunities."
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