1 00:00:14,850 --> 00:00:17,140 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:24,880 I have good memories of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari. 3 00:00:28,600 --> 00:00:36,420 I took a trip to Shahr-e Kord [capital city of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province] in the years of 1980s - when I was the president - 4 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:52,340 to embolden and encourage people to go to war fronts [during Iraq’s invasion of Iran]. 5 00:00:52,800 --> 00:00:59,650 This was [part of] a provincial tour when I went to various provinces, [and as part of that tour I] went to Shahr-e Kord. 6 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:06,710 Well, all the people came together and answered [to my call], 7 00:01:06,850 --> 00:01:11,740 but Shahr-e Kord has remained alive in my mind. 8 00:01:12,310 --> 00:01:16,310 The weather was cold - that region is a cold place - 9 00:01:17,770 --> 00:01:25,170 [and] the place considered for my speech was where two streets branched from it. 10 00:01:25,600 --> 00:01:30,340 As I was looking, I saw that as far as [my] eye could see, 11 00:01:31,170 --> 00:01:39,620 this people participated and were present in both streets wearing local clothes, with various flags 12 00:01:40,250 --> 00:01:49,910 [and were there] with signs of true and heartfelt presence - not simply physical [presence]. 13 00:01:51,650 --> 00:01:58,600 This presence was so obvious and people’s motivation was so evident 14 00:01:59,250 --> 00:02:07,400 that with [only] one look, you could understand many things about this people and this region. 15 00:02:09,450 --> 00:02:11,480 I don’t forget [this memory] and this is [still alive] in my mind. 16 00:02:11,620 --> 00:02:18,710 Of course, I have gone to Shahr-e Kord both before and after that and have faced people and gatherings, 17 00:02:19,020 --> 00:02:25,310 but that trip was a strange trip and left a strange impression on my mind. 18 00:02:25,600 --> 00:02:34,800 On one occasion before that, I went to Shahr- Kord to meet with [the personnel of] Qamar-e Bani Hashem brigade 19 00:02:35,080 --> 00:02:42,110 and I went to the headquarters of that brigade; that also I will never forget. 20 00:02:42,110 --> 00:02:46,600 Well, I have gone to headquarters of IRGC [Islamic Revolution Guards Corps] in most places; 21 00:02:47,250 --> 00:02:51,080 I used to go [to those places] and sat down and talked [to them] and discussed [various issues]. 22 00:02:51,800 --> 00:03:01,250 Some places among these headquarters enjoyed certain specifications which linger in one’s mind; 23 00:03:01,250 --> 00:03:06,880 one of them was this Qamar-e Bani Hashem brigade of Shahr-e Kord, which I don’t forget. 24 00:03:07,400 --> 00:03:13,400 I went there [and met with] devoted [and] faithful youths [and saw their] poor situation 25 00:03:14,340 --> 00:03:25,850 [because] the place that they had was [in a] situation with very limited facilities, but at the same time [I saw they] had strong motivations; 26 00:03:26,420 --> 00:03:33,850 and I went [there] and spent several hours - now, I don’t remember how many hours - with these [revolutionary guards], [and] I had lunch with them; 27 00:03:34,250 --> 00:03:41,800 I came out of that place with a feeling of utmost satisfaction. 28 00:03:42,800 --> 00:03:48,910 Well, what [these] gentlemen said about scientific and military and political records and the likes of that, 29 00:03:48,910 --> 00:03:53,820 these are all reserved and valuable in their own place. 30 00:03:53,940 --> 00:04:06,310 The point that Mr. Nekounam mentioned about people of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari coming [to Tehran in the heyday of the Islamic Revolution] 31 00:04:06,680 --> 00:04:16,480 to disavow of [Shapour] Bakhtiar [an Iranian prime minister under former regime of Shah] is very important. It is possible for people of Shiraz, people of Mashhad, [and] people of Tabriz to come [to Tehran] and disavow of Bakhtiar, 32 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:25,020 but it is very different when Bakhtiari people come and disavow a prominent Bakhtiari political figure, 33 00:04:25,570 --> 00:04:31,650 who had stood against the revolution and against Imam [Khomeini]; this point is important. 34 00:04:32,510 --> 00:04:41,080 [The fact] that he said people expect that day to be an outstanding day is also correct [and] this is really [a] justified [demand], 35 00:04:42,910 --> 00:04:51,110 because among nomadic people such nomadic affiliations and bonds are not a small matter, [but on the contrary] are a very important issue. 36 00:04:52,820 --> 00:04:58,510 These [people] are the same people who in the course of the Constitutional [Revolution] came from Shahr-e Kord - 37 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:06,740 [which was known as] Deh-e Kord at that time - to Isfahan and conquered Isfahan and [then] came to Tehran and did great things, 38 00:05:07,450 --> 00:05:10,820 [and] they did it mostly through local bonds; 39 00:05:11,370 --> 00:05:19,540 I mean, tribal and nomadic effects existed on people, which [made them] move and come [to Tehran]. 40 00:05:21,000 --> 00:05:27,110 However, when it comes to religion, when it comes to the [Islamic] Revolution, 41 00:05:27,310 --> 00:05:31,600 [and] when it comes to Imam [Khomeini], the same bonds totally lose their importance 42 00:05:31,820 --> 00:05:35,480 and become useless and are abolished; this is a very important issue. 43 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:44,400 Therefore, it is a very justified and on-time measure this commemoration [ceremony] that you are holding. 44 00:05:45,050 --> 00:05:55,200 Pay attention to one point: we are faced with an all-out onslaught; 45 00:05:55,540 --> 00:06:04,220 An undeclared cultural and ideological and political one 46 00:06:06,200 --> 00:06:13,310 that is, now that I am telling [you], you would naturally accept [this] form me, 47 00:06:13,970 --> 00:06:19,480 but you are not informed of what is [actually] taking place. I am informed of what is taking place; 48 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:26,710 I am seeing what is taking place; the cultural army of the enemy 49 00:06:27,450 --> 00:06:35,570 and the political army of the enemy, by taking advantage of all tools at their disposal, 50 00:06:35,910 --> 00:06:42,770 have launched an attack against us to undermine our religious beliefs, 51 00:06:43,340 --> 00:06:50,740 to undermine our political beliefs, to bolster dissatisfaction inside the country, 52 00:06:51,740 --> 00:07:05,820 [and] to attract youths, especially active and effective youths, at various levels for [the achievement of] their own goals; [and] they are working [on this]. 53 00:07:07,850 --> 00:07:12,570 Well, steps are being taken against these [plots]; pious youths, 54 00:07:13,050 --> 00:07:18,740 faithful people, [and] committed officials are taking good steps, 55 00:07:18,740 --> 00:07:22,970 but more steps must be taken in the country. 56 00:07:23,110 --> 00:07:27,570 One of the important issues is that such valuable concepts 57 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:31,000 like the concept of jihad, the concept of martyrdom, the concept of martyr, 58 00:07:31,420 --> 00:07:39,910 the concept of martyr’s family, the concept of patient for the sake of God, [and] the concept of being accountable before God must be kept alive. 59 00:07:40,420 --> 00:07:47,650 Well, of course, this goal can be partially achieved through [strengthening of] external manifestations [of these concepts]. 60 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:55,140 I mean, I am not against writing [these concepts] on placards and [making] various kinds of statues and naming of streets [after martyrs, and] the likes of these 61 00:07:55,140 --> 00:08:00,600 - [because] these are good steps; these are necessary, [and] are more than good - but these are not sufficient at all. 62 00:08:01,170 --> 00:08:06,200 These are just a small part of the work that must be done. 63 00:08:06,680 --> 00:08:13,250 Do an in-depth work; try to make an impression on [people’s] minds; 64 00:08:13,650 --> 00:08:18,450 [and] convince your audience with your right comments. 65 00:08:19,020 --> 00:08:28,310 [Doing] this work needs thinking. Intellectuals, people who have the power to think 66 00:08:28,770 --> 00:08:39,140 and those who understand [such] issues, along with artists, [and] those [people] who are endowed with the art of presentation and art of promotion [of such concepts] 67 00:08:39,510 --> 00:08:45,480 - including painter and poet and filmmaker and writer and the likes of them - 68 00:08:45,710 --> 00:08:51,970 must all of them join hands [and] help the [final] product of [their] work turn out to be something 69 00:08:52,110 --> 00:08:59,400 that would impress the mind of the audience. I mean, [they are expected] to thwart that conspiracy, which is currently being carried out 70 00:08:59,540 --> 00:09:04,310 - not that it is being planned; it has been planned a long time ago 71 00:09:04,600 --> 00:09:08,570 [and] is now being carried out across the country. 72 00:09:09,250 --> 00:09:14,480 This task is both a responsibility for government officials, and a responsibility for the faithful people, 73 00:09:14,910 --> 00:09:20,910 [and by government officials I mean] both official authorities and non-official authorities. Any person who has a commitment must be active in this field. 74 00:09:21,370 --> 00:09:29,770 One part of the work [which must be done in this regard] is this very work of yours; that is, to revive the concept of martyrdom and the value of martyrdom and the value of martyr. 75 00:09:30,050 --> 00:09:33,540 In this direction, God willing, move [and rest assured that] the Almighty God will help [you] as well. 76 00:09:34,310 --> 00:09:36,400 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings