1 00:00:00,600 --> 00:00:02,560 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:02,640 --> 00:00:05,120 الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:05,440 --> 00:00:09,360 و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا محمّد و آله الطّاهرين 4 00:00:19,560 --> 00:00:22,480 سيّما بقيّةالله في الارضين 5 00:00:22,960 --> 00:00:33,880 You are very welcome my dear ones; I hope, God willing, the Teacher’s Day 6 00:00:34,600 --> 00:00:38,960 and honorable memories of this day 7 00:00:40,120 --> 00:00:48,280 for all of you, my dear children, [and] my dear brethren and sisters. 8 00:00:48,920 --> 00:00:55,400 would be a cause of eternal joviality and happiness and honor 9 00:00:59,000 --> 00:01:10,400 First of all, after congratulating this day, we must commemorate your martyrs; 10 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:25,680 both martyred teachers, and (as you know) about four thousand teachers were martyred and this is not a small figure, 11 00:01:27,600 --> 00:01:37,520 and martyred pupils, with more than 36,000 of our pupils 12 00:01:38,560 --> 00:01:44,000 martyred throughout the Sacred Defense [the eight-year Iraqi imposed war against Iran]. 13 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:55,840 If it were not for the influential role of teacher(s), it was not clear if [all these] pupil(s) would go to war fronts under all conditions; 14 00:01:56,640 --> 00:02:00,280 this honor also belongs to teachers. 15 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:12,000 After this, it is turn for me to thank you – the country’s teachers’ community 16 00:02:13,480 --> 00:02:31,840 – because teachers’ community is a community that has undertaken a difficult task with low financial payoff. 17 00:02:33,560 --> 00:02:43,640 The teacher shoulders the burden of educational encounter with the youth and adolescents; 18 00:02:45,080 --> 00:02:49,520 this is no small matter; [and on the opposite] it is [very] difficult. 19 00:02:51,800 --> 00:02:58,320 [The teacher] shoulders a heavy responsibility as well; [because] everybody expects [something] from teacher 20 00:03:01,000 --> 00:03:10,560 and they want their youngster, their youth, [or] their child, when he goes to the school, 21 00:03:11,840 --> 00:03:20,400 shine among family members like a flower bouquet as a result of the teacher’s education; 22 00:03:21,160 --> 00:03:25,400 [every] human being likes this [to happen]; [and] everybody expects [something] from the teacher. 23 00:03:26,720 --> 00:03:39,800 At the same time, you compare a teacher’s income with the income of that given capitalist, that given rich person, [and] that given young businessman; 24 00:03:41,440 --> 00:03:53,680 well, the teacher sees, [and] knows this; these [people] who become teacher, perhaps many of them 25 00:03:54,560 --> 00:04:04,200 – if not all, [at least] many of these [teachers] – could have taken a different path 26 00:04:05,320 --> 00:04:13,920 and provided themselves with higher income sources and more [money]; [but] they did not [do this]. 27 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:23,680 Part of the teacher’s motivation is love, is compassion [toward students] [and] is a feeling of responsibility. 28 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:31,280 They make the future [of the country] through thrift, 29 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:43,760 and tolerate the burden of educating youths and adolescents with modesty, with patience [and] with serenity. 30 00:04:44,800 --> 00:04:50,760 I don’t want to pass a general judgment; after all, in any community, 31 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:56,480 [and] in any profession there may be a few, who are not desirable [people], 32 00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:03,240 but general style of teachers’ community is like this that I say. 33 00:05:03,560 --> 00:05:14,280 I have been taught by these teachers, have heard things, [and] have learned [many] things; [therefore,] I know how being a teacher looks like. 34 00:05:17,840 --> 00:05:23,120 Well, one characteristic of being a teacher, which 35 00:05:24,440 --> 00:05:34,680 would be good [if] you dear teachers and new teachers and the teachers’ community paid attention to it, is that, 36 00:05:35,720 --> 00:05:42,280 there is possibility of devotion in this job with these characteristics that I said – [that is,] great suffering and low financial payoff – 37 00:05:42,560 --> 00:05:48,680 [and] this is [a] very important [point]. 38 00:05:49,120 --> 00:05:56,720 Human salvation in the eternal life is achieved through this devotion; 39 00:05:57,400 --> 00:06:06,640 working for God, [and] for the truth, [and] working devotedly is a cause of salvation; 40 00:06:08,360 --> 00:06:10,960 this [devotion] cannot be found in many places. 41 00:06:12,760 --> 00:06:23,000 [There are] many tasks that one thinks is doing for God, then when he himself looks carefully at it with fairness, sees that it is not totally pure. 42 00:06:24,120 --> 00:06:32,240 “And I ask forgiveness for doing something to get your attention, which was then mixed with something other than you;” 43 00:06:32,920 --> 00:06:44,400 this prayer is one of the prayers that [we say] between recommended morning prayers and obligatory morning prayers, 44 00:06:46,200 --> 00:06:56,280 which says “O God I ask forgiveness for that action, which I wanted to do for the sake of you, but in the midst of it, 45 00:06:57,160 --> 00:07:00,000 ‘something, which was not related to you’ got involved,” 46 00:07:00,680 --> 00:07:13,120 [and] a non-divine motivation and intention was added; many things that we do are like this. I am talking about myself. 47 00:07:14,800 --> 00:07:23,120 [Therefore,] the place, where one can act out of devotion is [an] opportune [moment]; one of those places is being a teacher. 48 00:07:23,520 --> 00:07:26,160 You can work with devotion, 49 00:07:27,920 --> 00:07:32,800 and if you worked with devotion, your work will be blessed. 50 00:07:33,760 --> 00:07:40,120 A clear and ready example is Martyr Motahhari. 51 00:07:40,520 --> 00:07:49,440 Ayatollah [Morteza] Motahhari moved with devotion, [because] his work was for God; 52 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:57,200 I was friend with him up-close, saw his work; [and] understood his intention. 53 00:07:58,280 --> 00:08:07,760 [He was a scholar] with good knowledge of time, [and] understanding of [the society’s] needs, who knew about [people’s] needs, understood [them] 54 00:08:08,800 --> 00:08:22,240 and for the sake of God [and] to fill the void of such needs, worked and thought 55 00:08:22,880 --> 00:08:30,480 and talked and wrote and endeavored and took steps with devotion. 56 00:08:32,400 --> 00:08:40,280 The result of his devotion is that his works are lasting; he was martyred tens of years ago, 57 00:08:41,440 --> 00:08:47,400 but as put by [the famous Iranian poet] Sa’di, his books [are still] bought “like golden paper;” 58 00:08:48,880 --> 00:09:01,440 those who are given to thinking, who understand, [and] who want to understand, rush to buy Martyr Motahhari’s books. This is devotion. 59 00:09:03,120 --> 00:09:08,240 When you work with devotion, every one of these 60 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:17,040 adolescents and youths whom you teach can build such a future for this country and this future 61 00:09:18,280 --> 00:09:30,720 would bring you eternal happiness because you are his teacher, even if nobody knows you. 62 00:09:31,760 --> 00:09:38,520 Nobody knows the teachers of the honorable Imam [Khomeini] – those who taught him as a child – 63 00:09:39,760 --> 00:09:52,240 but they will be [spiritually] rewarded for what Imam has done because they educated this man like this, [and] raised him like this. 64 00:09:55,200 --> 00:10:04,080 Well, [when] I said devotion, I was addressing you; [however,] this does not mean that now since the teachers’ community 65 00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:12,960 is devoted and thrifty, then the country’s officials should ignore livelihood problems facing teachers; no, 66 00:10:13,960 --> 00:10:28,360 I have said many times and will say [many] more times; officials should know that any money they spend on education 67 00:10:29,760 --> 00:10:35,760 is capital spending, [and] is not pure spending; the money, which is spent there is, in fact, being invested; 68 00:10:36,080 --> 00:10:43,040 look at the education from this viewpoint, [and] allocate budget [to this sector] on this basis, 69 00:10:43,160 --> 00:10:47,520 and on this basis provide [teachers with] livelihood facilities. 70 00:10:47,760 --> 00:10:56,440 There are some ill-wishers, who try to abuse the livelihood problems of the teachers’ community; 71 00:10:56,720 --> 00:11:05,640 I have heard that some people, even within the education [sector] do such abuses; 72 00:11:06,920 --> 00:11:16,000 the livelihood situation of the teachers’ community [which is marked] with shortcomings, prompts some people to abuse [this situation]. 73 00:11:17,720 --> 00:11:24,520 Up to the present day, praise be to God, the teachers’ community has kept itself healthy and clean, 74 00:11:25,200 --> 00:11:32,960 but some [circles] are working and endeavoring to make such unhealthy moves. 75 00:11:35,840 --> 00:11:47,040 Now, let’s bring up the main topic. My dear ones! You want to raise a generation; 76 00:11:48,200 --> 00:11:55,400 what kind of generation does your country and your future need? This [issue] is important. 77 00:11:56,240 --> 00:12:03,680 It is not like that we want to work in an empty field; no. 78 00:12:04,440 --> 00:12:10,920 Assume a judoka or kung fu fighter 79 00:12:12,320 --> 00:12:20,440 who starts incessantly performing judo moves in an empty field, [and] nobody is confronting him; well [in this situation], he is [quite] comfortable; 80 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:29,960 or [assume that somebody] is fencing in an empty field and deals strikes, [and] nobody is in front of him; 81 00:12:31,240 --> 00:12:38,680 however, sometimes there is an opponent in front of you, [who] foils your strike, 82 00:12:39,240 --> 00:12:45,520 prevents [your] strike from landing on his body, [and] strikes you in return; 83 00:12:46,840 --> 00:12:50,600 today, we are faced with such an opponent. 84 00:12:51,120 --> 00:12:55,840 Who is the opponent? The international hegemonic system. 85 00:12:56,920 --> 00:13:02,280 Now, some people may be surprised [and ask] is our education system 86 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:09,120 [really] faced with international hegemonic system? Yes. 87 00:13:10,520 --> 00:13:18,200 [Our education system is faced with] the international hegemonic system, which today is symbolized by the American government, 88 00:13:18,760 --> 00:13:25,560 by major Zionist capitalists, and some other arrogant governments; 89 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:32,800 these are representatives and symbols of the international hegemonic system. 90 00:13:32,960 --> 00:13:43,120 I have talked about this hegemonic system in detail in my public speeches and have explained its meaning that what the international hegemonic system means. 91 00:13:43,840 --> 00:13:48,400 This international hegemonic system has a plan for [all] nations – not just for our nation, 92 00:13:49,320 --> 00:13:53,920 [but] for any nation it can [make a plan for] 93 00:13:55,040 --> 00:14:01,880 – [and] it wants the generation that [is going to] build future of this country 94 00:14:02,080 --> 00:14:10,640 and these countries to be raised in a shape and in a way that would be beneficial to it; 95 00:14:12,880 --> 00:14:22,480 [it wants] a generation be educated in countries that would adopt its way of thinking, 96 00:14:25,080 --> 00:14:31,520 adopt its culture, [and] adopt its viewpoint and choice on global issues. This generation will be educated, 97 00:14:32,240 --> 00:14:42,240 [and] of course, it will be learned, will be research-minded, will become politician, and in different countries, it will be [among] that country’s officials. 98 00:14:42,960 --> 00:14:50,720 Well, for a collection of colonialists what could be better than 99 00:14:51,160 --> 00:14:59,120 having officials of a country, experts in a country, and those who have a voice in a country think like them 100 00:14:59,480 --> 00:15:04,320 and act like them? [This will] facilitate [implementation of] their plan after all. 101 00:15:05,120 --> 00:15:12,840 This is a cultural colonialist plan. Of course, it is not limed to the present time, 102 00:15:12,840 --> 00:15:18,360 [because] perhaps the plan has been in gears for many long years. 103 00:15:19,720 --> 00:15:24,880 Western political thinkers have said time and again 104 00:15:25,440 --> 00:15:33,680 that ‘instead of us going after conquering countries like the colonial period of the 19th century, 105 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:38,480 and appointing military governor and spending money and sending arms and 106 00:15:38,680 --> 00:15:44,160 waging wars and conflicts, better than that and easier than that and less costly than that 107 00:15:44,360 --> 00:15:52,560 is to infuse our own [way of] thinking into [the minds of] their elites and scholars, [then] send them back to their countries, 108 00:15:52,880 --> 00:16:02,000 [and] they will become our unpaid soldiers’; whatever he says, this does. 109 00:16:02,600 --> 00:16:10,840 You don’t know of such governments today? Are there few of such governments in our region? 110 00:16:11,680 --> 00:16:18,280 [which] say the same thing that America wants to say, do the same thing that it wants to do, 111 00:16:19,160 --> 00:16:28,520 [and] also undertake its cost and undertake its spending as well, [but actually] work for it. 112 00:16:28,800 --> 00:16:36,320 They not only do not ask for any concession [from the United States] and are not paid any money, but also spend money; the only advantage is that 113 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:44,840 the arrogance prevents [this proxy government] from being toppled by opposition forces and keeps it in place. 114 00:16:45,920 --> 00:16:53,480 They have such a plan for our generation; they have the same plan for this very pupil who is taught by you. 115 00:16:53,960 --> 00:16:59,200 Now, to what extent they would or would not be able [to do this] is another issue, but this plan does exist. 116 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:05,360 They promote their own thought, promote their own culture, [and] promote their own language. 117 00:17:05,560 --> 00:17:12,960 Here, I [want to repeat] what I have sometimes told Education [Ministry’s] officials; 118 00:17:14,160 --> 00:17:18,440 perhaps I have not said this to incumbent officials, but I have repeatedly said [this] before; 119 00:17:18,440 --> 00:17:25,320 this insistence on promoting the English language in our country is an incorrect measure. 120 00:17:26,000 --> 00:17:34,800 Yes, we must speak a foreign language, but foreign language is not just English, [and] the language of science is not just English. 121 00:17:36,760 --> 00:17:45,880 Why you do not determine other languages [to be taught] at schools as the [foreign] language course? What is this insistence [on teaching English]? 122 00:17:46,760 --> 00:17:54,800 This is the legacy of the era of the tyrant [regime of Shah], this is the legacy of Pahlavi era. 123 00:17:56,160 --> 00:18:06,280 [Take] the Spanish language [as an example]; today, those speaking Spanish are no less than those speaking English; 124 00:18:07,360 --> 00:18:14,000 in various countries, in Latin America, or in Africa there are many people [who speak Spanish]. 125 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:22,040 I say this as an example; now, I am not promoting [the language] of Spain to want to do anything for them, but I am [just] bringing an example. 126 00:18:22,480 --> 00:18:30,880 Why French language or German language are not taught? 127 00:18:31,200 --> 00:18:39,480 Languages of advanced Eastern countries are also foreign languages, [and] these are also the language of science. 128 00:18:39,800 --> 00:18:53,040 Hey Mr., in other countries they pay attention to this issue and prevent infiltration and intervention and development of foreign language; 129 00:18:54,120 --> 00:18:57,480 now, we have become more Catholic than the Pope! 130 00:18:58,840 --> 00:19:07,280 We have paved the way and in addition to making this language the exclusive foreign language of our schools, 131 00:19:07,840 --> 00:19:14,920 are constantly bringing it to lower [education levels, for example,] in primary schools and in nursery schools! 132 00:19:16,240 --> 00:19:24,160 in nursery schools!Why? When we want to promote the Persian language somewhere, 133 00:19:24,920 --> 00:19:34,000 we must spend a lot of money and make [real] effort. [When] they shut down a [Persian] language course at a place, we must resort to diplomatic contacts [and ask] 134 00:19:34,760 --> 00:19:43,680 why ‘you shut down the [Persian] language course’? They don’t let this, they don’t allow [us] to attract students, they don’t give concessions, 135 00:19:43,960 --> 00:19:49,200 because we want to promote Persian language somewhere; then why we would want to promote their language ourselves, 136 00:19:50,120 --> 00:19:58,400 with our own money, at our own cost, [and] despite our problems. Is this rational? I don’t understand! 137 00:20:00,840 --> 00:20:05,920 I said this in parentheses in order for everybody to know, [and] to pay attention. 138 00:20:06,880 --> 00:20:13,800 [Of course,] I am not saying that stop [teaching] English language at [our] schools as of tomorrow; no, this is not what I am saying; 139 00:20:15,040 --> 00:20:18,600 I say that we [must] know what we are doing; 140 00:20:19,520 --> 00:20:29,800 [and] know what kind of generation the other [enemy] side wants to be raised in this country, and with what characteristics. 141 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:41,920 Well, now this [is] the generation that international hegemony – the hegemonic system – wants. What about us? 142 00:20:42,680 --> 00:20:47,080 What kind of generation do we want? This statement of oath [which was read out in this meeting] was very good; 143 00:20:47,520 --> 00:20:55,160 before I came here, they brought this statement of oath to that side [of Leader’s office] and l looked at it; [and] I now listened to it with care. 144 00:20:56,680 --> 00:21:01,760 By the way, know this: when you take an oath, it becomes an obligation for you; 145 00:21:02,320 --> 00:21:11,440 when you take an oath with [good] intention, it becomes obligatory for you, [and] you must act upon it; it was a good oath, [and] a good statement of oath. 146 00:21:12,720 --> 00:21:19,920 The first thing that we have to take into account for our own student 147 00:21:20,280 --> 00:21:28,680 is to create an independent national and religious identity inside of him; this is the first thing [to be done]; 148 00:21:31,680 --> 00:21:41,400 [giving them] an independent and dignified identity. [We must] raise our youths in such a way that they would pursue an independent policy, 149 00:21:41,600 --> 00:21:49,400 pursue an independent economy, [and] pursue an independent culture; 150 00:21:49,760 --> 00:21:58,120 dependence, inclination toward others, trusting others and relying on others 151 00:21:58,720 --> 00:22:03,960 should not grow in them as a spirit. 152 00:22:06,480 --> 00:22:11,160 From this viewpoint, we are vulnerable; take this from me! 153 00:22:11,360 --> 00:22:16,960 You see that when a foreign word enters this country, 154 00:22:16,960 --> 00:22:26,000 it is immediately [adopted by] grown-ups and children and cleric and non-cleric and the likes of these [people], [and] everybody uses it. Well, why it is like this? 155 00:22:28,560 --> 00:22:37,000 Why we are so eager and thirsty to use foreign words? Why? 156 00:22:38,080 --> 00:22:48,320 This is the same situation which has been handed down to us. This is the same situation that existed under the tyrant [regime of former Shah], 157 00:22:48,520 --> 00:22:57,560 when I was also young. I remember [that time]; I myself, when I was young, as if we were in a race 158 00:22:58,320 --> 00:23:05,760 to use these foreign words. Everybody who used these words more often, it was a sign that 159 00:23:06,160 --> 00:23:11,200 he was more intellectual and more informed and the likes of these. This is wrong. 160 00:23:12,120 --> 00:23:22,120 Independent identity is the first thing that we must grow and help thrive in our youth, [and] in our adolescent. 161 00:23:22,920 --> 00:23:26,520 It is then that the Economy of Resistance makes sense. 162 00:23:27,960 --> 00:23:36,240 It is not like this that we would want to implement the Economy of Resistance and then high-ranking state officials 163 00:23:36,920 --> 00:23:43,160 hold a hundred meetings in a row and keep issuing bylaws, keep issuing circulars, [and] keep taking given steps, 164 00:23:43,360 --> 00:23:48,920 [and at the end of the day] it is not implemented in a complete way. 165 00:23:49,800 --> 00:23:55,680 Well, they are trying to realize this Economy of Resistance now. 166 00:23:56,320 --> 00:24:08,280 When the spirit is not the spirit of independence and resistance and steadfastness in the face of others, well, it is difficult [to implement the Economy of Resistance] after all. 167 00:24:11,280 --> 00:24:18,480 When we get used to regularly extracting a [natural] reserve and selling it – which in [people’s] houses, 168 00:24:19,120 --> 00:24:28,840 wise and thoughtful families usually keep reserves for themselves; [and] we have also a God-given reserve and it is oil – 169 00:24:29,760 --> 00:24:37,680 [and] continue to extract it and sell it without any added value [it would be hard to implement the Economy of Resistance]. 170 00:24:38,800 --> 00:24:46,160 Once we may convert this into something which has added value; very well, this is acceptable, 171 00:24:46,400 --> 00:24:50,760 but no, [at present] we are just extracting and selling it without [creating] any added value. 172 00:24:52,920 --> 00:25:01,600 Some of these heads of state who have met with me, have complained that ‘our trade balance with you is not balanced, 173 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:07,480 [because] you sell us more and buy less from us’; I have frequently 174 00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:16,520 told several of them that ‘most of what you buy [from us] is oil; oil means money, oil means gold; 175 00:25:17,480 --> 00:25:24,280 we do not earn any added value from oil; [we just] bring our wealth out of the ground and give it to you.’ 176 00:25:25,480 --> 00:25:31,640 This cannot be considered as part of the trade balance. These [issues] are important. 177 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:40,240 When identity is independent, one will distance himself from such kind of living; it is then that the Economy of Resistance makes sense, 178 00:25:40,800 --> 00:25:49,360 an economy without oil makes sense, [and] independent culture makes sense. 179 00:25:50,760 --> 00:25:58,120 We must bring to live salient and prominent indexes in our students; 180 00:25:58,360 --> 00:26:06,320 yes, it was in this very statement of oath that [we must] activate his God-given essence; yes, this is right; 181 00:26:07,000 --> 00:26:15,480 the Almighty God has put an essence in all of [people, including] me and you, which can be grown 182 00:26:15,960 --> 00:26:23,040 and can be taken advantage of. [You teachers must] activate this in this child, and help it grow. 183 00:26:25,120 --> 00:26:31,960 These indexes are these; now a large part of them [are made up of] current-building concepts; 184 00:26:32,400 --> 00:26:42,520 [therefore, we must] produce, and activate and enliven current-building and action-building concepts in him; 185 00:26:42,920 --> 00:26:53,720 [they include] faith; [good] thinking, [because our student must] learn to think; social participation, 186 00:26:54,400 --> 00:27:02,600 avoiding unfavorable social isolations; and accepting social responsibility, 187 00:27:03,600 --> 00:27:06,840 which has a very lofty Islamic meaning. 188 00:27:07,560 --> 00:27:15,520 [Another important index is] improving consumption pattern; this humble one, have talked about improving the consumption pattern time and again – 189 00:27:16,000 --> 00:27:22,360 [including] in [my] new year speeches, [in meetings] with officials, in private meetings, [and] in public meetings 190 00:27:23,560 --> 00:27:30,640 – but our consumption pattern has not been improved yet; [I mean,] we consume [in a] bad [way]. 191 00:27:31,560 --> 00:27:40,720 This very issue of [consuming] foreign goods, which I discussed with a group a few days ago in this Hosseiniyeh [religious place of gathering] was an instance. 192 00:27:41,600 --> 00:27:52,560 These tens and hundreds billions [of dollars] of smuggled goods, [including] luxury equipment, is an instance. 193 00:27:54,080 --> 00:28:01,760 These childish games on the streets – which some upstart rich kids 194 00:28:02,280 --> 00:28:09,880 come with those such and such cars [and] continuously move [up and down the street], continuously march [in streets], [and] continuously show off [their wealth] – 195 00:28:11,280 --> 00:28:21,160 is because of these issues; [therefore,] improving consumption pattern [is necessary]. This must be taught to this young [person] and adolescent from childhood. 196 00:28:21,560 --> 00:28:30,040 Tolerance for opposition [is another important index]; yes, if as soon as somebody jostles us a little, 197 00:28:30,480 --> 00:28:35,960 we give them a punch on the chest, this would be intolerance. 198 00:28:37,800 --> 00:28:42,440 Islam does not want this from us; Islam wants the opposite of this from us; 199 00:28:43,800 --> 00:28:45,920 [the Quran says the faithful are those] who are merciful among themselves. 200 00:28:46,480 --> 00:28:53,560 [Another index is] politeness, [and] being polite. Now many of you are naturally familiar with virtual space [of the internet]; 201 00:28:53,560 --> 00:29:01,120 is politeness really observed in virtual space? Is modesty observed? 202 00:29:02,320 --> 00:29:10,760 Well, it is not [observed] after all; or is not [observed] in a major part of it. 203 00:29:12,160 --> 00:29:16,400 These [indexes] must be grown in our adolescents and youths. 204 00:29:17,000 --> 00:29:25,000 Religiosity, not having an aristocratic lifestyle, [and] not encouraging these [young people] to live an aristocratic life [are other important indexes]. 205 00:29:25,160 --> 00:29:35,240 Now, if I wanted to make a list here and write and read [all indexes] it would amount to a number of pages. These are [just] a few examples. 206 00:29:35,560 --> 00:29:42,320 You have to do these; this is your job, [and] this is your sacred job. 207 00:29:43,800 --> 00:29:51,400 It is you who bring up this generation like this and build [their] culture. 208 00:29:51,760 --> 00:30:02,080 If you could institutionalize these current-making concepts in the mind of [your] pupil, 209 00:30:02,920 --> 00:30:11,680 then you could serve the future of your country. Fortunately, teacher is like this, because he trains, because he teaches, 210 00:30:11,960 --> 00:30:20,400 [and] because he has a natural spiritual and cultural control over his pupil – now, I am not talking about those bad-tempered pupils, 211 00:30:21,120 --> 00:30:26,120 who are in some classes, but generally speaking it is like this; 212 00:30:27,200 --> 00:30:36,040 in the seminary schools the student and pupil are as humble as a servants before their teacher; 213 00:30:36,320 --> 00:30:41,200 now, in new culture, it is not exactly like this, but after all, teacher has some kind of control 214 00:30:42,440 --> 00:30:45,840 over his pupil – [so,] you can take advantage of this [control]. 215 00:30:46,240 --> 00:30:53,160 Well, various organs play a role [in this regard]; [and] can 216 00:30:53,440 --> 00:31:00,640 help create these conditions in the education [environment] so that the teachers can do their work easier 217 00:31:00,880 --> 00:31:06,800 and remain loyal to the contents of this statement of oath and these points that I mentioned [here]. 218 00:31:07,120 --> 00:31:15,200 One [organ which can help] is [Education Ministry’s] Office for Entertainment, which was recommended [to be reinstated after it was dissolved] and fortunately, 219 00:31:16,160 --> 00:31:21,440 they reinstated it and activated the Office for Entertainment, but it is not enough; 220 00:31:22,000 --> 00:31:26,320 the Office for Entertainment shoulders a heavier responsibility. 221 00:31:26,760 --> 00:31:44,520 (Encouraging) energetic, purposive, smart, and healthy activity [is one of its main duty]; [this activity must be] healthy both in ideological terms, and healthy in political terms, 222 00:31:45,440 --> 00:31:54,040 and healthy in ethical terms; these are among responsibilities of the Office for Entertainment; [and you] must observe [these points]. 223 00:31:56,240 --> 00:32:13,160 If an error takes place there with regard to any of these [indexes] – whether steadfastness in making a correct religious move, or in moral or political terms – 224 00:32:13,440 --> 00:32:22,680 this will amount to dealing a blow to the [the country’s] education [system] and dealing a blow to this generation. 225 00:32:24,440 --> 00:32:32,280 One of the responsible [organs] in this regard is the IRIB [Iran’s state radio and television]; the IRIB can play [a] very [important] role. I also said last year [that] [necessary] 226 00:32:32,880 --> 00:32:38,520 action has not been taken [in this regard], [and] necessary steps have not been taken; 227 00:32:41,160 --> 00:32:47,320 the IRIB must have a special work category for education sector; 228 00:32:47,880 --> 00:32:53,120 thoughtful people [must] come together and make a plan. 229 00:32:54,840 --> 00:33:04,720 A few days ago – perhaps a week ago – a group of adolescent and young pupils were here in this Hosseiniyeh 230 00:33:05,080 --> 00:33:13,000 and I addressed them [in a speech]. One of them gave me a letter, [and] I saw what he said [in that letter] was fair; 231 00:33:13,720 --> 00:33:21,960 he wrote that the IRIB has a program for children, [and] has program(s) for adults, [but] 232 00:33:22,760 --> 00:33:32,440 ‘there is no program for us, high school youths’. I saw he was right, [and what he said] is correct. 233 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:42,720 What program have you made for this young adult, of which he can take spiritual, 234 00:33:43,040 --> 00:33:47,000 intellectual, religious, [and] scientific advantage? 235 00:33:49,680 --> 00:33:57,240 Of course, there are scientific programs in some channels, but these are not [a very suitable] program [for young people]; 236 00:33:58,440 --> 00:34:03,000 programs should be made [for this age group]; [and] dexterous work should be done [for them]. 237 00:34:03,640 --> 00:34:08,920 This [IRIB] is also one organ, which is an obligated organ [in this regard]. One [responsible organ is] the Ministry of [Information and] Communications [Technology]. 238 00:34:10,400 --> 00:34:18,320 This virtual space [of the internet] today has got several times bigger than the real space of our life; 239 00:34:19,600 --> 00:34:29,200 some people basically breathe in virtual space [of the internet]; basically breathe in there, [and a large part of] their life [goes on] in [this] virtual space. 240 00:34:30,960 --> 00:34:38,800 The youths are also in contact with the virtual space, with all kinds and sorts of things and works, 241 00:34:39,360 --> 00:34:45,560 with its scientific programs, with its internet, with its social networks, 242 00:34:46,240 --> 00:34:53,040 with exchanges and the likes of these; well, this is a place to go astray. 243 00:34:54,120 --> 00:34:58,960 Nobody says, ‘sir, don’t build a road’. 244 00:35:00,520 --> 00:35:06,360 If you need a road in a region, very well, construct that road, [and even] construct a highway, 245 00:35:07,040 --> 00:35:16,200 but be careful! In that place where landslide is possible, there you must make the necessary calculation. 246 00:35:16,840 --> 00:35:25,640 This is my recommendation to our communication organs, to entirety of the Ministry of [Information and] Communications [Technology] and the Supreme Council of Cyberspace – 247 00:35:26,040 --> 00:35:30,880 of which I have also complaints. I don’t say to close this road, no, this would be irrational. 248 00:35:32,080 --> 00:35:42,280 Some people have come together, thought [about this], have opened a way under the title of this virtual space, and as they call it, ‘cyberspace’; 249 00:35:42,480 --> 00:35:49,920 very well, take advantage of this, but take correct advantage; others are taking correct advantage of it; 250 00:35:50,680 --> 00:35:59,680 some countries have controlled these systems according to their own culture. Why we are not doing this? 251 00:36:00,680 --> 00:36:10,840 Why we are not paying attention [to this issue]? Why we leave this uncontrollable and undisciplined space [on its own]? 252 00:36:11,160 --> 00:36:17,760 [All organs] are responsible [in this regard], [and] one of those responsible [organs] is this organ of the Ministry of [Information and] Communications [Technology]. 253 00:36:20,040 --> 00:36:23,320 All these [organs] must help the [Ministry of] Education; 254 00:36:24,960 --> 00:36:29,960 [because the Ministry of] Education alone cannot do all these things; [and] these [organs] must help it. 255 00:36:29,960 --> 00:36:37,360 [The fact] that I have said frequently that [all] organs must assist the [Ministry of] Education, well, these are [examples] of those assistances. 256 00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:43,720 They should not solely focus on financial and material and monetary assistance; these are [also] assistance; 257 00:36:43,960 --> 00:36:51,400 they must do anything so that the [Ministry of] Education could really stand on its feet and do its job. 258 00:36:53,000 --> 00:37:00,880 One of the steps that must be taken in education [sector] is to inject the teacher with a spirit of joviality and feeling young; 259 00:37:02,240 --> 00:37:06,280 let’s not allow teacher(s) to get old. I do not mean senescence by age, 260 00:37:07,200 --> 00:37:11,760 [because] some people are young by age, but their spirit is old; 261 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:16,920 [and] some [people] are young by spirit though they are aged. 262 00:37:17,160 --> 00:37:24,080 I know a teacher, who I think has been teaching for almost seventy years, [but] he has not quit; 263 00:37:24,920 --> 00:37:34,240 these [kind of persons] are valuable. These spirits must be revived in education sector. 264 00:37:35,080 --> 00:37:40,960 Our education system is a worn-out and old and outdated system. 265 00:37:41,960 --> 00:37:47,080 [Our] education system is old; we have adopted this [system] from Europeans, 266 00:37:47,480 --> 00:37:53,960 and have kept it unchanged, like a sacred museum object, which should not be touched! 267 00:37:55,040 --> 00:38:05,880 [Of course] we have made small changes to it once in a while; [but] the system is an old system; [which] needs to be renovated. 268 00:38:06,280 --> 00:38:15,480 Well, now of course, this development plan [for the education system] which Mr. Minister [of Education Ali Asghar Fani] referred to, this is a step in this direction; [of course,] it is [a] good [step] 269 00:38:16,200 --> 00:38:22,440 but I want to say that for the renovation of the education system, 270 00:38:22,960 --> 00:38:31,360 we must not look up to others again, [to] see what has happened in that given European country, so we would copy the same. 271 00:38:32,120 --> 00:38:38,240 No sir, those who can think must come together – of course, it is a good thing to take advantage of [other countries’] experiences – 272 00:38:38,880 --> 00:38:46,960 [but] they must design [a system] by themselves, [and] design a new system. 273 00:38:48,080 --> 00:38:57,040 Now, this development plan [for the education system], which has been apparently drawn up in a good way, 274 00:38:57,400 --> 00:39:03,720 is a step [in correct direction]; implement this [plan] with care and with a critical approach; 275 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:12,200 [officials] must look and see which parts of it are problematic. After all, in any non-divine writing and in any human work, there are some problems; 276 00:39:12,640 --> 00:39:16,320 [therefore,] let’s search and find that problem. 277 00:39:19,840 --> 00:39:27,280 [Let’s] identify problems, identify flaws, [and] design a clean, regulated, [and] good [education] system. 278 00:39:28,400 --> 00:39:33,600 An issue which is very important in the education [sector] is this teachers’ university; 279 00:39:34,320 --> 00:39:42,320 this [university] where our dear youths, [that is,] our student teachers, are [studying] there. This is very important. 280 00:39:43,160 --> 00:39:53,400 As much as is possible must be invested in quantitative and qualitative development of this university; 281 00:39:56,520 --> 00:40:00,800 [and] with the same lofty standards, which are necessary for teacher(s). 282 00:40:01,600 --> 00:40:07,800 As I said, this statement of oath that you read here was good, provided that you act upon this statement of oath; 283 00:40:08,080 --> 00:40:15,520 [you] must be really committed to what you take an oath on. 284 00:40:16,680 --> 00:40:21,480 They also organize short-term education courses, which of course, [such courses] are not very effective. 285 00:40:22,160 --> 00:40:30,960 [Another] one of those things, which is very important in education, is the issue of technical and vocational [training centers], on which I have repeatedly put emphasis. 286 00:40:32,080 --> 00:40:40,800 Our child studies for twelve years until he turns into a youth, [and] he studies in order to be admitted to university; 287 00:40:41,640 --> 00:40:46,200 for [doing] all the jobs that exist in the society 288 00:40:46,360 --> 00:40:51,360 is going this way and being admitted to university needed? 289 00:40:52,000 --> 00:41:00,280 As they have reported to me, there are twelve thousand types of jobs [in Iran]; 290 00:41:01,080 --> 00:41:11,240 are these lessons and this route and being admitted to university necessary for [doing] all these twelve thousand jobs? 291 00:41:12,360 --> 00:41:18,600 Or no, the [main] goal must be increasing [people’s] skill, 292 00:41:19,080 --> 00:41:24,360 [and] efficiency for [doing] various jobs, [and] for different talents; 293 00:41:25,160 --> 00:41:34,040 some people are very talented in artistic work, and [if] you give them something industrial, they would be bewildered; 294 00:41:34,520 --> 00:41:42,040 some people, on the contrary, are very talented in industrial work; one is very talented in theoretical work and philosophy; 295 00:41:42,400 --> 00:41:51,320 [another] one is very talented in social work; [and] one is very talented in service jobs. 296 00:41:52,080 --> 00:42:01,960 [We must] look, find talents, identify [them] and then grow these talents 297 00:42:03,120 --> 00:42:11,160 so that they would become proficient, so that they would be able to work, [and] be able to innovate. I put all this emphasis on innovation, 298 00:42:11,720 --> 00:42:17,320 well, who can come up with innovation? Not any ordinary person can come up with an innovation, 299 00:42:17,520 --> 00:42:24,320 [they] must become proficient to be able to come up with innovation in a field. 300 00:42:24,880 --> 00:42:34,840 And [let met mention] a point about [using] these names and signs of the tyrant [former Shah’s] era, which I see some people insist [on using them]; 301 00:42:34,840 --> 00:42:41,320 it makes no sense to me that we must certainly say “scouts.” Well, “scouts” was a term 302 00:42:42,320 --> 00:42:45,640 related to the time of the tyrant [Shah of Iran]; what necessity is there [to continue using it]? 303 00:42:46,640 --> 00:42:53,400 These terms and these words have special meanings behind them. 304 00:42:54,440 --> 00:43:02,400 Among the greatest things that the Islamic Republic did was to forge [new] terms with their own meanings, 305 00:43:02,640 --> 00:43:09,280 for example, assume the arrogance, the oppressed, [and] the hegemonic system. 306 00:43:10,280 --> 00:43:17,200 Such terms are among those things that other nations, [as well as] political and active and struggling elites 307 00:43:17,360 --> 00:43:22,280 of other nations have snatched from us. 308 00:43:23,320 --> 00:43:31,000 What necessity is there [to use terms coined under the tyrant regime of Shah]? Assume that we have pupils’ Basij, [and] for example, we have pioneer pupil groups, 309 00:43:31,000 --> 00:43:39,080 or Islamic society of pupils, [or] Islamic associations of pupils; these terms are terms that belong to the Islamic Republic. 310 00:43:39,560 --> 00:43:44,200 What necessity is there for us to feel obliged to go after old terms? 311 00:44:05,640 --> 00:44:14,400 Let me say a word about these existing schools of ours. 312 00:44:15,160 --> 00:44:22,840 Well, now, [the fact that] the issue of education, according to the constitution and as one 313 00:44:23,520 --> 00:44:28,840 who thinks correctly would realize, is an issue related to the sovereign [government], 314 00:44:29,280 --> 00:44:36,120 does not mean that all its burden should invariably be shouldered by the government; however, the government must 315 00:44:36,560 --> 00:44:40,720 play a role with regard to the issue of education. 316 00:44:41,440 --> 00:44:45,600 That we keep turning public schools into nonprofit [schools], 317 00:44:46,240 --> 00:44:53,200 it is not clear if this is a very calculated [and] correct step to take; now, their name is [apparently] nonprofit schools, 318 00:44:53,640 --> 00:44:58,360 but some of them are profitable schools, not nonprofit [schools] 319 00:44:58,800 --> 00:45:06,200 with such and such tuition fees that I have heard some of them ask for. 320 00:45:06,960 --> 00:45:15,320 [Instead of doing this, we must] uplift the public schools so as to increase families’ willingness to [bring their children] to these schools. 321 00:45:16,000 --> 00:45:22,760 A lot of time has passed, [and] our meeting has taken [a] long [time]. 322 00:45:23,720 --> 00:45:31,560 My last point is that [you must] build this country my dear ones; you must build it. 323 00:45:31,960 --> 00:45:38,920 Among elements, which can build a country are you teachers; 324 00:45:39,160 --> 00:45:44,160 take advantage of this opportunity as well; of the opportunity [provided to you by the means] of your abilities. 325 00:45:44,480 --> 00:45:55,040 Fortunately, what I have heard and seen about the esteemed minister, [is that] he, thank God, is 326 00:45:55,520 --> 00:46:00,440 acceptable from the viewpoint of intellectual health and practical health; 327 00:46:00,880 --> 00:46:09,120 [so] take advantage of this opportunity. Of course, he must also try [to do something] that his colleagues just like this, from the viewpoint of intellectual health and practical health, 328 00:46:09,520 --> 00:46:14,240 be really those people who could be trusted with this great job. 329 00:46:15,480 --> 00:46:19,840 You must build the country; you must make the country powerful. 330 00:46:20,360 --> 00:46:22,840 Power does not solely depend on weapons; 331 00:46:23,120 --> 00:46:34,720 the most important means of power and the most important element generating power [is] science and national personality. 332 00:46:35,960 --> 00:46:46,000 Personality of people, [their] steadfastness, identity, [and] revolutionary identity; these are [those factors] that generate power. 333 00:46:46,960 --> 00:46:53,520 Faith gave power to our nation, [and] revolution gave power to our nation. 334 00:46:53,800 --> 00:47:03,880 When you are powerful and the enemy sees your power, he will have to retreat. 335 00:47:04,440 --> 00:47:11,680 When we avoid showing and presenting 336 00:47:11,920 --> 00:47:19,600 the fundaments and elements of our power in the face of the enemy, refrain [from doing this], are scared and are shy, the enemy will become rude. 337 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:30,760 [The fact] that you see today our enemies are talking big, 338 00:47:31,880 --> 00:47:36,200 all of it can be answered by the Iranian nation. 339 00:47:37,040 --> 00:47:46,120 They come together, [and] allege that Iran should not conduct military maneuver in the Persian Gulf; what a strange nerve! 340 00:48:12,320 --> 00:48:17,800 They come from the other side of the world and carry out [military] drill here; what are you doing here? 341 00:48:19,840 --> 00:48:23,200 Well, go to the same Bay of Pigs; 342 00:48:26,080 --> 00:48:33,760 go to those places and [carry out] drill anywhere you want. What are you doing in the Persian Gulf? The Persian Gulf is our home. 343 00:48:34,160 --> 00:48:41,600 The Persian Gulf is a place for presence of the great nation of Iran; 344 00:48:42,840 --> 00:48:50,800 the coasts of the Persian Gulf, along with a large part of the coasts of the Sea of Oman, belong to this nation; 345 00:48:51,760 --> 00:48:57,280 [therefore,] it must be present [there], must carry out drill, [and] must show its power. 346 00:48:58,920 --> 00:49:07,280 We are a nation with history, [and] powerful; now, there were weak and infamous kings 347 00:49:07,520 --> 00:49:14,640 and took us back for a while and killed [talents that existed in] this country; 348 00:49:15,000 --> 00:49:25,360 they [finally] went away and got lost. The [Iranian] nation, is a vigilant nation, [and] a great nation, [you think] it will allow you [to say such things]? 349 00:49:26,000 --> 00:49:33,840 This is the way we must counter these avaricious, ambitious and monopolistic powers. 350 00:49:34,640 --> 00:49:41,240 I said [previously that] these [powers] have certainly been defeated by us; 351 00:49:41,640 --> 00:49:46,440 [and] the reason for their defeat is quite clear. Because these [powers] wanted the Islamic Republic not to exist; [now,] 352 00:49:46,840 --> 00:49:53,800 not only the Islamic Republic does exist, [but also] has grown many times more powerful than its outset; well, this is defeat [for those powers]. 353 00:50:16,120 --> 00:50:17,880 The Quran has taught us this: 354 00:50:18,080 --> 00:50:21,440 “you scare by that [power which you have] the enemy of God and your own enemy;” 355 00:50:22,320 --> 00:50:32,240 get yourselves prepared in such a way that the enemy of God and your enemy would be afraid and be scared of you. 356 00:50:32,760 --> 00:50:38,480 [When I say] enemy, [it] does not mean the neighbor, does not mean a rival [country], 357 00:50:38,680 --> 00:50:45,600 [and] it [also] does not mean that country which does not show animosity toward us; the enemy [means] that [country] which shows [overt] animosity, and everybody knows who it is. 358 00:50:46,640 --> 00:50:53,000 I ask the Almighty God to make you [and] make us successful to be able to, 359 00:50:53,280 --> 00:50:58,080 God willing, continue on that path which will bring us God’s satisfaction and which God would like [us to tread]. q 360 00:50:58,360 --> 00:51:04,080 God willing, the future of this country, due to the blessing of illuminated, 361 00:51:04,320 --> 00:51:11,880 active, and dignified existence of you, young people, will be a future, which will bring happiness to the entire nation. 362 00:51:12,920 --> 00:51:15,680 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings