The Office of the Supreme Leader

The Rites of Hajj 2023

    • being mustaṭī‘
    • hajj on Behalf
    • hajj ifrād and ‘umrah Mufradah
    • Exit and entrance in the Holy city of Mecca
    • Mīqāts
    • iḥrām and its dress
    • Prohibitions of iḥrām
    • Ṭawāf and its Prayer
    • sa‘y
    • Mash‘ar (Muzdalifah)
    • ḥalq and taqsīr
    • Sacrifice and slaughtering the animal
    • Passing the night in Minā and Departing from Minā
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      Passing the night in Minā and Departing from Minā


      Q115. Taking into consideration that the pilgrims are allowed to spend night worshiping in the holy city of Mecca instead of staying overnight in Minā; does eating, taking ghusl, doing wuḍū’, going to toilet or participating in funerals of a believer violate their duty of "worshiping the whole night"?
      Answer: Eating and drinking as much as needed, going to toilet, renewal of wuḍū’ or performing obligatory ghusl does not damage the continuity of worship.


      Q116. Regarding the previous inquiry, if performing a deed would be against the continuity of worship, will kaffārah be obligatory?
      Answer: Instead of staying overnight in Minā if a person performs a deed — except for something necessary like eating and drinking and going to toilet — other than worship in the holy city of Mecca kaffārah will be obligatory.


      Q117. A person stays in Minā at the night before the twelfth and after midnight he exits, is it obligatory for him to return back to Minā before the noon so that he may accomplish departure — which is obligatory for those who are in Minā — after the noon time? Is there any objection, if he goes to Minā in the morning on the twelfth day so that he may perform ramy (stoning) alone and then return to Mecca or he should stay in Minā, particularly when he can perform ramy (stoning) at Jamarāt by choice in the afternoon and depart from Minā before sunset?
      Answer: A person, who is in Minā on the twelfth day, should depart from Minā after 'noon'. However, as long as the question is concerned, they may leave Mecca for Minā after 'noon' and depart Minā after ramy but before sunset.
      Therefore, going to the holy city of Mecca after the middle of the night before the twelfth is permissible, however he should return back to Minā for ramy (stoning) on the twelfth day and leave Minā.
      But the person who has no responsibility of ramy (stoning) at Jamarāt on twelfth day — like the person who has the duty of ramy (stoning) at night (like children, and women and old men) — if he/she spends half of the night and performs ramy (stoning) at Jamarāt, he/she may depart from Minā at night and it is not compulsory to return to Minā for departure in the afternoon.


      Q118. Because there are too many pilgrims to stay in Minā, a large part of camps for stay are located outside Minā at the foothill or on the top of mountains attached to Minā, is staying overnight in these camps permissible?
      Answer: If a person is unable to spend night in Minā, spending night in these camps is permissible and there is no kaffārah.


      Q119. What is the start and end of the night as far as stay in Minā and the midnight as far as maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers are concerned?
      Answer: The criterion of midnight regarding stay in Minā is considered as middle of the time between sunset and fajr. It is the same for calculating midnight maghrib and ‘ishā’ prayers.


      Q120. A person departs from Minā in the afternoon on the twelfth day and returns back to Minā for a reason, due to ignorance, by mistake, or knowingly and is in Minā at the sunset before the thirteenth, is staying at night before the thirteenth in Minā or ramy (stoning) of the day of thirteenth obligatory for him?
      Answer: If a pilgrim is in Minā at sunset on the twelfth, he/she should spend the night before the thirteenth in Minā and on the day of thirteenth he should perform ramy (stoning) at Jamarāt.


      Q121. Is the boundary of Minā, Jamarah ‘Aqabah or ‘Aqabah itself?
      Answer: It should be asked from the learned and reliable person but as a whole there is no need to be exact regarding the boundary of ‘Arafāt, Muzdalfah and Minā. It suffices to consider the common viewpoint and apparently according to the correct tradition of Mu‘āwiyah Ibn ‘Ammar, Minā is situated between ‘Aqabah and the valley of Muhassar and the valley of Muhassar and ‘Aqabah are out of Minā.


      Q122. A person exits the boundary of Minā during the second night of stay due to ignorance, what is the ruling about him? Does it make a difference whether or not he returns to Minā rightaway?
      Answer: If he stays in Minā in the first half or the second half of the night, he/she is not responsible for anything.
      Otherwise, he/she should slaughter a sheep as a kaffārah unless he/she exits the Minā for a short time like two to five minutes so that it does not harm the stay in Minā for the whole half night as judged by common view.


      Q123. A person exits Minā before noon on the twelfth Dhul-ḥijjah without intention of returning to Minā and then departing Minā. Besides committing disobedience, is there any ruling about him/her?
      Answer: He/she has committed a sin because of departing from Minā before the noon. However, he/she is not responsible for anything else.


    • Ramy (stoning) at Jamarāt
    • Miscellaneous Issues
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