1 00:01:18,040 --> 00:01:20,320 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:01:21,640 --> 00:01:30,080 و الحمدلله ربّ العالمين و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا ابي‌القاسم المصطفي محمّد 3 00:01:38,960 --> 00:01:48,120 و علي آله الاطيبين الاطهرين المنتجبين سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين 4 00:01:49,080 --> 00:01:53,320 This is a sweet and beautiful day for me 5 00:01:55,120 --> 00:02:03,640 [to be] among you dear and revolutionary youths with pure hearts 6 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:27,760 and highly motivated souls, and you indeed create many hopes for the future of this country and the future of this revolution. 7 00:02:28,000 --> 00:02:34,080 First of all, I congratulate you on the occasion of the auspicious birthday of the Pole of the Existing World Hadhrat 8 00:02:34,840 --> 00:02:48,360 Mahdi [Imam Zaman] (PBUH) (May God Expedite His Return from Occultation and May Our Souls Be Sacrificed for Him); 9 00:02:49,080 --> 00:02:59,120 God willing, all of you would be among true expectants and real helpers of that honorable one both now and in the future. 10 00:03:01,120 --> 00:03:09,040 The third day of [the Iranian calendar month of] Khordad (May 23) is also among unforgettable days; 11 00:03:09,880 --> 00:03:24,720 it is one of those days, ahining in the history of our country and in the history of the dear Islamic Revolution of Iran. 12 00:03:25,840 --> 00:03:39,800 It is a symbol; the symbol of victory of good over evil and the symbol of the divine power and that powerful hand [about] which 13 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:46,600 our honorable Imam [Khomeini] said: “a powerful hand is supporting us.” 14 00:03:47,240 --> 00:03:54,520 The third day of Khordad and the day of the liberation of [southwestern Iranian city of] Khorramshahr is such a day. 15 00:03:54,960 --> 00:04:04,360 I congratulate [this occasion] to you dear graduates and also to you dear ones who will receive your epaulettes. 16 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:14,600 You have started on a good way; [and] have entered a good path; may God, God willing, make you successful; 17 00:04:14,800 --> 00:04:27,360 [and you must] God willing continue on this path with seriousness, with firm resolve, [and] with increased motivation. 18 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:40,080 As for the liberation of Khorramshahr, most of you young people did not exist on that day, 19 00:04:40,400 --> 00:04:51,080 or even if you were, you were very [small] children, [and] were [very] young. The day of the liberation of Khorramshahr was a huge incident. 20 00:04:53,480 --> 00:05:00,600 Perhaps, not more than a few hours had passed since the news broke out 21 00:05:01,120 --> 00:05:10,440 when I was moving from [the building of] the president’s office toward the domicile of Imam [Khomeini] to meet with the Imam (May God’s Mercy Be Upon Him). 22 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:18,480 In this street [where my car was moving] and along the way, people were clamoring; [it was] just like a march, [and] like a demonstration. 23 00:05:19,400 --> 00:05:23,720 When they saw my car, they came forward and congratulated. 24 00:05:24,400 --> 00:05:35,080 A self-motivated public celebration was held all across the country; the issue was such an important issue. 25 00:05:36,640 --> 00:05:46,240 Of course, people on that day often did not know what had happened, which had led to this conquest. 26 00:05:46,440 --> 00:06:00,320 People were not aware of those sacrifices, of those details, [and] of those amazing and unbelievable efforts; 27 00:06:01,320 --> 00:06:03,760 [even] today, many people are not aware [of them]. 28 00:06:04,120 --> 00:06:14,240 I recommend everybody to read these books, which are about the details of the Operation “Elaa Beit-ol-Moqaddas (Toward Beit-ol-Moqaddas),” 29 00:06:14,360 --> 00:06:23,880 which led to the liberation of Khorramshahr, and also other operations – [such as the Operation] Fath-ol-Mobin and other operations; 30 00:06:25,040 --> 00:06:32,480 read [these] books and see what has happened. Once I drew an analogy 31 00:06:32,960 --> 00:06:39,840 between the Sacred Defense (the eight-year Iraqi imposed war against Iran) and a very big and grand painting, which has been installed on a high place; 32 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:49,280 we see this painting from below and admire it; however, if we go closer 33 00:06:50,320 --> 00:06:58,000 and see the craftsmanship that has been applied to this painting, the artistry used in it, the details that exist in the painting, 34 00:06:59,280 --> 00:07:07,480 that mixture of different colors, different designs, [and] different brushes, 35 00:07:08,080 --> 00:07:16,840 [then] our admiration will increase ten-fold.These books, which they have written [about Iran's war operations], in fact 36 00:07:17,240 --> 00:07:25,280 explain these details to us, who have seen this picture from afar. Well, this was a great development. 37 00:07:26,520 --> 00:07:37,800 However, bigger than this development was that Imam [Khomeini] (May God’s Mercy Be Upon Him) – that man of God, 38 00:07:38,360 --> 00:07:50,640 [and] that divine sage in the true sense of the word – when Khorramshahr was liberated, when all these struggles bore fruit, 39 00:07:51,400 --> 00:08:04,320 [after] young people endeavored so hard, [after] we offered all these martyrs, [and] made such [a great] effort, said that “Khorramshahr was liberated by God;” 40 00:08:06,480 --> 00:08:15,040 [he said] it was God who liberated Khorramshahr! This is very important; what does this mean? 41 00:08:15,580 --> 00:08:21,540 This means that if you work hard, the power of God comes to your help. 42 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:28,680 An army without backing cannot do anything; 43 00:08:29,660 --> 00:08:37,120 [but] an army with [good] backing, with reserve [force], [and] with a large reserve force, can do anything. 44 00:08:38,340 --> 00:08:47,320 Now, when an army’s backing [and] reserve [force] is the divine power, 45 00:08:47,580 --> 00:08:53,600 can this army be ever defeated? Imam made us understand this; 46 00:08:54,980 --> 00:09:03,860 made [us] understand that when you struggle, when you are not lazy, when you enter the arena, 47 00:09:04,260 --> 00:09:12,540 [and] when you enter your forces into the arena, here it is the power of God, which is supporting you, 48 00:09:13,220 --> 00:09:26,600 [and this is why he said] Khorramshahr was liberated by God. According to this logic, God can also free all the world, which has been dominated by the Arrogance. 49 00:09:29,460 --> 00:09:44,220 According to this logic, [even] Palestine can be liberated as well. According to this logic, any nation is able not to remain suppressed, 50 00:09:44,800 --> 00:09:49,020 provided that this logic is realized. 51 00:09:51,950 --> 00:09:56,000 When we have this logic, we become invincible. 52 00:09:57,330 --> 00:10:06,930 When we enter the arena with this logic, [there will be no] fear and becoming awestricken; 53 00:10:07,680 --> 00:10:19,770 [at that time,] the military or propaganda or monetary and financial and economic strength of [the world] powers in front of us will be no more frightening and scary; 54 00:10:21,730 --> 00:10:29,950 [because] we would be reliant on the power of God. Of course, the power of God would not support lazy people; 55 00:10:30,440 --> 00:10:38,040 [and] it does not support those nations, which are not ready to sacrifice. 56 00:10:38,530 --> 00:10:46,840 The power of God will support those who enter the arena, move, make effort, 57 00:10:46,840 --> 00:10:54,440 [and] get ready to do anything; these [people] rely on the power of God. 58 00:10:54,620 --> 00:11:02,710 ذلِکَ بِاَنَّ اللهَ مَولَي الَّذينَ ءامَنوا وَ اَنَّ الکفِرينَ لا مَولي‌ لَهُم 59 00:11:03,550 --> 00:11:15,640 this is the verse of the Quran; God is your protector; you have a protector under whose power is the entire existing world; 60 00:11:15,950 --> 00:11:21,550 this is your protector and disbelievers do not have [such a protector]. 61 00:11:23,280 --> 00:11:29,730 In the Battle of Badr, when infidels started to chant slogans 62 00:11:31,460 --> 00:11:36,040 and mentioned the names of their idols, Prophet [Mohammad] (PBUH) told Muslims to say: 63 00:11:36,310 --> 00:11:40,480 اَللهُ مَولانا وَ لا مَولي‌ لَکُم “Allah is our protector and you have no protector;” 64 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:52,530 [and Muslims said:] God is our protector, is our backer, [and] our power is based on his power and you [disbelievers] don’t have this [source of support]; [and during that battle] this turned out to be true. 65 00:11:53,820 --> 00:12:02,440 It has been now 37 years [or] 38 years that [our enemies] have been taking advantage of all facilities 66 00:12:03,150 --> 00:12:09,730 in order to defeat this blessed growth, this Islamic Republic, 67 00:12:10,480 --> 00:12:18,840 [and] this embodiment of the revolution and [they] have not been able [to do this]; [because,] God is our protector. 68 00:12:20,970 --> 00:12:33,860 The Iranian nation is [present] in the [political] scene; don’t look at a bunch of people who are marginalized, bad-tempered, grumpy, or follow their carnal desires; 69 00:12:34,130 --> 00:12:38,530 the nation is [present] in the [political] scene, [and] the nation is in the arena. 70 00:12:40,660 --> 00:12:49,280 Among this nation, there is a huge number of people who are ready to sacrifice their lives; 71 00:12:50,530 --> 00:13:03,150 this is the same thing, which brings the power of God to one’s support; this means asymmetrical war. 72 00:13:05,420 --> 00:13:16,480 The meaning of asymmetrical war is that two sides to the war enjoy different resources with different identities. 73 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:26,170 This is asymmetrical war; that is, each one of these two sides has [its own] facilities, 74 00:13:26,170 --> 00:13:30,440 [and] has power sources, which the other side does not have. 75 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:37,240 We are engaged in asymmetrical war with the global Arrogance; why? 76 00:13:37,770 --> 00:13:45,330 It may have some facilities that we do not have, but we [for our own part] have facilities that it does not have; 77 00:13:45,640 --> 00:13:54,260 what are those facilities? Reliance [and] trust in God, confidence in the final victory, 78 00:13:54,480 --> 00:14:00,930 [and] confidence in human power, in the willpower of the faithful man; 79 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:12,880 we have this; this is [the meaning of] asymmetrical war. In an asymmetrical war, it is wills that fight against one another, 80 00:14:13,060 --> 00:14:22,400 [and] any will which prevails, it will be victorious. [Therefore, try] not to weaken the will in the arena; 81 00:14:23,060 --> 00:14:30,660 [and] do not cause the will to waver in the battlefield; 82 00:14:31,060 --> 00:14:39,200 if the will of one side of the war is weakened in the battlefield, it will be certainly defeated. 83 00:14:40,570 --> 00:14:50,170 Do not allow your will to become weak, [and] do not allow the enemy’s propaganda and the enemy’s temptations 84 00:14:50,970 --> 00:15:02,480 to cause your strong will and determination to falter; maintain this strong will; [because] this will guarantee [your] victory. 85 00:15:05,020 --> 00:15:18,880 [Today,] the [threat of] military war is not an issue [anymore]; today, for our country, [getting engaged in] a traditional and conventional military war 86 00:15:19,550 --> 00:15:26,840 is a very very low possibility,but jihad is still in place; 87 00:15:28,620 --> 00:15:38,310 jihad is something else. Jihad does not necessarily mean fighting, [and] does not only mean military warfare; 88 00:15:38,800 --> 00:15:50,170 jihad has a much more overarching meaning. Among [various kinds of] jihads, there is a jihad, 89 00:15:50,930 --> 00:15:56,260 which the Almighty God has described as the “Great Jihad” in the Quran 90 00:15:56,930 --> 00:16:01,510 [where He says:] “…and engage in Jihad against them in the Great Jihad with it;” 91 00:16:02,880 --> 00:16:14,930 this [verse] is in the blessed Chapter of Furqan; [in this verse] “with it” means with the Quran, 92 00:16:15,770 --> 00:16:27,600 [and] “engage in Jihad against them with it” means “engage in jihad against them with the Quran; [and] “engage in the Great Jihad.” This verse was sent down [on the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)] in Mecca. 93 00:16:28,480 --> 00:16:41,370 Pay close attention you dear youths! In Mecca, the military war was not an issue; [when he was in Mecca,] the Prophet and Muslims had no mission to engage in military war, 94 00:16:43,460 --> 00:16:50,480 [because] what they did was something else; [it is because of] this same other thing 95 00:16:51,460 --> 00:16:59,280 that the Almighty God tells [the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)] in this honorable verse [of the Quran] that “… and engage in Jihad against them with the Great Jihad.” What is that other job? 96 00:16:59,860 --> 00:17:06,400 That other job [is] steadfastness and resistance and lack of obedience. 97 00:17:07,240 --> 00:17:13,200 فَلا تُطِعِ الکفِرينَ وَ جهِدهُم بِه‌ جِهادًا کَبيرًا 98 00:17:13,820 --> 00:17:16,970 [it commands the Prophet] not to obey the disbelievers. 99 00:17:17,680 --> 00:17:23,330 فَلا تُطِعِ الکفِرينَ وَ جهِدهُم بِه‌ جِهادًا کَبيرًا 100 00:17:24,170 --> 00:17:37,150 Not obeying the disbelievers is the same thing which the Almighty God has described as the Great Jihad. 101 00:17:39,640 --> 00:17:44,170 This division is different from [another] division [which divides jihad into] the Greater Jihad and the Lesser Jihad. 102 00:17:44,440 --> 00:17:53,600 The Greater Jihad, which is the most difficult [form of jihad] is to do jihad against one’s carnal desires, [and] this is the same thing that protects our identity [and] protects our interior; 103 00:17:54,040 --> 00:17:57,910 [but] the Lesser Jihad means to struggle against the enemy. 104 00:17:58,800 --> 00:18:07,730 However, between the Lesser Jihad [and the Greater Jihad] there is one [form] of jihad, which the Almighty God has called “the Great Jihad,” which is this. 105 00:18:09,550 --> 00:18:19,240 What is the meaning of the “Great Jihad?” It means not obeying the enemy, [and] the disbeliever; 106 00:18:20,220 --> 00:18:28,530 [it means that] you must not obey that foe, who is in the arena to fight you. 107 00:18:30,080 --> 00:18:40,310 What does obedience mean? It means compliance; [so,] don’t comply [with your enemy]. Where we must not comply? In various fields; 108 00:18:40,440 --> 00:18:47,460 compliance in the field of politics, in the field of economy, in the field of culture, [and] in the field of arts. 109 00:18:48,570 --> 00:18:56,040 Do not comply with your enemy in various fields; this is [the true meaning of] the “Great Jihad.” 110 00:18:58,310 --> 00:19:02,530 This lack of compliance is so important 111 00:19:02,880 --> 00:19:10,000 that the Almighty God has frequently recommended his prophet to it. 112 00:19:10,260 --> 00:19:15,730 The shocking [Quranic] verse at the beginning of the Chapter Ahzab [says:] 113 00:19:16,000 --> 00:19:24,040 بِسمِ‌اللهِ‌الرَّحمنِ‌الرَّحيم * ياَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ اتَّقِ اللهَ وَ لا تُطِعِ الکفِرينَ 114 00:19:25,770 --> 00:19:32,970 [«اِتَّقِ اللهَ وَ لا تُطِعِ الکفِرين»! پيغمبر! تقوا داشته باش 115 00:19:33,330 --> 00:19:39,600 and do not obey the disbelievers;” [because] “Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.” 116 00:19:40,840 --> 00:19:47,460 [In fact, God is telling the Prophet:] “We know your problems, [and] we know what pressures are exerted on you 117 00:19:49,110 --> 00:19:54,530 to make you comply [with the disbelievers’ demands] – they threaten, [and] they tempt – 118 00:19:55,910 --> 00:20:06,170 but you be careful about what God has ordered and prohibited, have fear of Allah, and be watchful.” “And do not obey the disbelievers;” 119 00:20:07,510 --> 00:20:12,750 this [issue of] not obeying the disbelievers is such 120 00:20:13,680 --> 00:20:20,930 a big and important thing that makes God talk to His prophet using this tone. 121 00:20:22,970 --> 00:20:25,730 Well, do not obey the disbelievers, so, what should you do? 122 00:20:25,730 --> 00:20:37,820 وَ اتَّبِع ما يوحي‌ اِلَيکَ مِن رَبِّکَ اِنَّ اللهَ کانَ بِما تَعمَلونَ خَبيرًا 123 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:46,400 and adds ياَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ اتَّقِ اللهَ وَ لا تُطِعِ الکفِرينَ و المُنفِقينَ اِنَّ اللهَ کانَ عَليمًا حکيمًا 124 00:20:47,330 --> 00:20:53,550 وَ اتَّبِع ما يوحي‌ اِلَيکَ مِن رَبِّکَ اِنَّ اللهَ کانَ بِما تَعمَلونَ خَبيرا 125 00:20:54,170 --> 00:21:01,020 “Do not obey them; [because] you have a plan; you have a working plan, [and] a plan for life; 126 00:21:03,770 --> 00:21:09,110 the divine revelation has not left you on your own; the Quran is in your hands, 127 00:21:09,600 --> 00:21:16,440 Islam is in your hands, [and] the plan of Islam is in your hands; [so] you go this way.” 128 00:21:21,460 --> 00:21:26,710 See, these are all the beginning verses of the Chapter Ahzab; in tandem; 129 00:21:27,240 --> 00:21:35,370 first [the Quran says:] اوّل، اِتَّقِ اللهَ وَ لا تُطِعِ الکفِرينَ وَ المُنفِقين؛(۹) بعد، وَ اتَّبِع ما يوحي‌ اِلَيکَ مِن رَبِّک 130 00:21:35,950 --> 00:21:43,110 Following this [recommendation] there is an answer to this question that “well, there is risk, [and disbelievers] exert pressure [on believers]; 131 00:21:43,280 --> 00:21:50,880 وَ تَوَکَّل عَلَي اللهِ وَ کَفي‌ بِاللهِ وَکيلا 132 00:21:51,460 --> 00:21:59,600 [It tells the Prophet to] rely on God in the face of all these pressures; rely on God. 133 00:21:59,860 --> 00:22:07,550 Reliance on God does not mean that you do not do anything and remain idle until God himself comes and does your work; this is not [what reliance on God means]; 134 00:22:08,170 --> 00:22:13,370 reliance [on God] means that you must get on your feet, break a sweat, make an effort, 135 00:22:13,680 --> 00:22:22,220 [and] then be certain that the Almighty God will help you; today, this is the problem facing the Islamic Republic. 136 00:22:23,860 --> 00:22:34,800 The problem facing the Islamic Republic is that the arrogant enemy is bent on bringing the Islamic [Revolution] down to its knees; through what? 137 00:22:35,420 --> 00:22:42,220 Through infiltrating its culture, through its economic pressure, 138 00:22:43,150 --> 00:22:53,200 through all kinds and sorts of its political efforts, through the huge scope of its propaganda, 139 00:22:53,860 --> 00:22:58,220 and through treacherous agents that it has 140 00:22:58,970 --> 00:23:10,310 [the enemy] aims to change the atmosphere of the Islamic Republic so as to make it comply [with its demands]. 141 00:23:11,420 --> 00:23:25,060 What makes the Arrogance extremely enraged with the Islamic Republic is not that the Iranian people are Muslim; 142 00:23:27,200 --> 00:23:36,710 it is [the fact] that due to being Muslim, the people [of Iran] are not willing to bow to the Arrogance, 143 00:23:37,330 --> 00:23:42,570 [and] are not ready to comply [with it]; this is [the main factor] that enrages the enemy. 144 00:23:43,240 --> 00:23:49,680 [They] try to hide this under [certain] covers, but this is the reality of this issue. 145 00:23:50,220 --> 00:24:02,170 The nuclear issue was just an excuse, [and] even the issue of [Iran's] missiles – this issue of missiles, which they have been talking about [and repeating] “missile, missile,” 146 00:24:03,240 --> 00:24:06,660 which of course is of no benefit [to the enemies] and they cannot do a damn thing [about it] – is [just] an excuse; 147 00:24:24,930 --> 00:24:33,950 the issue of human rights [and] other different issues are all excuses. The [main] issue is noncompliance [of Iran with arrogant powers]. 148 00:24:34,930 --> 00:24:43,420 If the Islamic Republic was willing to comply with the Arrogance, they would have got along with its missile [program], 149 00:24:43,420 --> 00:24:51,420 with its nuclear energy and with all kinds and sorts of things that exist in this regard 150 00:24:51,820 --> 00:25:00,530 and would have never mentioned the [situation of] human rights [in the country] at all. [But] based on divine teachings, the Islamic Republic is not willing 151 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:12,000 to comply with the arrogant, disbeliever enemy, [and] to comply with the disbeliever and arrogant front; this is the main reason [behind their enmity toward Iran]; 152 00:25:13,150 --> 00:25:15,330 [and] this is where all their effort is directed. 153 00:25:15,600 --> 00:25:23,730 Of course, they try not to say this in words, though they are sometimes given away by their remarks. 154 00:25:23,950 --> 00:25:35,510 Just a few days before this, an American official, listed accusations that exist against the Islamic Republic: 155 00:25:36,310 --> 00:25:46,710 missile [program] and this and that and “ideology!” It [sometimes] gets out of their hand; [and] they give themselves away. [This ideology] means thinking; 156 00:25:48,260 --> 00:25:59,640 [it means] the Islamic [way of] thinking, which makes you not to bow to the disbeliever enemy and the disbeliever and arrogant front. 157 00:26:00,260 --> 00:26:06,400 It is this which causes enmity, and it is this which is the cause of your might; 158 00:26:08,310 --> 00:26:16,310 [and I emphasis that] it is this [thinking] which is the cause of your might. It is this motivation, which has kept the Iranian nation on its feet; 159 00:26:17,060 --> 00:26:26,040 it is this motivation which has preserved the firm determination in the Iranian nation; [and] steadfastness [is the main cause of this]. 160 00:26:28,170 --> 00:26:37,020 Preserving the revolutionary and Islamic identity for the Islamic Republic establishment and for the Iranian nation; 161 00:26:37,280 --> 00:26:46,310 this is what about which the enemy is extremely angry; [and] it has no choice either. 162 00:26:48,040 --> 00:27:00,040 They made a lot of effort to bring the decision-making and decision-taking centers [of Iran] under their power, 163 00:27:00,130 --> 00:27:08,350 [but] they failed and with God’s assistance and through God’s power and strength, they will not be able [to do this]. 164 00:27:26,660 --> 00:27:38,130 You are guards of the revolution, [and you are] the revolution’s guards. Of course, the entire Iranian nation is, or should be, guarding the revolution, 165 00:27:38,710 --> 00:27:48,840 but you are an organization which is honored and holding its head high with this name: the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps [IRGC]. 166 00:27:52,570 --> 00:28:00,620 You must put this Great Jihad on top of your work program. 167 00:28:03,680 --> 00:28:10,220 Today, they [the enemies] are angrier with the IRGC than all [other organs]; 168 00:28:11,460 --> 00:28:18,530 [and] in the names that they mention, in insults that they make, [and] in accusations that they level, 169 00:28:19,020 --> 00:28:27,860 the IRGC is more than others the target of these accusations and these lies; 170 00:28:28,710 --> 00:28:32,840 the reason is that the IRGC has shown that it is standing fast. 171 00:28:35,550 --> 00:28:39,730 Do not lose this spirit and this orientation and this state [of readiness]. 172 00:28:40,080 --> 00:28:51,420 Dear youths! My dear children! Tomorrow belongs to you, [and] future belongs to you; 173 00:28:53,200 --> 00:29:00,840 it is you who must preserve this history with its dignity; 174 00:29:03,820 --> 00:29:11,730 it is you who are shouldering this responsibility; [many] cases like [the liberation of] Khorramshahr are ahead [of you]; 175 00:29:14,310 --> 00:29:22,130 not in the arena of military war, [but] in an arena, which is more difficult than the military war. 176 00:29:22,260 --> 00:29:26,260 Of course, it does not cause the devastations of a military war; 177 00:29:27,770 --> 00:29:33,950 [and] on the contrary, it leads to development, but it is more difficult. 178 00:29:35,770 --> 00:29:50,800 [The fact] that I said [we must implement] the Economy of Resistance, it means that the economic part of this big and major policy is the economic resistance. 179 00:29:53,280 --> 00:30:05,770 [When] I said that faithful and devout and revolutionary youths, should not forget about self-motivated cultural works and should follow up on them, 180 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:11,770 and [when] I invited and [still] invite all cultural organs of the country to move in this direction, 181 00:30:12,840 --> 00:30:27,680 this is the cultural part of this noncompliance [with the arrogant powers]; this is the big Jihad, the Great Jihad. 182 00:30:28,570 --> 00:30:35,820 [The fact] that I invite all existing talents in the country 183 00:30:36,570 --> 00:30:43,060 to use their talent in the service of the progress of this country 184 00:30:43,370 --> 00:30:48,220 and bring [their talents] into the scene and into the arena 185 00:30:48,660 --> 00:30:58,310 and [also] invite the administration’s officials and other officials to welcome these talents, 186 00:30:59,240 --> 00:31:05,910 this is that active social part of this Great Jihad. 187 00:31:06,040 --> 00:31:09,730 This Great Jihad has [various] dimensions: 188 00:31:10,800 --> 00:31:14,220 [as the Quran says:] جهِدهُم بِه‌ جِهادًا کَبيرًا 189 00:31:16,480 --> 00:31:20,310 This does not mean [that we have] to cut [our] relations with the world; 190 00:31:20,970 --> 00:31:27,460 in order to undermine this divine policy, some people falsely say: 191 00:31:28,220 --> 00:31:33,770 “The revolutionaries say [you must] cut relations with the world;” no, 192 00:31:34,530 --> 00:31:42,040 we do not believe in severing relations with the world, [and] do not believe in erecting a fence around the country either; 193 00:31:43,420 --> 00:31:49,730 [we say officials must] interact [with officials from other countries], and have relations, do exchanges, [and] do business, 194 00:31:50,040 --> 00:32:00,040 but they [must] not forget their main identity and character; this is what we say: 195 00:32:02,480 --> 00:32:06,220 [as put by the Quran:] وَ اَنتُمُ الاَعلَونَ اِن کُنتُم مُؤمِنين 196 00:32:08,400 --> 00:32:15,200 [they must] move like the representative of the Islamic establishment, 197 00:32:17,020 --> 00:32:22,530 [and must] talk like the representative of the Islamic establishment. 198 00:32:23,600 --> 00:32:30,970 Conclude contracts with everybody and with anywhere which is deemed necessary due to the country’s expediency, 199 00:32:32,000 --> 00:32:40,800 but sit at the contract [signing] table like the representative of the Islamic Iran and the representative of Islam. 200 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:55,330 All [officials must] move smartly; [because] this jihad needs smartness, [and] this jihad needs devotion. 201 00:32:56,970 --> 00:33:06,800 This jihad is nothing like a military jihad, where some people can shine 202 00:33:07,240 --> 00:33:14,130 and both their martyrs and those who live and war veterans are depicted as heroes 203 00:33:14,620 --> 00:33:20,220 – as we take pride in these martyrs and these war veterans and these sacrificing people – 204 00:33:21,240 --> 00:33:29,950 [but] this jihad is a jihad in which one may take a lot of trouble, but nobody would know them; 205 00:33:31,150 --> 00:33:33,680 [therefore,] this jihad needs devotion. 206 00:33:34,130 --> 00:33:44,040 Today, the enemy has lost hope in being able to deal a decisive blow to the Islamic establishment, 207 00:33:45,550 --> 00:33:54,130 because it knows that there exists enough motivation and faith and honesty and preparedness inside [the country]; 208 00:33:54,440 --> 00:33:58,840 [and] therefore, it has no hope in being able to deal a decisive blow, 209 00:33:59,770 --> 00:34:08,440 but is not disappointed in being able to infiltrate [into the country]. [And] the means of infiltration are numerous today. 210 00:34:09,150 --> 00:34:18,800 They are trying to raise the Iranian youth in the way that they like. 211 00:34:20,040 --> 00:34:27,460 If the Iranian youth grows up to be something that America likes and the Arrogance likes, 212 00:34:28,000 --> 00:34:33,820 then America would not need to undertake any expense and cost to implement its plans in Iran; 213 00:34:34,080 --> 00:34:43,730 [because] such a young person would work for them like an unpaid servant; [therefore,] they want the Iranian youth to be raised as such. 214 00:34:46,310 --> 00:34:53,200 Four persons who lack [strong] identity talked in such a way and acted in such a way 215 00:34:53,730 --> 00:34:59,950 that an American who traveled to Iran a few years ago said when he went back [to the United States] 216 00:34:59,950 --> 00:35:06,400 that ‘there are people in Iran who are holding guns in their hands and are waiting for our command to fire!’ 217 00:35:07,370 --> 00:35:13,150 He had met with a bunch of persons without [strong] identity, [and] had been duped. 218 00:35:14,130 --> 00:35:23,060 The big problem with Americans is that they do not know our country, do not know our people, [and] cannot know [our people] either. 219 00:35:23,510 --> 00:35:35,330 The problem with the Arrogance is that it mostly looks at appearances; [and] looks at the outward glamor [of things], [but] cannot see the inner side [of those things]. 220 00:35:37,060 --> 00:35:48,930 [Therefore,] its power is also an outward power and is the power [of control] over [physical] bodies; [this is why] it cannot have control over [people’s] hearts in the way that it is willing to have. 221 00:35:50,710 --> 00:35:56,880 They made a mistake. But they are not disappointed with [the possibility of] infiltrating [into the country]; 222 00:35:57,860 --> 00:36:07,150 they want to infiltrate, they want to conquer [people’s] hearts, [and] they want to change [people’s] minds. 223 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:19,060 This issue puts a big duty on the shoulder of all the sympathizers of the Iranian nation and the sympathizers of the country, 224 00:36:19,910 --> 00:36:27,680 including you dear young guards and the big organization of the Islamic Republic Guards Corps. 225 00:36:30,800 --> 00:36:38,800 Your job is not just to fight; the guard corps is guarding the [Islamic] Revolution. 226 00:36:39,770 --> 00:36:43,150 Of course, the military aspect in the Islamic Republic Guards Corps must not be absolutely weakened; 227 00:36:44,570 --> 00:36:54,880 just in the same way that befits a military organization, the [military] work should continue in the best possible way 228 00:36:55,330 --> 00:37:04,570 and in the most updated form and the most innovative manner; 229 00:37:04,840 --> 00:37:13,330 but it is not just this. The duty for elucidation is today [weighing] on everybody’s shoulders; including on your shoulder. 230 00:37:15,110 --> 00:37:19,200 [The fact] that I put so much emphasis on the [issue of] elucidation 231 00:37:20,040 --> 00:37:29,200 is because today, this Great Jihad is to a large extent dependent on elucidation; 232 00:37:29,680 --> 00:37:39,460 elucidation, explanation, and enlightenment; today, enlightenment is [also] necessary. 233 00:37:41,370 --> 00:37:54,080 Try to help [people’s] minds reach the depth of realities and issues through [correct] determination of the depth [of those issues]. 234 00:37:56,350 --> 00:38:04,880 This university of yours can take great steps in this regard 235 00:38:05,460 --> 00:38:11,370 and can make elucidation one of its basic programs; 236 00:38:11,730 --> 00:38:20,880 both within its own ranks and on a larger scale as far as its potentialities allow. 237 00:38:22,000 --> 00:38:27,950 Revolutionary slogans must be preserved; this is one of the [main] goals. 238 00:38:28,350 --> 00:38:38,880 One of the big jobs and [one] of the big parts of this huge jihad – [that is,] the Great Jihad – is to preserve the slogans of the revolution. 239 00:38:40,440 --> 00:38:47,550 Slogans show the goals, slogans show us the way, 240 00:38:48,440 --> 00:38:56,800 [and] slogans are like signposts which they put along the way in order for people not to make a mistake about the way [they must go]; 241 00:38:58,000 --> 00:39:06,350 [as Imam Ali (PBUH) says in Nahj-ul-Balagha:] “the right and the left are misguiding, and the middle way is the [best] road;” 242 00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:15,510 [so, people must] try not to lean toward the left or the right [and] tread the direct road and the direct path; this is the [main] benefit of these slogans, [and] this is their role. 243 00:39:16,040 --> 00:39:22,710 As for these slogans and realities, sentiments must not be sufficed to. 244 00:39:23,730 --> 00:39:30,530 Of course, I believe in a great role for sentiments, [and] I believe in a great role for emotions, 245 00:39:30,930 --> 00:39:34,660 but this is not adequate; [they] are necessary, but not adequate. 246 00:39:35,600 --> 00:39:45,820 Depth, reflection and profound thinking should exist in all these slogans. 247 00:39:47,510 --> 00:40:00,530 Try to reflect on [various] issues; when you find the depth [of issues], this established faith cannot be taken away from you with any force. 248 00:40:02,170 --> 00:40:10,750 The problem with these people who you see that one day are more radical than all radicals and another day turn 180 degrees to the opposite site, 249 00:40:11,680 --> 00:40:17,370 is lack of depth in their faith. We had [such people]; in early [years of the Islamic] Revolution 250 00:40:18,220 --> 00:40:28,880 there were some people who were so hardline and radial that they did not accept [the viewpoints of] the main and old and seasoned revolutionaries 251 00:40:29,860 --> 00:40:37,240 and found fault with them, but were superficial [in their faith]; 252 00:40:37,860 --> 00:40:47,060 this superficiality [finally] cost them dearly, [because after a while] they changed course 180 degrees, [and] their viewpoint [totally] changed. 253 00:40:47,910 --> 00:40:57,060 [Try to have] depth and profoundness; go into the depths of thought and thinking 254 00:40:57,370 --> 00:41:01,640 and take advantage of the guidance of competent scholars in this regard. 255 00:41:01,910 --> 00:41:07,550 Manpower training is another one of [your] jobs. The future belongs to you; 256 00:41:08,170 --> 00:41:25,640 in future, you can play a great role in creating and offering qualified and competent manpower 257 00:41:25,640 --> 00:41:29,860 to the general system of the country and to the management system of the country. 258 00:41:31,770 --> 00:41:40,040 Compile the accumulated experiences of the revolution, [and] these accumulated experiences of these 37 years; 259 00:41:40,220 --> 00:41:45,550 this is a scientific work, [and] is a scientific and historical research. 260 00:41:48,000 --> 00:41:54,260 Today, we need to have a look at [our] past; 261 00:41:55,240 --> 00:42:01,420 the ways we have come, the things we have done, the things that others have done, 262 00:42:02,260 --> 00:42:11,370 the experiences we have gone through, [and] these strange ups and downs which have been on the way, 263 00:42:11,600 --> 00:42:26,480 and the revolution has been able to proceed through this maze of different ways, toward [its] goals without ever stopping, 264 00:42:27,240 --> 00:42:31,510 [all] these [issues] need to be compiled [in an organized manner]; [and] this [act of compilation] needs scientific work. 265 00:42:32,800 --> 00:42:40,170 Your university is a different university; of course, I am not just addressing your university, [but] I am [also] addressing all universities 266 00:42:40,880 --> 00:42:45,200 and all scientific centers and all [religious] seminaries; 267 00:42:45,600 --> 00:42:57,150 but well, the Imam Hossein (PBUH) University, is the university of Imam Hossein (PBUH)! [Therefore,] it is a different university; [and this is why] you shoulder more responsibility. 268 00:42:57,510 --> 00:43:05,060 Another point is that [you must] consider elucidation as the basis of [your] work. 269 00:43:06,570 --> 00:43:19,950 I sometimes see a group, certain people, [and] young people who are possibly pious and faithful, who are opposed to a person 270 00:43:20,570 --> 00:43:30,040 or are opposed to a session, start crying out loud and clamoring and changing slogans; I do not agree with such measures. 271 00:43:32,930 --> 00:43:41,240 This has no benefit. Since old times, I have always recommended this to those [people] have been engaged in these things. 272 00:43:42,710 --> 00:43:52,480 That they attend a gathering, [and] because a given person is delivering a speech whom, for example, you do not accept [his views] – you may be right or wrong – 273 00:43:53,640 --> 00:43:58,350 [and use this as excuse to] go and disrupt this session, [and] interrupt it; no, this has no benefit. 274 00:43:59,510 --> 00:44:09,370 The benefit is in elucidation, the benefit is in good work, [and] is in smart work. It is these [measures] which [if taken will] have benefit. 275 00:44:12,000 --> 00:44:25,280 Sometimes some people do such things based on certain ill wishes, [and then] blame them on faithful and devout youths; pay attention to this [point] as well. 276 00:44:25,910 --> 00:44:33,550 The last point, which I offer is this; all we said, all we must do, 277 00:44:34,170 --> 00:44:46,080 [and] all [those things] that we can do through our abilities, depend on us supplicating before the Almighty God, 278 00:44:46,080 --> 00:44:52,440 have concentration, [and] increase our recourse to God. 279 00:44:52,970 --> 00:45:00,400 The relationship of [people’s] hearts with the Almighty God, is that [kind of] relationship, which if established, 280 00:45:00,570 --> 00:45:12,260 would be a [strong] backing for our revolutionary identity and willpower and determination, which would be able to provide this ground, which I discussed [here]. 281 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:23,200 Dear youths, remain intimate with the Quran; thank God, there are many young people who know the Quran by heart. 282 00:45:24,480 --> 00:45:32,130 [Attach importance] to memorizing the Quran, reciting the Quran, reflecting on the Quran, [and] musing on the divine verses [of the Quran]; 283 00:45:34,220 --> 00:45:43,770 [and also] pay attention to [daily] prayers, [I mean] proper prayers, prayers with concentration, [and] prayers combined with the feeling of being present in front of the Almighty. 284 00:45:45,150 --> 00:45:52,710 Maintaining concentration [in prayers] means that one’s mind is not deflected during the prayers, and is [present] there [with full concentration]. 285 00:45:52,930 --> 00:46:02,000 There are times when we are saying the prayers, but we are deflected; prayers with concentration means that our mind must be right here, be [here] on the prayers carpet, 286 00:46:02,570 --> 00:46:10,000 be focused on our prayers, and do not be deflected anywhere else. You, young people, practice this; 287 00:46:10,840 --> 00:46:16,710 it may be difficult at the beginning, but [if you] practice [this concentration at the prayers], it will gradually become easier, [and] you will [gradually] get used to it. 288 00:46:17,820 --> 00:46:26,620 If you practiced today, it would benefit you forever; if you do not practice [this concentration in the prayers] when you are young, when you reach the age of the likes of me, 289 00:46:26,930 --> 00:46:31,510 it would be difficult [to start then]. 290 00:46:32,480 --> 00:46:42,400 [Become intimate] with the prayers, with the Quran, with recourses [to God], with [recommended] prayers of the [lunar] month of Sha’ban, [and] with the Sha’baniyeh prayer. 291 00:46:43,110 --> 00:46:51,240 The [fasting] month of Ramadan is ahead of us; [try to] purify yourself, 292 00:46:51,510 --> 00:46:58,800 bless yourself, [and] illuminate yourself through [taking advantage of] the auspicious days and nights of Ramadan, [and] God willing, you would be able to take all these big steps. 293 00:46:59,820 --> 00:47:08,040 Blessed be the memory of our dear Imam [Khomeini]; may God’s mercy be upon that great man who opened this way to us 294 00:47:08,750 --> 00:47:14,350 and may God’s mercy be upon dear martyrs and hail to the families of martyrs and war veterans. 295 00:47:14,660 --> 00:47:18,040 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings