1 00:00:04,910 --> 00:00:07,280 In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful 2 00:00:07,420 --> 00:00:09,570 الحمدلله ربّ العالمين 3 00:00:11,770 --> 00:00:15,770 و الصّلاة و السّلام علي سيّدنا محمّد و آله الطّاهرين 4 00:00:25,820 --> 00:00:31,020 First of all, you are very welcome dear youths 5 00:00:33,220 --> 00:00:42,570 and meeting with you for the likes of me is really energizing 6 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:48,250 as well as hope inspiring. 7 00:00:49,910 --> 00:01:03,020 When one sees young and ready-to-work and determined and talented faces, 8 00:01:03,800 --> 00:01:13,680 the hope that the Almighty God, thank God, has put in my heart, and this hope has also increased on a daily basis, starts to thrive. 9 00:01:13,940 --> 00:01:20,170 I hope, God willing, all of you and all the youths of this country 10 00:01:21,250 --> 00:01:26,740 would come under the divine guidance and the divine favor 11 00:01:27,340 --> 00:01:34,770 and would be able to be useful for the future of their country and, in the next stage, 12 00:01:35,940 --> 00:01:40,880 for the future of humanity, God willing. 13 00:01:43,370 --> 00:01:52,420 Well, I have something repetitive to say, about which I don’t want to talk a lot now, 14 00:01:52,540 --> 00:01:56,770 and that [repetitive remark] is the huge wealth of manpower [in the country]. 15 00:01:59,480 --> 00:02:04,680 The real wealth of a country is that country’s manpower, 16 00:02:04,940 --> 00:02:09,650 especially if [that manpower] is [made up of] young and intelligent [people]. 17 00:02:11,370 --> 00:02:23,280 In my remarks during past years, I frequently talked about the high intelligence of Iranians 18 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:27,970 compared to the average [IQ] in the world; 19 00:02:28,280 --> 00:02:39,080 some people thought that this was out of nationalistic sentiments and [due to] the love of nation and things like that; 20 00:02:40,080 --> 00:02:46,480 however, this was not the case. I had statistical figures on this issue 21 00:02:46,620 --> 00:02:56,080 and, fortunately, one can hear in the past two [or] three years from renowned personalities of the world 22 00:02:56,420 --> 00:03:00,400 – even politicians and enemies of the Iranian nation – who have, on various occasions, 23 00:03:00,850 --> 00:03:04,910 owned up to the high intelligence quotient of the Iranian nation; 24 00:03:05,220 --> 00:03:08,250 [as the proverb goes] “the best [merit] is one to which the enemies admit.” 25 00:03:08,250 --> 00:03:16,140 The average intelligence quotient in our country is higher than the world’s average. 26 00:03:17,570 --> 00:03:22,940 Well, we have also many youths, [which] thank God, this is a huge wealth. 27 00:03:23,620 --> 00:03:30,370 This is a very valuable asset and is an opportunity for the country. 28 00:03:31,880 --> 00:03:38,370 Of course, not all countries and all different regimes in the world 29 00:03:38,540 --> 00:03:45,480 consider the presence of youths as an opportunity; no [it is not like that]. For example, the Pahlavi regime [of Iran] 30 00:03:46,570 --> 00:03:54,510 did not consider the presence of the youths and activities of the youths as an opportunity, [and on the contrary] considered them a threat – 31 00:03:55,400 --> 00:04:02,000 [and] this is one of those remarks for which an argument totally conforming to statistics 32 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:07,000 [can be provided],which now it is not the time for it. 33 00:04:07,910 --> 00:04:11,480 They wanted the youths not to be present [in any major arenas]; 34 00:04:11,850 --> 00:04:17,170 neither scientific presence, nor political presence, nor social presence, 35 00:04:18,450 --> 00:04:24,600 and many things were propagated in order to undermine this presence [of the youths]. 36 00:04:24,970 --> 00:04:30,650 They really considered [the presence of] the youths as a threat. [And] they sent abroad as many [youths] as they could, 37 00:04:31,620 --> 00:04:40,220 so that, those who were elites, those who were worth anything from their viewpoint, would go and not be here. 38 00:04:40,850 --> 00:04:46,680 This is not the case in the Islamic Republic; the Islamic Republic is self-reliant, it is internally prolific, 39 00:04:47,710 --> 00:04:54,480 [and] sees its [real source of] power inside itself and in spiritualities and in its own assets. Therefore, 40 00:04:54,880 --> 00:05:00,110 the biggest wealth for the Islamic Republic is, in fact, its manpower; 41 00:05:01,050 --> 00:05:09,740 that is, these very intelligent, committed, interested, [and] studious youths, who have a promising future [ahead of them]. 42 00:05:11,800 --> 00:05:15,020 Well, this is among our unwavering beliefs. 43 00:05:16,110 --> 00:05:23,080 Today that I have a meeting with you, a number of good youths of our country, 44 00:05:23,080 --> 00:05:30,000 I want to give you a number of advice; fatherly advice 45 00:05:32,110 --> 00:05:39,370 You, young people, are like my children – some of you [are] young enough to be my children and some of you to be my grandchildren – 46 00:05:42,200 --> 00:05:49,170 and it would be right for me to offer you, in a fatherly manner, a number of points. 47 00:05:51,200 --> 00:05:55,910 I have also a number of managerial and work-related recommendations, 48 00:05:57,510 --> 00:06:02,570 which I will give you that are related to working issues in relation to you, young people; 49 00:06:03,740 --> 00:06:14,170 I also have a warning and a viewpoint laced with apprehension, 50 00:06:16,020 --> 00:06:19,540 which if, God willing, there is enough time and opportunity, I will also share it with you. 51 00:06:21,850 --> 00:06:26,820 However, those advice that I give you in a fatherly way, the first [of them] is that 52 00:06:26,940 --> 00:06:32,540 you [must] know your asset, that is, this state of being elite, [as a bounty] from God; 53 00:06:33,650 --> 00:06:39,510 this is God’s blessing, this is a divine bounty, this is a blessing which God has bestowed upon you; 54 00:06:40,250 --> 00:06:46,770 thank God [for that], boost your relationship with God, 55 00:06:48,140 --> 00:06:54,710 thank the Almighty God, and express this thanksgiving between you and God. 56 00:06:57,310 --> 00:07:05,570 This will increase your achievements, [and] will increase the divine blessing that He has bestowed upon you; 57 00:07:07,620 --> 00:07:13,820 consider it [as a blessing] from God, and from the Islamic [Revolution]; 58 00:07:15,970 --> 00:07:22,650 this is a [kind of] look and a layer of thinking about this asset 59 00:07:23,620 --> 00:07:30,310 that this huge public movement in the country on the path of [acquiring] science is a blessing of the revolution. 60 00:07:30,740 --> 00:07:33,080 If it were not for the revolution, such things would not exist. 61 00:07:35,570 --> 00:07:42,020 Now, Mr. Sattari [the vice president for science and technology] recounted a memory quoting me. 62 00:07:43,820 --> 00:07:51,140 Its extension is that the same planes which we said would be totally grounded in a matter of 30 days, [or] 31 days, 63 00:07:51,970 --> 00:07:58,250 are operating up to the present time. 64 00:07:59,170 --> 00:08:04,650 Today, thirty-odd years have passed since that day. 65 00:08:06,280 --> 00:08:12,970 Our youths at the Air Force, [and] our technical forces endeavored, [and] entered [the arena] 66 00:08:15,340 --> 00:08:21,170 – which his [Sattari’s] own father was one of the youths of that day – 67 00:08:22,220 --> 00:08:31,540 [and] used their miracle-working hands, used their minds and intellect, 68 00:08:31,820 --> 00:08:39,280 and the same planes, which we were told would be grounded, continued to operate up to the end of the war [with Iraq] 69 00:08:39,280 --> 00:08:43,000 and [even] up to the present day the same [planes] are still operating; the same C130s, 70 00:08:43,340 --> 00:08:48,020 the same F-14s, the same F-4s, [and] the same F-5s still exist and are operating. 71 00:08:48,200 --> 00:08:52,540 [This] miracle of hands was a product of the revolution. 72 00:08:52,680 --> 00:09:02,620 Those brethren who told me that the game was up, were good people – and a few of them were [even] martyred – 73 00:09:03,880 --> 00:09:11,220 but their thinking was not revolution’s thinking, [because] their thinking was related to [the period] before the revolution and they looked [at various issues] from that viewpoint. 74 00:09:13,200 --> 00:09:19,110 When they wanted to repair the parts of these planes, 75 00:09:19,800 --> 00:09:26,220 they had no right to open sealed parts – that is, a big part, which is made up 76 00:09:26,220 --> 00:09:32,310 within itself of, for example, forty [or] fifty [smaller] parts; 77 00:09:32,570 --> 00:09:39,110 they put this sealed part on a plane, took it to America and there they changed it and came back. 78 00:09:39,450 --> 00:09:46,220 That is, Iranian [Air Force] technician, [and] Iranian technical officer did not have the right to touch 79 00:09:47,110 --> 00:09:51,570 this part to see what that was and how it must operate; 80 00:09:52,140 --> 00:09:57,770 this was pre-revolution way of thinking. [After] the revolution came, [it] changed the situation; 81 00:09:58,910 --> 00:10:06,600 it gave character, gave identity, [and] gave courage to Iranian [people], 82 00:10:07,680 --> 00:10:12,650 [and] encouraged them to take advantage of their inner force. 83 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:21,620 The result was that, out of all these countries in the world, we now rank the fifteenth in scientific terms; 84 00:10:22,170 --> 00:10:28,540 [and] this is a great achievement. Out of 200 countries in the world, 85 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:35,680 which among these 200 countries, there are countries which have two hundred years [and even] three hundred years of background in industrial 86 00:10:35,800 --> 00:10:40,970 and scientific work, [it is a great achievement] that the post-revolution Iran – [the period] before the revolution is not counted, [because] there was nothing [mentionable at that time] – 87 00:10:41,250 --> 00:10:48,110 would get itself to such [a high] level despite the pressure of war, with sanctions [and] with all these problems [facing it]; 88 00:10:48,680 --> 00:10:50,540 this was given to us by [the Islamic] Revolution. 89 00:10:51,650 --> 00:10:56,020 These abilities, [this notion that] “you can do whatever you want,” you owe this to the revolution 90 00:10:56,280 --> 00:11:01,400 and to providers of the country’s security. 91 00:11:02,650 --> 00:11:07,820 This Martyr Hamedani, who was martyred a few days ago, 92 00:11:08,570 --> 00:11:11,080 you saw when his body went to [his birthplace in the western Iranian city of] Hamedan, 93 00:11:12,450 --> 00:11:17,820 the entire city came out and took part in his funeral; this is [sign of] appreciation [shown for such people]. 94 00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:23,220 Such persons have no [famous] name [either]; [although] a handful of them become famous and are known, 95 00:11:23,220 --> 00:11:29,080 most of them are not famous, but they maintain security for me and for you. 96 00:11:30,020 --> 00:11:32,570 If there is no security, there is no university, 97 00:11:33,400 --> 00:11:38,370 there is no study, there is no research, [and] there is no training of elites. 98 00:11:40,770 --> 00:11:45,050 Wherever security is lacking, in fact, there is nothing; 99 00:11:47,220 --> 00:11:53,820 there, the life of humans is exposed to momentary and permanent threats. 100 00:11:54,570 --> 00:12:03,000 Know this preparedness, this education, [and] these opportunities also [as something made possible by] these providers of security. 101 00:12:03,280 --> 00:12:15,770 This is my first advice. You accept this from me and remember it as an advice from an old father to all of you, dear youths. 102 00:12:17,850 --> 00:12:30,250 The second advice: give precedence to jihadi spirit over the spirit of self-importance. 103 00:12:32,200 --> 00:12:40,220 One of the risks awaiting those who have some advantage [over others] 104 00:12:40,800 --> 00:12:43,880 is that they might feel self-important, 105 00:12:44,710 --> 00:12:49,970 that they feel they are different from others; 106 00:12:51,250 --> 00:12:59,340 this is a character-based risk, [and] a character-based disease ; do not let this disease to grow within you 107 00:13:00,510 --> 00:13:06,480 and the [best] way to do this is to bolster the jihadi effort and the jihadi spirit within yourselves. 108 00:13:06,620 --> 00:13:14,050 The jihadi spirit means to do your work for the sake of God, to consider the work as a duty for yourselves, 109 00:13:14,600 --> 00:13:21,000 [and] to bring all forces into the arena to do the right thing; this is [the true meaning of] jihadi spirit. 110 00:13:21,370 --> 00:13:24,880 In order for this jihadi spirit to be boosted in your, 111 00:13:25,080 --> 00:13:28,310 it would be very good to take part in jihadi camps. 112 00:13:28,450 --> 00:13:35,420 Don’t say that ‘our time will be wasted [by doing this]; no, the highest and the best advantage to take of time is this. 113 00:13:36,820 --> 00:13:40,740 Continue your study, do your research, do your work, 114 00:13:41,770 --> 00:13:50,080 [and] also take part in jihadi camps, which [only] occupy a few weeks of a person’s time in the period of a year. ض 115 00:13:51,400 --> 00:13:54,510 This will make you familiar with the life of people, 116 00:13:55,650 --> 00:14:06,820 [and] this will make you familiar with the problems and dilemmas of the society, which mostly remain unseen to officials. 117 00:14:07,770 --> 00:14:15,620 Some officials are not informed about the realities of the society, [and] they only see what is around themselves and [within] a limited radius; 118 00:14:16,510 --> 00:14:23,310 [that is,] they know nothing about what is going on in villages, what is going on in remote cities, [and] what is going on in poor families. 119 00:14:23,850 --> 00:14:25,570 they are not at all aware 120 00:14:26,140 --> 00:14:32,880 I have frequently experienced this during this long 20- or 30-year experience; 121 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:38,250 I have seen this in some [officials] that I am telling you dear ones now; 122 00:14:38,480 --> 00:14:45,620 they don’t know what is going on. You are currently young, have power, have patience, have time, 123 00:14:46,140 --> 00:14:50,880 [and] don’t have many problems, [so you must] take advantage of this opportunity. 124 00:14:51,280 --> 00:14:54,280 One of the opportunities is these very jihadi camps; 125 00:14:54,650 --> 00:15:00,680 these hijadi camps are much better than [some] tours, which unfortunately are still common. 126 00:15:00,970 --> 00:15:05,880 Although I have warned [against such tours], some [still] organize tours to send [students] to Europe; 127 00:15:07,140 --> 00:15:12,110 student tours of Europe! This is one of the most erroneous things [to do]. 128 00:15:12,200 --> 00:15:19,970 This jihadi camps, are much better and honorable and useful than that. 129 00:15:20,800 --> 00:15:28,450 [Through] presence in jihadi camps, [and] direct contact with people, [our youths] find some [kind of] feeling of responsibility. 130 00:15:28,570 --> 00:15:34,370 When one provides a service in a direct way, providing service would become valuable to them, 131 00:15:36,770 --> 00:15:41,370 [and] you [would be able to] find weaknesses. 132 00:15:41,710 --> 00:15:47,480 I give you another advice: one of the things that happen to our elites [is immigration], 133 00:15:47,970 --> 00:15:54,170 because as it was noted, the number of people wanting and demanding to have our elite youths 134 00:15:54,800 --> 00:16:05,680 in various countries of the world is not few, [and on the contrary,] they are a lot, [and want our elites] for different reasons. 135 00:16:06,000 --> 00:16:10,110 One of the reasons is that the number of youths [in those countries] is few, 136 00:16:10,250 --> 00:16:15,940 or the number of talented youths is low, or there are few foreigner youths who are not avaricious; 137 00:16:16,850 --> 00:16:25,600 [therefore,] they want to attract [our young elites].An imaginary notion of welfare 138 00:16:25,940 --> 00:16:28,910 fills one’s mind in these cases, 139 00:16:29,800 --> 00:16:33,680 it may be imaginary, [and be merely] an illusion, [and] it may be also real, 140 00:16:33,880 --> 00:16:40,820 [and] a [life full of] welfare may really await one; [however,] prefer this [country]. 141 00:16:43,740 --> 00:16:53,020 Instead of letting yourself be digested in the ruthless stomach of foreign societies, 142 00:16:54,280 --> 00:17:04,280 [remain] in your own country and become regulator of the brain, and nervous system, and skeleton of your own society. 143 00:17:04,710 --> 00:17:15,110 This is a cause of pride; this is an honor; [therefore,] work for your country. 144 00:17:18,880 --> 00:17:23,540 You can build your country; you can do away with its weaknesses; 145 00:17:24,510 --> 00:17:30,680 we have many weaknesses. I often extol the situation in the country, 146 00:17:31,110 --> 00:17:36,510 but perhaps there are few people who are aware of the weaknesses that exist in the country than me. 147 00:17:36,710 --> 00:17:41,220 We know that we have many weaknesses; these weaknesses must be eliminated; [and] you must eliminate them. 148 00:17:41,340 --> 00:17:51,000 You can be the person who designs correct geometry of this country’s health; 149 00:17:51,000 --> 00:17:53,340 you can [at least] do part of it. 150 00:17:54,710 --> 00:18:01,910 When you go to a [foreign] place, even assuming that you are given a [great] sum of money, [and] assuming that welfare facilities [are] also 151 00:18:02,340 --> 00:18:05,820 – if they are supposedly real –provided for you, 152 00:18:05,820 --> 00:18:14,450 but [despite all this] you will be digested by the avaricious stomach of foreign societies; 153 00:18:15,480 --> 00:18:23,800 [however,] here you can have some effect. 154 00:18:26,110 --> 00:18:33,110 The last advice – I don’t want to prolong [my remarks] – [is that] don’t be awestruck by [the apparent glamour of] the West. 155 00:18:33,650 --> 00:18:40,310 It is true that Westerners are today much ahead of us in terms of science and technology, 156 00:18:41,020 --> 00:18:43,510 but you don’t be awestruck by them being ahead [of us]; 157 00:18:44,620 --> 00:18:49,510 why? Because you are superior to them. 158 00:18:51,170 --> 00:18:56,050 That [country] which you see possesses advanced technology and 159 00:18:56,480 --> 00:19:01,080 industries and inventions and the likes of this today, has started off 200 years ago; 160 00:19:01,510 --> 00:19:06,370 [but] you have started [only] 35 years ago; your revolution is 35 years old; 161 00:19:08,880 --> 00:19:13,510 you managed to go all this way in [a matter of] 35 years 162 00:19:14,110 --> 00:19:17,420 and gain this velocity in [your] advances. 163 00:19:18,080 --> 00:19:24,170 They [greatly lagged behind] during the first 35 years after their independence; take the country of America as an example; 164 00:19:24,620 --> 00:19:34,020 35 years after independence from the yoke of the Britons, America was nothing. 165 00:19:34,910 --> 00:19:39,570 America 35 years or 40 years after its independence 166 00:19:40,000 --> 00:19:48,400 was poles apart from Iran 35 years after victory of the [Islamic] Revolution; you are way ahead of them. 167 00:19:49,680 --> 00:19:57,800 The life of their material civilization will be much shorter for you 168 00:19:57,800 --> 00:20:03,310 to want to reach this stage of material civilization; let alone the spiritualities. 169 00:20:05,080 --> 00:20:13,420 Don’t be awestruck by them. One hundred years after the victory of Americans over 170 00:20:14,020 --> 00:20:19,310 the British army and independence of America, this famous Statue of Liberty was made. 171 00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:26,050 This statue was not made by Americans – if my memory is not mistaken, I saw this in old times 172 00:20:26,310 --> 00:20:29,910 – this statue was made by a French engineer who went there from France. 173 00:20:30,970 --> 00:20:36,310 That is, one hundred years after independence, Americans 174 00:20:36,620 --> 00:20:42,680 had not yet reached that stage in scientific and technical and industrial terms to be able to make this Statue of Liberty; 175 00:20:42,940 --> 00:20:46,140 [and] an engineer went [there] from France, and designed and made this [statue]. 176 00:20:46,850 --> 00:20:49,680 You are way ahead; don’t be awestruck. 177 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:55,740 Your abilities are potentially much more than theirs; 178 00:20:56,370 --> 00:20:58,080 [so continue to] proceed [and] move [forward]. 179 00:21:01,050 --> 00:21:08,400 The young generation of our time, that is you, 180 00:21:10,340 --> 00:21:17,620 can record this honor in your name that you were the young generation 181 00:21:17,910 --> 00:21:24,140 that could take the country to great stages of scientific progress; 182 00:21:24,600 --> 00:21:27,170 this honor is a very great honor. 183 00:21:27,650 --> 00:21:35,280 Today’s young generation can attract this honor for itself 184 00:21:35,620 --> 00:21:44,940 that instead of following suit with others, has been able in a dignified manner 185 00:21:45,310 --> 00:21:50,680 to strengthen the pillars of scientific independence and scientific progress in this country 186 00:21:51,480 --> 00:21:54,050 and work and endeavor. 187 00:21:54,400 --> 00:22:01,850 This honor can be [recorded] for the young generation of our time and early periods of revolution; 188 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:09,110 well, these are my advice to you dear ones, 189 00:22:09,200 --> 00:22:13,570 brethren and sisters, my dear children and dear youths. 190 00:22:14,000 --> 00:22:19,650 [There are also] a number of managerial and working recommendations, 191 00:22:21,340 --> 00:22:30,280 whose addressees are both the brethren with responsibility at the [National] Elites Foundation and the Vice Presidency for Science [and Technology], and also you. 192 00:22:30,620 --> 00:22:33,940 First of all, the Elites Foundation must be taken seriously; 193 00:22:35,570 --> 00:22:44,400 the Elites Foundation is a national foundation; is a strategic foundation, 194 00:22:45,220 --> 00:22:47,310 [and] must be taken quite seriously. 195 00:22:48,820 --> 00:22:57,000 I have heard that some of the tasks of the Elites Foundation have been assigned to universities; this is not expedient. 196 00:22:57,140 --> 00:23:02,820 If universities could do the job of the Elites Foundation, we would not have launched this foundation in the first place. 197 00:23:04,170 --> 00:23:07,110 Some of our universities are really outstanding, 198 00:23:07,620 --> 00:23:12,650 [and] are a center for [educating] the elites, but they cannot do the job of the Elites Foundation. 199 00:23:12,650 --> 00:23:18,650 The university does another job, [while] the Elites Foundation does a different job. 200 00:23:20,650 --> 00:23:31,570 Take the Elites Foundation seriously; [because it] is a national foundation, [and] is a strategic foundation. 201 00:23:34,170 --> 00:23:38,420 Both officials of the foundation, and officials of the country; 202 00:23:39,280 --> 00:23:43,800 both the Plan and Budget [Organization], and relevant esteemed ministers; 203 00:23:44,420 --> 00:23:54,940 both scientific councils and the likes of them that are extant, and you young people [must take this foundation seriously]. The [National Elites] Foundation is very important. 204 00:23:55,450 --> 00:24:02,370 I have a second recommendation; programs of the Elites Foundation must be such 205 00:24:02,650 --> 00:24:06,680 that a young elite would feel that his presence is useful. 206 00:24:08,250 --> 00:24:09,970 I will later address you, young people; 207 00:24:10,050 --> 00:24:15,620 you also have a role [to play] and can play a role in this regard. 208 00:24:17,280 --> 00:24:21,220 The young elite must be provided with latitude to work, 209 00:24:21,880 --> 00:24:26,020 to feel he is useful; [and I emphasize that] he [must] feel that he is useful. 210 00:24:26,620 --> 00:24:30,250 This is one of those things that would encourage him to continue on this path; 211 00:24:30,600 --> 00:24:38,940 just [in the same way] that it encourages him to stay at his home and in his own country and work for his own country. 212 00:24:39,540 --> 00:24:42,800 Create space [for young elites] to work; how [you may create] work space [for elites]? 213 00:24:42,800 --> 00:24:46,710 One way is to complete the education process. 214 00:24:46,970 --> 00:24:53,510 The youths must be able to complete their education process; 215 00:24:55,820 --> 00:25:05,970 [and] their presence at higher scientific levels must be facilitated; [and] they must uplift [the quality of] their education. 216 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:12,540 There may be cumbersome regulations. In this case, such regulations must not be an impediment. 217 00:25:12,800 --> 00:25:16,310 One issue is establishment of knowledge-based companies, 218 00:25:16,480 --> 00:25:19,970 which I will later talk about this issue. 219 00:25:20,080 --> 00:25:22,800 These knowledge-based companies are a very good thing. 220 00:25:23,200 --> 00:25:28,420 Of course, today, I am informed that there are thousands of knowledge-based companies in the country, 221 00:25:28,600 --> 00:25:33,600 but this very number [of such companies] that exists today, can be increased by ten-fold; 222 00:25:33,740 --> 00:25:39,280 ten-fold. The youths, [and] those people who have scientific products, 223 00:25:39,420 --> 00:25:43,140 their presence in knowledge-based companies is useful. 224 00:25:44,220 --> 00:25:53,820 Creating scientific centers in universities pivoted around prominent [university] professors is one of these steps [that must be taken]. 225 00:25:53,970 --> 00:25:57,540 This foundation can do this in relation with universities. 226 00:25:58,770 --> 00:26:02,850 Scientific centers must be established in different universities; 227 00:26:03,200 --> 00:26:08,910 [and they] must be pivoted around one or a number of prominent professors. Of course, [these] professors must be conscientious; 228 00:26:09,820 --> 00:26:17,020 professors must be committed, [and] they must love Iran. 229 00:26:19,000 --> 00:26:24,280 I know professors – of course I know them from afar – 230 00:26:25,370 --> 00:26:32,620 who do not love Iran; [and] the development of Iran [and] the future [outlook] of Iran is not important to them. 231 00:26:33,650 --> 00:26:42,800 Such professors are good for nothing. Deep in my heart, I cannot pin my hope on such professor. 232 00:26:43,370 --> 00:26:47,970 A professor who does not love his country, a professor who does not like unity of his country, 233 00:26:48,110 --> 00:26:56,450 [and] a professor who says something in classroom – even though it has nothing to do with the subject of the lesson – 234 00:26:57,480 --> 00:27:03,910 whose result is ethnic differences in the country, 235 00:27:05,140 --> 00:27:10,650 and pushes student in that direction, this professor, is not a desirable professor. 236 00:27:13,420 --> 00:27:20,200 A professor, who if he sees religious commitment in a student, 237 00:27:20,340 --> 00:27:24,170 becomes hostile to him, this professor is not a good professor. 238 00:27:25,620 --> 00:27:33,110 Those professors, who are committed, are conscientious, love their country, love their revolution, 239 00:27:34,110 --> 00:27:39,820 and are prominent in scientific terms, if scientific centers are created 240 00:27:41,250 --> 00:27:48,200 around the pivot of such professors, this will be a very useful step; 241 00:27:48,200 --> 00:27:54,450 [because] it moves student and student feels that he is useful, and that he is progressing. 242 00:27:55,570 --> 00:28:03,680 Scientific associations [are also important]; after all, the young elite must be given an opportunity to rise and show himself, 243 00:28:03,880 --> 00:28:11,510 [and] to feel that his presence is “seen,” 244 00:28:11,620 --> 00:28:17,680 he is being appreciated, [and] he is being counted on; he must feel this in practice. 245 00:28:20,400 --> 00:28:28,740 Then, the Elites Foundation, mostly, and other organs along with it, must monitor 246 00:28:28,910 --> 00:28:36,340 [and] observe the output of the work; because if the output of the work is flawed, [if it] is problematic, 247 00:28:36,570 --> 00:28:39,450 it would follow that there is a problem somewhere along the way; 248 00:28:40,020 --> 00:28:45,910 [therefore, officials must] know faults, [and] remedy [those] faults. This is one of my important recommendations. 249 00:28:46,170 --> 00:28:50,600 I make another recommendation in this regard, which is related to the Economy of Resistance. 250 00:28:50,820 --> 00:28:58,000 Well, you know that [the issue of] the Economy of Resistance, was, thank God, brought up, 251 00:28:58,250 --> 00:29:07,080 its policies were announced, [and] was welcomed by economic and political and other experts. 252 00:29:07,600 --> 00:29:11,050 The name of the Economy of Resistance is frequently being repeated; 253 00:29:11,540 --> 00:29:17,110 now, to what degree has the Economy of Resistance progressed in the country, is not my point now 254 00:29:18,050 --> 00:29:24,540 – of course, I am not very satisfied with the degree of progress of this idea 255 00:29:25,310 --> 00:29:30,740 and this important foundation in the country, though at any rate, a movement exists 256 00:29:31,020 --> 00:29:37,880 – [however,] one of the strong pillars of the Economy of Resistance is knowledge-based economy. 257 00:29:38,940 --> 00:29:45,250 The basis of the work in the Economy of Resistance is knowledge-based economy 258 00:29:45,540 --> 00:29:50,800 [because] the Economy of Resistance is an endogenous economy, [and] is an economy 259 00:29:50,940 --> 00:29:56,710 with strong pillars inside [the country] which is not moved by international and global and economic shocks; 260 00:29:56,910 --> 00:30:04,080 this [is] the Economy of Resistance, the resistant economy. 261 00:30:05,280 --> 00:30:11,770 One of the most basic pillars of this economy is the knowledge-based economy; 262 00:30:11,770 --> 00:30:16,880 an economy based on knowledge; this is very important. 263 00:30:17,280 --> 00:30:25,140 Well, in my opinion, our young youths can play a role in [promoting] the knowledge-based economy, 264 00:30:25,370 --> 00:30:30,280 which is, in fact, the main pillar of the Economy of Resistance. 265 00:30:30,540 --> 00:30:39,910 How they [are going to] play [their] role? Well, this needs some planning. 266 00:30:40,510 --> 00:30:45,850 How our youths [can] play a role in [promoting] the Economy of Resistance? 267 00:30:46,110 --> 00:30:51,820 I want you to answer this question. [Therefore,] start to plan, 268 00:30:53,420 --> 00:30:56,970 [and] do not wait for others to make this plan [for you]. 269 00:30:59,740 --> 00:31:06,800 You the elite youths, make this the subject of one of your gatherings: 270 00:31:07,140 --> 00:31:19,820 How the young elites should play a role in the Economy of Resistance or the knowledge-based economy? 271 00:31:21,080 --> 00:31:28,280 [A number of] groups must be created, [and those] groups must be divided [into smaller groups], work, think, study, 272 00:31:28,910 --> 00:31:34,020 take part in this gathering with their hands full, let [all who can] to take part [in this gathering], [and then] the Elites Foundation 273 00:31:34,510 --> 00:31:40,650 should support [and] back this plan, which has come out of the elites themselves. 274 00:31:40,880 --> 00:31:43,710 In my opinion, a [major] development will come about [in this way]. 275 00:31:44,170 --> 00:31:48,020 [By doing this,] a major development will certainly come about both in the field of thinking and musing and working, 276 00:31:48,110 --> 00:31:51,450 and with regard to the reality on the ground; 277 00:31:52,050 --> 00:31:55,770 [and by doing this] a [major] development will certainly take place in the field of economy [as well]. 278 00:31:55,970 --> 00:31:59,200 Another point - which is the last point - 279 00:31:59,370 --> 00:32:03,970 is the issue of identifying and training prominent talents in the [country’s] education [system]. 280 00:32:04,110 --> 00:32:08,340 Well, this SHAHAB initiative [which stands for identification and guidance of top talents in Persian] is a very good initiative. 281 00:32:08,680 --> 00:32:17,370 I have heard that due attention has not be paid to the SHAHAB initiative; don’t let this [happen], [and] be careful [in this regard]. 282 00:32:18,970 --> 00:32:28,910 Identification of top talents during elementary education and high school education is very important; 283 00:32:30,820 --> 00:32:37,820 [because] this is the thing, which introduces the real elite to us, [and] this is the thing that introduces the genius to us. 284 00:32:38,020 --> 00:32:41,020 Well, the genius are few in any society. 285 00:32:42,110 --> 00:32:49,510 There are many genius people who, because they remain unknown, their existence becomes totally ineffective, 286 00:32:49,710 --> 00:32:54,480 [and] they are totally digested [in the society], [and] are eliminated because they have not been identified. 287 00:32:55,740 --> 00:33:01,370 Sometimes one observes that an illiterate person at a village 288 00:33:01,710 --> 00:33:05,620 says something, [or] does something, which is sign of genius. 289 00:33:05,880 --> 00:33:10,770 If this [person] were trained, if he were identified, if his talent 290 00:33:11,200 --> 00:33:18,740 had been taken advantage of and was reckoned on, he would be a prominent person; [however,] he has, unfortunately, not been identified. 291 00:33:19,000 --> 00:33:22,200 Let’s not allow this damage be done to the country. 292 00:33:22,340 --> 00:33:30,050 [Achieving] this [goal] during education period is a very important task; follow up on this initiative. 293 00:33:30,400 --> 00:33:35,880 The esteemed minister [must] really go and examine in what state the SHAHAB initiative is 294 00:33:36,510 --> 00:33:38,620 and whether it is doing its job or not. 295 00:33:38,800 --> 00:33:42,250 However, the issue that in my opinion is a threat and menace [is this]: 296 00:33:42,370 --> 00:33:50,850 we have elements inside the country which are discouraging; be watchful [of this issue]; [and] officials must be watchful. 297 00:33:51,970 --> 00:33:58,400 How they are discouraging? They negate the assets [that the country has]. 298 00:33:59,540 --> 00:34:07,000 Now, scientific centers, which introduce indices of scientific progress in the world, 299 00:34:07,250 --> 00:34:09,970 are certain centers that are known to all of you. 300 00:34:10,740 --> 00:34:16,140 They bear testimony in favor of the Islamic Republic, 301 00:34:16,250 --> 00:34:20,080 [but on the contrary] these people inside the country, or in [their] newspaper and magazine 302 00:34:20,220 --> 00:34:26,280 or in official and unofficial tribunes, deny these achievements 303 00:34:27,850 --> 00:34:31,710 [and] consider them as illusionary, which I sometime hear [about this]. 304 00:34:33,310 --> 00:34:38,220 [But this] is not an illusion, it is a reality. Stem cells are reality, 305 00:34:38,450 --> 00:34:44,940 advanced nano[technology] is a reality, [and our] nuclear advances are reality; the entire world knows this; 306 00:34:45,280 --> 00:34:50,820 [but] these [few elements] deny all these [advances]. Now one day, about fifteen [or] sixteen years ago, 307 00:34:51,140 --> 00:34:56,940 if somebody denied this, it was not [much of] a problem [because at that time] the work had just begun, [and] they were not informed [of it]. 308 00:34:57,200 --> 00:35:02,540 [However,] today the entire world knows – I mean, those centers that must know, 309 00:35:02,910 --> 00:35:08,820 know – that Iran is advancing in a huge, [and] rapid movement 310 00:35:09,570 --> 00:35:13,940 on the road [toward acquiring] science and technology; 311 00:35:14,510 --> 00:35:19,710 the entire world knows this. [Therefore,] if some people take step to discourage our youths, 312 00:35:20,080 --> 00:35:23,680 both discourage [them] about the present and about the future, 313 00:35:23,910 --> 00:35:30,250 [and say that] “What is this good for? For who? For what?” these [remarks] are discouraging [and] are [tantamount to] treason. 314 00:35:30,600 --> 00:35:34,970 Anybody does this, it is treason. If an official does it, it is treason; 315 00:35:35,170 --> 00:35:37,310 if a [university] professor does it, it is treason; 316 00:35:37,540 --> 00:35:40,970 if a writer in a newspaper and magazine does it, it is treason, 317 00:35:40,970 --> 00:35:45,140 [because] it is [equal to] betraying the country, [and] betraying the national honor. 318 00:35:45,540 --> 00:35:51,250 Another threat [is this]: identifying the elite for foreign agents; 319 00:35:51,400 --> 00:35:56,020 this is also [a threat]. I have also received reports about this, [and] received news about this. 320 00:35:56,280 --> 00:35:59,680 They examine, search, [and] find the elites; 321 00:35:59,910 --> 00:36:03,940 not for the purpose of encouraging them, [and] training them inside [the country], 322 00:36:04,050 --> 00:36:09,220 [but] for foreign agents, to introduce [elites] to them, [and] become a middle link 323 00:36:09,340 --> 00:36:21,450 for immigration of the elite and, as is commonly said, [to facilitate] the “brain drain.” This is also [a form of] treason; this is treason; 324 00:36:21,620 --> 00:36:28,570 [and] even though it may take place under the guise of showing sympathy for this student, it is not [true] sympathy. 325 00:36:28,850 --> 00:36:33,740 [The fact] that we encourage a student and say, “Sir, what is here for you? Who pays attention to you? 326 00:36:33,740 --> 00:36:39,680 Who cares about you? Leave [this country and] go there, live [there], go ahead, [and] advance,” 327 00:36:39,680 --> 00:36:47,450 this is treason. This is turning one’s back on the country and the interests of the country and the future of the country 328 00:36:47,450 --> 00:36:50,280 and making an elite youth do this. 329 00:36:50,620 --> 00:36:55,340 One of the warnings to which esteemed ministers must pay attention 330 00:36:55,650 --> 00:36:59,420 is countering religious and revolutionary elements in universities. 331 00:36:59,740 --> 00:37:03,140 There are elements who are committed to the revolution, abide by [the values of] the revolution, 332 00:37:03,250 --> 00:37:11,940 abide by religious issues and manifestations of religion. If [there is anybody] among the officials [who counter these elements] 333 00:37:12,170 --> 00:37:15,940 - now there are various tastes among students themselves, and it is not a problem; 334 00:37:16,800 --> 00:37:22,050 there may be arguments among them, which is not important; [after all] it is university environment - 335 00:37:22,850 --> 00:37:31,650 [but if university] professors, [or] officials, counter such an element, [and] such a young person, 336 00:37:31,650 --> 00:37:37,080 [and counter] a boy or a girl who is committed and abiding [by religious issues], this is not acceptable. 337 00:37:38,770 --> 00:37:50,680 Faithful elements must be encouraged. At any rate, such problems do exist. 338 00:37:52,020 --> 00:38:01,400 The conclusion I want to reach after all this said is documented optimism about the future; 339 00:38:03,400 --> 00:38:09,600 not just in slogans, [and] not just [through] ranting; this is the reality. 340 00:38:09,820 --> 00:38:16,800 The future [outlook] of the country through divine assistance and through divine Grace, is a promising future. 341 00:38:17,250 --> 00:38:24,880 A multitude of youths of this country has among them many elites; 342 00:38:25,110 --> 00:38:30,850 now, most elites are [among] the academics, [but] there are elites in other sectors as well, 343 00:38:31,970 --> 00:38:36,310 who although are not academic, are elite in the true sense of the word, 344 00:38:36,770 --> 00:38:44,200 [and] can play a role. And these elites will continue their work, 345 00:38:44,340 --> 00:38:50,420 [because they] feel responsibility [to do so]. Thank God, the revolutionary goals and revolutionary slogans are alive, 346 00:38:51,510 --> 00:38:57,000 [and] the enemy has not been able to downplay the revolutionary slogans; 347 00:38:57,570 --> 00:39:02,970 [the situation is] such that [even] if there are people who do not approve of these slogans at the bottom of their hearts, 348 00:39:02,970 --> 00:39:07,970 they have to, for the sake of the public opinion, [and] for the sake of [winning] people’s heart and [to encourage] people’s participation. 349 00:39:08,110 --> 00:39:12,220 pay lip service to these slogans. Slogans are, thank God alive; 350 00:39:12,420 --> 00:39:19,280 the revolutionary movement is a living movement and this is among exceptions of history. 351 00:39:19,940 --> 00:39:27,340 We know of no revolution in the world, which in the course of 35 years [or] 40 years, 352 00:39:27,540 --> 00:39:34,540 despite all this opposition, [and] despite all this hostility, could have continued on its straight line and direct path; 353 00:39:34,880 --> 00:39:38,020 there is not [such an example among other revolutions]. 354 00:39:38,510 --> 00:39:46,250 Even big revolutions that you know in the world - now, I don’t mean these small-scale developments 355 00:39:46,450 --> 00:39:52,140 and coups and the likes of them, which they call revolution; they don’t count at all 356 00:39:52,570 --> 00:40:00,620 - and real revolutions that have taken place, have not been able to continue on their path; 357 00:40:00,940 --> 00:40:05,110 [and in most cases their] goals have changed. This is what enrages our enemies; 358 00:40:06,310 --> 00:40:12,970 this is why today - if you keep abreast of foreign news - 359 00:40:13,370 --> 00:40:21,310 you frequently hear that they say “as long as Iran is pursuing [the goals of] the revolution, 360 00:40:21,540 --> 00:40:23,650 we will have problem with Iran,” [and] they are right. 361 00:40:23,800 --> 00:40:28,970 And I add that as long as this revolutionary thinking and revolutionary movement exists, 362 00:40:28,970 --> 00:40:34,570 by divine assistance, Iran's progress, Iran's increasing influence, 363 00:40:35,420 --> 00:40:39,050 [as well as] Iran's grandeur, spiritual might and dominance 364 00:40:39,340 --> 00:40:43,450 in the region and beyond the region will, God willing, continue to rise on a daily basis. 365 00:41:05,280 --> 00:41:10,250 Thank you very much, it seems that this Takbir [the call of Allah is great] was meant to announce the end of the meeting. 366 00:41:11,940 --> 00:41:14,170 God willing, the Almighty shall protect you; 367 00:41:14,170 --> 00:41:22,220 God willing, all of your would be blessed beings for the future of the revolution 368 00:41:22,800 --> 00:41:27,510 and, God willing, thirty years from now, forty years from now, [and] fifty years from now, 369 00:41:27,880 --> 00:41:35,740 when this country would be run by you, [and] would be yours [to run], you would remember these days with honor 370 00:41:36,080 --> 00:41:43,110 that have been able to put you in this manner on the [straight] path and keep you steady, 371 00:41:43,250 --> 00:41:46,620 and may [the Almighty], God willing, bless you with a better future. 372 00:41:46,800 --> 00:41:48,620 Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings